Is Dreadnaught paying you to shit on Glau? /s
Hopefully I won't get dumped on too badly for asking, but here goes...
I really want to get that Genji skin for Overwatch. And I know I'm going to be pretty garbage at this game since I haven't played a MOBA since DoTA on Warcraft III pre-TFT. Would anyone want to power through 15 games with me at some point in the near future? I'd be down to play 30 to get you the HotS heroes (assuming everyone here doesn't already have them)
Best of luck! If you get no one on here there are other ways to get it done too.
/join nexuschallenge in chat
Check "looking for party" on the main screen
Invite some people and add them to your friends list before you start any games. You don't have to be friends prior, and new friends you add just for those games totally count. Just make sure the other people accept before you start.
I don't think Brawls count, but anything else does.
Most people power through Beginner AI games to do the 15, although I'm not sure how often that's still going on.
No worries man.
Hit up /join nexuschallenge in the chat
Tons of groups forming during the day time and prime time hours there. Just join, friend someone in the group, rush AI and get it done very quickly.
Hopefully I won't get dumped on too badly for asking, but here goes...
I really want to get that Genji skin for Overwatch. And I know I'm going to be pretty garbage at this game since I haven't played a MOBA since DoTA on Warcraft III pre-TFT. Would anyone want to power through 15 games with me at some point in the near future? I'd be down to play 30 to get you the HotS heroes (assuming everyone here doesn't already have them)
I should be on later tonight, arcstrike#1175
Nazeebo is fine tbh
Rag ptr today
It'd be nice if they just redid his whole kit, abilities and all. I know that will never happen, but yeah.
Rag ptr today
Im taking a guess but i expect higher lvl to pick up ice block more often too. He's a pretty straightforward character though with most of his power already there before talenting. Higher lvl might take moonfire more often too but i dont recall what the choices are at lvl 1
your guess is correct. Ice Block and Blink are 2 more talents that are considerable outliers.
Awesome. Reddit feedback in action. (A zerg rush in SC1 was 6.)Zerg Rush
Initial Zergling spawn increased from 3 to 6 Zerglings
That Blink jump is considerable, you're right. That seems...strange.
I've never understood picking Ice Block for any hero. Unless you get the whole kit dumped on you immediately and catch it all, you're still dead unless your team makes massive gains in the interim. Seems like such a backwards talent and I rarely see it work. It's more an annoyance than any real kind of preservation.
ITS BACKBloodlust (R)
Added functionality:
All affected allies now heal for 30% of Basic Attack damage dealt during Bloodlust
Vs a Zeratul, for instance, Ice Block is invaluable. Its definitely not one size fits all, and its better in coordinated play.At least in competitive Bolt TD is a devastating engage. Ice Block seems more about not dying to dive, not getting gusted away, it can be buying time for essential CDs, it's definitely a skill gap talent
This is huge.Shield Overload (Trait)​
Cooldown increased from 20 to 24 seconds
Activation threshold increased from 50 to 75% Health
Shield value reduced from 449 to 360
Nice.Level 7
Calamity (E)
Now only deals damage to Heroic targets
There goes a massive chunk of her passive play, which is actually good because she was amazing at everything. Going with free teleports plus calamity I felt bad dominating kills AND siege (even over siege characters) AND wave clearing for XP. Using it against heroes still poses a risky dive so it's nice as a cleanup maneuver at the end of a fight that didn't quite finish matters, but isn't a ridiculously strong tool that effectively makes her an assassin-specialist instead of just assassin. That said, is it really telling that they gave her this apparently without even considering the implications on minion and siege at no mana cost?Calamity (E)
Now only deals damage to Heroic targets
Developer Comments: Li-Ming’s Calamity is being used just as much as a minion-clearing tool as a Hero-killing tool, which was never the intention in her original design. By limiting this to Heroes only, it helps highlight one of her intended weaknesses which was low wave-clear potential.