New hero pics for new page
Here's a good up close pic of the two:
brb gonna go get me a vest like Xul
New hero pics for new page
Here's a good up close pic of the two:
He's always been listed as high. But D+W+W has never been any kind of skillcap at all.
He's right there with Raynor for stupid-easy heroes to do a lot of damage with.
Definitely much harder to be a good Jaina than a good Raynor or KT.
When I was testing a pyromaniac build it was fiendishly complicated - but not worth it as the pay off isnt there and living bomb is so powerful. If they fix that aspect to him, I would say he absolutely is harder to play than Jaina.
(Arcane Barrier also helps atm, and needs looking at - because it lets you get away with positioning fuck ups you shouldnt get away with).
You getting salty over QM losses that are beyond our control./aramlyfe
The better question is what's stopping you? "Best hero since KT" - Milly79 huehue
There's a couple articles on it you can check out Samurai. and
Raynor is a hero that shouldn't be as good as he is, simply because he's fucking braindead.
It's fine to have him at "fine for government work" level because he's a beginner character, but you don't want him showing up in Pro Play- he literally just stands there and shoots. Horrible way to show off the game.
Raynor is a hero that shouldn't be as good as he is, simply because he's fucking braindead.
It's fine to have him at "fine for government work" level because he's a beginner character, but you don't want him showing up in Pro Play- he literally just stands there and shoots. Horrible way to show off the game.
The Diablo 2 Druid would be an absolute blast, and the Paladin would be an absolute joy."
Holy shit that's a character I would not have expected to be at the front of the line.
True that. He's extremely boring overall. I don't even know how anyone could play him for long stretches of time.
In b4 Alur says "but you played KT to 20". At least KT is flashy as fuck and that regal walk is too good.
I play Raynor because he's so damn good. Like, it's satisfying as hell destroying people when they can't even get to me.
If we don't get "good" ranged burst heroes in the next 3~ heroes releases, I hope they not only get Raynor but that Jaina and KT both get nerfed. I guess Jaina less so than KT, but whatever it takes to have everyone else (who seem to be mostly on the same level) at an even par with Jaina and KT on value.
We can't go on forever with them being the main two ranged options like they have been since...well, KT came in the game. They singlehandedly hold down every melee assassin artificially by their position in the meta (KT especially due to chain bomb), and any sustained damage hero is for the most part moot when compared.
Really just KT disappearing from his 8~ month reign as unquestioned DPS champ and being a middle of the road hero because he needs to rely on Flamestrike or some kind of other combo with his stun as much as he does Chain Bomb. I mean, when you think about it, KT has been on top for longer than OP Stitches was and the QQ about that was immense.
I'm not saying I hate either hero. I enjoy them both. But wouldn't it be nice to tune into a pro game or get into HL and not have KT be one of the first 3 or 4 picks like he has been since implementation? Watching the Spring Championships and having sustain damage heroes/auto attack heroes (beyond Raynor) be the true "carries" instead of another tournament with KT and Jaina dueling? I think it would be a breath of fresh air.
Alternatively, they can just give us two more ranged burst heroes that are on that level so that there are options beyond fire and ice.
I don't like you. And even more so because you rejected me on bnet.
Ultimately, we need more mages, and healing needs nerfing a bit so that sustained damage actually works.
I don't think I got a friend request from you. Go ahead and send me it again so I can reject it.
Me watching ya'll talk in this thread
oh man just threw a game we've been losing for the longest time hard, but yes we were winning somehow at the end and threw. Didn't help that our Nazeebo trapped me with his ring![]()
Nazeepo pls indeed.
Diablo 2 Druid was my thing.
In hots it could be an hybrid to spec as assassin or tank, choosing you ultimate between bear and wolf form. A sort of offensive bear tank form with a spirit of barbs aura or a basic damage specced fury wolf form.
Diablo 2 Druid was my thing.
In hots it could be an hybrid to spec as assassin or tank, choosing you ultimate between bear and wolf form. A sort of offensive bear tank form with a spirit of barbs aura or a basic damage specced fury wolf form.
So wizard has a glass cannon talent that halves her health but vastly increases her damage - that's going to be fun! I love everything they are saying about her, particulary the designer who said she was a love letter to Fan, Chu8 and K1pro. We need more heroes designed with that really high skill cap.
Re the necromancer, an artist has mentioned working on graphical effects for bone spear and corpse explosion, so presumably they are talented options like the wizard (maybe the bone spear makes his scythe into a more conventional skill shot?)
Diablo 2 Druid was my thing.
In hots it could be an hybrid to spec as assassin or tank, choosing you ultimate between bear and wolf form. A sort of offensive bear tank form with a spirit of barbs aura or a basic damage specced fury wolf form.
lol what interview was this?Ha even the designer thinks Arth for Fan was a bad trade.
I think Dreamhack doesn't even have a HoTS tourney for this event. Gaemz ded