What is the standard frequency of new hero releases and how far in advanced are they normally announced? I started playing around Samuro release and following him was the Varian/Rag Blizzcon announcement and their subsequent releases so I don't know how it works normally without Blizzcon announcements.
What is the standard frequency of new hero releases and how far in advanced are they normally announced? I started playing around Samuro release and following him was the Varian/Rag Blizzcon announcement and their subsequent releases so I don't know how it works normally without Blizzcon announcements.
Yeah, it would mean even more Warcraft heroes in a row, but I think it would be perfect if we got Vul'jin next followed by Zul'jin right after. Trolls for days!
I don't mind more Warcraft heroes unless there's some canonical hero we're missing from SC or Diablo. I can't think of anyone I'd rather have in game than (finally) a troll.
Lucio or Zenyatta :O
Too bad they've said that we're not getting any supports anytime soon :/
if u think of circles of influence in mobas it basically buffs your ability to move them around, lucio was also used to this effect in higher lvl overwatch (a lot in season 1), where the speed boost was like many magnitudes more valuable than the heal boost. it's different in a point and click game but a lot of the benefits still exist. and like ostensibly lucio would have an aoe for it. but yeah I agree that lucio is probably too much of a headache to adapt to hots atm
Fan is pretty buff why would he be a basement dweller? I was more surprised he had an online relationship.Wait Fan actually had a girlfriend? I took him for a basement dweller, good for him. So some other pro player is banging his girl, is that what I'm reading?