I guess my question for you would be this: If you're not occasionally shielding yourself or using the double shield, why are you in the middle of the fight now but you weren't pre-buff or even last Spring? I don't really see a reason to be there if the damage isn't there. Maybe you personally were, but that's not the way the majority of Rehgar's have ever played.
Rehgar's weren't there before when he was Q focused. They weren't there before when his feral lunge was an auto pick and did even more damage. So why now if the damage or healing gets nerfed?
I don't see what the tradeoff is. You're at a huge risk for dying cause you have no CC or mitigation and you aren't really doing much damage anyway, so why not play in the backline like before?
EDIT: Also lol, this is the best non-English name ever: Der Schlächter. Should change Butcher's name to that permanently IMO.
I don't speak the language so I assume several words can mean the same thing more or less. I'd switch to these names in a heartbeat doe and enjoy it for a bit.
Also, Google translate changes Funkelchen to Funk moose. Brightwing moose skin?
Like i want there to be meaningful and specific pros and cons for each support and for these to be pretty transparent
Since they arent changing qm i expect every new support to be able solo, but that doesnt mean they have to be great at it
Der Funke is spark, so Funkelchen or Fünkelchen would be spark(l)y imo. Moose is Elch so FunkElchen > Funk Moose.
Schlächter and Metzger are synonyms, Fleischhacker or Fleischhauer would also work. To kill an animal to be processed is called schlachten though.
You are the best. Is ez game ez lyfe universal or can we get the German version?![]()
I just went der schlacter -> the slaughter, which is incidentally the same technique i used in every spanish class ive been in (did not do well in spanish)
EDIT: LOL TLV on free rotation. Li-Ming's are at full mast.
Leichtes Spiel leichtes Leben, sadly I don't know much slang nor german 1337.
dats me!
are you sure it isn't Pech im Spiel Glück in der Liebe?
Pitch in play happily in love
At least let me get to 10 with her before that I'm already nearly lvl 9
I'm 9 1/2 myself. Rocking a 64% win rate.
The struggle to 10 is real.
The Rehgar Effect said:
Quick Match. The enemy is a premade 5-man with Rehgar and Li Ming. We have a 3-man, 2 soloes, and neither of the aforementioned heroes. Wrecked.
Quick Match. The enemy is a premade 5-man with Rehgar and Li Ming. We have a 3-man, 2 soloes, and neither of the aforementioned heroes. Wrecked.
I'm starting to think the biggest problem with Li-Ming is her W. It travels way too fast. 90% of the times I try to run to the side to get out of the way and I still get hit. There's just no counter play.
Who wants to play heroes tonight?
Been getting good with Li Ming, 50+ games in less than a week do that.
The Ketch has come back to the Nexus! I should be around tonight. Can definitely be around at some point if I knew when. And yes, /join ARAM. It's good stuff.
Dem plays doe. I bet they were salty.
Jeff Kaplan to Polygon said:Some of the other changes coming in custom games seem aimed squarely at competitive play, while others can make Overwatch ... just weird.
"We went crazy with the rule sets that we put in the players' hands," Kaplan said. "They can make it so they're not allowed to have Tracer, for example, or you can start a custom game where everyone has to play as McCree or Genji or Hanzo, and that's it. You can make it so there can only be one unique hero per game, meaning only one person per game can be Tracer or Zarya. You can set up one unique hero per team, or two ... We have a rule in there where every time your player dies, it randomly respawns you as a hero — you don't get to pick. We have a mode where you can turn hero-switching off if you want.
Pretty into zuna's want for heroes to be brought up to liming rehgar heights rather than them being brought into line w/ everything else
This is a fallacious way of thinking that's complete bullshit. You have to establish a line somewhere, and when people pop above it, you hammer them down.Pretty into zuna's want for heroes to be brought up to liming rehgar heights rather than them being brought into line w/ everything else
Heroes are being scaled differently. Zagara's baseline stats are better than other heroes, but she doesn't scale as well. Lunara scales better than other heroes, which is why she gets scarier late game.Agree w/ the overtuning, numbers, w/e, but id like for heroes to see similar relative power to lehgar w/ picks having more to do w/ specific kit differences. Loved what happened w/ the scaling changes, but wish it wasnt done across the board and instead on a case by case basis w/ the idea behind what the scaling changes were meant to do (more dangerous early game, less wiggleroom for mistakes, etc.)
I dont think it's fallacious, it's the design basis behind dota and id love to see it adapted to hots, not that i see it happening tho