I'm not sure if people still play this, but they sent a code for a free booster pack.
Quote to see for mine:
Quote to see for mine:
I'm not sure if people still play this, but they sent a code for a free booster pack.
Quote to see for mine:
Extended art feature is now bought with gold instead of the revolutionary double back idea
Are double backs still coming? I didn't know they had anything to do with extended art. Also, source? I don't see anything on the website.
a detailed explanation on how EA cards will work
Read as "Electronic Arts Card" and went wtf
Test server starts today at 1 PM EST until 1 PM EST Friday..then it will come back up again for a huge stress test tournament on Saturday.
They also announced these features for Set 3 Launch:
Armies of Myth The third set for HEX: Shards of Fate is available for testing! Choose from 20 new champions, and over 250 new cards for honor and glory! Packs and starter decks can be purchased in the in-game store.
New Wheels of Fate rewards for Armies of Myth Roll your chests in Kismets Well to find the new Wheels of Fate rewards!
Chest Opening Players will now be able to open their chests from Shards of Fate, Shattered Destiny, and Armies of Myth!
Extended Art Zooming in on a card in the Card Manager will allow you to unlock a cards Extended Art! Cards that are unlocked can be toggled back and forth using the EA toggle in the upper right of the card.
Authenticator Players will be able to attach a Google Authenticator to their account. More details to come.
Gauntlet tournaments This new format of tournament allows a player to play sealed and constructed games on their schedule. When you win 5 games or lose 3 games (whichever comes first) your tournament is done and rewards are given based on your record.
Friends Challenge Players can now directly challenge their friends through the friends interface in chat to a best-of-three-games match.
So summary of this patch additions is:
Sealed AND Constructed async, Authenticator Support, Top X Cut Tournaments, Set 3, Shift, Prophecy, Allegience, Multi-Threshold Cards, 21 New Champions (including Multi-Threshold Champions), Chest Opening, EA reveals for Gold/Stardust, Banes, Updated Login Screen, Updated Starter Trials and Rewards (+ 4 new ones), 4 New Starter Decks (Even for new accounts).
Rather than a set 3 launch thread we should create a new detailed OT once the official release is stable. I think HEX has enough content at this point that even without dungeons, new players should be able to enjoy it. Especially if the new tutorial is good. The "F2P factor" will depend on Extended Art demand..but I expect that to be quite high anyways. People should be able to enjoy the game without spending money too if we include good tutorials for an arena winning deck.
Test server starts today at 1 PM EST until 1 PM EST Friday..then it will come back up again for a huge stress test tournament on Saturday.
So summary of this patch additions is:
Sealed AND Constructed async, Authenticator Support, Top X Cut Tournaments, Set 3, Shift, Prophecy, Allegience, Multi-Threshold Cards, 21 New Champions (including Multi-Threshold Champions), Chest Opening, EA reveals for Gold/Stardust, Banes, Updated Login Screen, Updated Starter Trials and Rewards (+ 4 new ones), 4 New Starter Decks (Even for new accounts).
If they officially launch the game without F2P hooks in it, this game is going to die a quick death. They HAVE to get free stuff from PvE in the game or it's never going to gain any traction. The reason why F2P card games are doing so well is because they have F2P hooks to get people into them in the first place.
It is still very unfortunate that we are past 2 years from the KS and the key draw of the game, dungeons, are nothing but concept
Gencon rewards finally coming in game
Can get them via tourneys, proving grounds and even arena
dungeon crawler affects the drop rate yeahhhhhh
Did anyone participate in the tournie on Saturday? I woke up a tad too late. Wondering if there are any impressions of Set 3.
You can play Set 3 on the test server even without the official tourney, just saying
Just downloaded this. I heard about it a couple years ago then forgot about it. Seems just like magic for the most part but that's only after playing tutorial and starter stuff.
I'm digging it. I bought some platinum but I'm not going to use it until I understand what I'm doing.
I see that you can get packs cheaper on auction but then miss the small chance of the super pack.
I haven't loaded this thing up in forever given the development hell hole it has been in. Have they fixed the client enough so that things actually work now? I think I submitted more reimbursement tickets for tournaments than actually finished a tournament.
Updated Starter Trials and Rewards (+ 4 new ones), 4 New Starter Decks (Even for new accounts).
What I'm wondering is whether I should hold off on playing at this point with this new patch coming soon?
Also, is it possible to trade the cards I have gained on this account to a different one after the patch releases?
So, I reinstalled this just to see what the status of my terrible investment was, and the place was a ghost town. 1 person in tournament queue for ANY mode. No sealed queue had started all day from the look of it. At least competitive drafts were firing earlier in the day. I sat in a draft queue that got up to 7 people for a little bit, then people started to drop.
And you still have to choose to either sit in the tournament queue doing nothing else but sit there or drop? Christ.
My favorite thing was the proving grounds window, that randomly shakes left to right a few pixels every couple seconds.
Drew this guy in draft, wrecking all sorts of faces, especially with powers shifted onto it :lol
That card has some boss motherfucking art! I need one.
That card has some boss motherfucking art! I need one.
Finally think this game is getting to a spot where it's reasonably fun to play for me. The gauntlet addition is huge and being able to open chests, have Arena and be able to sell some (albeit rare) PvE stuff for decent amounts of plat is pretty cool.
I will say that the chest loot tables are straight poo-cheese. I'm tempted to not open any more in case they 'fix' them later down the line.
What's this I read about getting plat for cheaper? Is it buying through 3rd party stores or what?
You can buy giftcards for a discount from places like Raise and then use them to buy plat through Gameforge. You usually can get a ~20% discount that way. If you go further and buy plat directly from a 3rd party source, you can get it for about 50% off.