I don't see why he wouldn't get picked in HL. He's still a top 3-5 damage dealer with less defensive capabitlies.
dot based heroes would be fun
Zeebro and Lunara are enough bro
I play a lot of Morales and nothing makes me happier than putting Stim Drone on someone and watching them just... run away from the fight.
Added, down for some hero league
Are they ever going to add bans?
I'll keep that in mind for next time!
So no Xul tomorrow? That's kind of a bummer, he looks sick.
stim is pretty good to give that dude the extra run speed to get away.![]()
what's the over/under on bone armor cooldown? I'm gonna guess under 30 seconds and OP.
Everyone always disses the Lunara when I pick her ahead of Ming Ming. Trust me, you want me on Lunara over her.
She's also really hard to play, comes alive in the late game, and really really wants another slow on your team.Lunara is a beast. She was just so bad before her buffs that people still haven't quite on to the fact that she's unbelievable now.
Even OGN is picking ChoGall