So expensive. You're horrible! ;_;You can buy it for 100 packs
Made it home in time. Awww yeah.Alpha is shut down
What's this? The beta version?
Not the full PVE experience, no. I believe the plan was to have "The Arena" in later on in Beta that served as an intro to PVE. Just an area where the player could play against a random assortment of different decks. I assume that's still the case, but nothing has really been said about it in a while.Is PvE going to be in the beta?
Well, got logged in. No booster packs in my inventory is slightly disconcerting.
Codes haven't sent out yet =/
And game is already going down. Beta in full effect!
Haha, I'm not bothered one bit. I've been playing ESO since launch. If the game has to go down for a week for bugs, that's fine, lol. Especially since the game is live now.Some people, including me, cannot open packs. Probably they are fixing it right now.
yay, got my warrior stuff it seemsEU here.
are guilds and shit already in the game? never tried it before.
edit: oh, game is still down? stuck in the title screen i guess.
Server will be up at 18:00 GMT
My cousin wants to sell his Kickstarter Squire code.
If anyone is interested, PM me.
Also, is the client download supposed to hang so much.
Feels like i'm downloading with a modem again.
I downloaded the mac beta client this morning in about 5 minutes.
HexTCG ‏@HexTCG 26 Sek.
@Tekkano1 we are currently in scheduled maintenence. we'll update in a few minutes whether we're opening or extending.
I.. uhm.. :/
edit oh since it wasn't answered: Are there guilds yet, and does GAF have one?
HexTCG ‏@HexTCG 1 Min.
We're need to do a few final tests on some systems, so we are extending downtime 2 hours to 1 PM Pacific (20:00 GMT).
Any suggestion of what starter pack I should choose? I barely touched the alpha so I'm pretty clueless on what's best suited for a noob.
Edit: went with orcs.
It really comes down to the rares:
Dwarves - Ingenuity Engine, Droos Unstoppable Walker, Master Theorycrafter
Orcs - Gore Feast of KogTepetl, Tetalca, Orc Gladiator, Endbringer
Humans - Hero of Adamanth, Prophet of Lodegan, Lord Benjamin, The Wise
Shin'Hare - Onslaught, Mushwocky, Wretched Brood
So quickly boiling it down - Dwarves have one purely tribal card, as does the Shin'Hare deck and the Orcs. Humans have 2 tribal rares, which make it the least flexible deck. In terms of raw power, Orcs and Dwarves are a lot more reliable than Shin'Hare.
So those will be the most common picks. Dwarves and Orcs.
So I rarely played this during alpha, and never played Magic, lol
Anywho, my name in it is Skyhawk.
Out of four primals, in terms of Legendaries I got:
3 Rampaging Tarasque
3 Reginald Lancashire
1 Eye of Creation
1 Fist of Briggadon
Also, what is purple rarity, Kickstarter bonus?
Purple is alternative art
1x Rampaging Terrasque
1x Reginald Lancashire
1x Eye of Creation
1x Fist of Briggadon
1x Resurrection
1x His Majesty, King Gabriel
1x Angel of Dawn
2x Zombie Plague
1x Uruunaz
1x High Tomb Lord
1x Argus, Herald of Doom
2x Eternal Guardian