Oh yeah finally hit 10 playing with daniel yesterday

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We just implemented a rule for team compositions in Quick Match that we previously detailed in last weeks blog on the current state of matchmaking in Heroes of the Storm. As mentioned in the blog, wed like to limit cases in which Quick Match teams will receive several heroes who fill unique roles, or have limited lane presence.
From now on, it will be very unlikely that you will encounter more than one of the following heroes on the same Quick Match team:
Lt. Morales
The Lost Vikings
As with all of the team composition restrictions weve implemented so far, parties can still bend this rule. This means that you may still see heroes like Abathur and Chogall on the same team if those players entered the queue as a party.
There are two other exceptions that are worth noting, as well:
If you are matched against a team that has two of the above heroes in their composition, such as Abathur and Murky, your team may also receive two of the listed heroes.
Auto-Select does not yet abide by the new restriction. This means that if you have one of the above heroes and an Auto-Select on your team, the Auto-Select may also become one of the listed heroes. Auto-Select support for todays new Quick Match restriction will arrive with a future patch.
I like how at lvl 10 you earn the right to take her pants off
Bunch of creepers man.
Are you like 12 years old? Its a joke, you don't have to leave the thread. Christ almighty people are sensitive.
Are you like 12 years old? Its a joke, you don't have to leave the thread. Christ almighty people are sensitive.
Played some games as Luna. I was doing well until everyone died.
I should probably stop playing qm and move onto Hero League. I'm sure it'll be better, but in my head all I'm imagining is getting flamed by my team constantly.
Or just stay in ARAM. Where the real winners are.
Been playing for close to a year and only just now discovered the grid you get to see when placing mines with abathur when holding the shift button.
Made it so much easier.
Pretty big rehgar changes in the pipeline
Snipe (Q)
Damage increased from 295 (+4% per level) to 310 (+4% per level)
Snipe Master (Talent)
Damage bonus per stack increased from 12% to 15%. This effect can still stack up to 5 times
Developer Comment: We are continuing to tune Snipe Master to make it a more attractive choice, assuming you are consistently landing your Snipes.
Lightning Shield (W)
Electric Charge (Talent)
Bonus to Lightning Shield radius decreased from 33% to 25%
Stormcaller (Talent)
No longer increases Lightning Shield duration
Earthshield (Talent)
Shield amount reduced from 15% to 12% of the target’s maximum Health
Ancestral Healing (R)
Cooldown increased from 80 to 100 seconds
Bloodlust (R)
Mana cost reduced from 125 to 75
Developer Comment: The initial round of Rehgar nerfs weren’t quite enough to bring his winrate down to a level that we think is healthy. We like that his base kit feels powerful, so we are aiming to reduce the synergy between his Lightning Shield Talents. We are also increasing Ancestral Healing’s cooldown to better reflect the healing power it brings to a teamfight. The Bloodlust Mana change is simply a quality of life improvement. Overall, we enjoy how Rehgar plays right now, and are excited to see him bring other Heroes, such as Illidan, back into prominence. With that in mind, we’re aiming to cautiously nerf Rehgar over time as we bring this Shaman in line with other Healers.
Healing needs to be very static on supports. If it isn't, you get exactly the problem you describe.I really don't understand the people saying his Q needs to be nerfed so that you have to make a choice between upping his damage or healing.
They have looked at his talent trees right? They do understand it's not possible to up his healing? Try as you might the only place you can 'up his healing' is at tier 13, and at that stage you don't have a choice - you are picking a healing talent no matter what!
Also, don't people realise that making him pick healing talents against damage talents is exactly what made him so dull last time around, and the entire point of his revamp was to stop that happening?
He's so well designed and people keep wanting to revert back to the old, flawed model of forcing people into healing talents over damage or utility talents.
Yes. Lightning Shield is really stupid right now in part because all the talents feed into each other.Their aiming to reduce the synergy of his talents........
The nerfs in this go around all make sense, nerf his q a bit to reassert (what i think is) his new identity, a comp-enabling support that works well in dbl support