What mulligan rule is Hex running with right now?
Hmm, I wouldn't mind seeing a single free mulligan worked in somewhere. It makes mulliganing less punishing, helps against mana issues and shuffling time isn't an issue.
To be fair, the first card game I got really into was Yugioh, and while I had fun playing the game, it also made me want to stay away from a lot of card games that didn't have systems in place to reduce luck beyond using tutor/search cards. Combined with playing pokemon starter decks when I was in elementary school, I became someone that really disliked mana systems similar to Magic.What are your favorite card games? Feel free to choose from both analog and digital!
The point of the mulligan system isn't just to help reduce the bad luck from bad draws, but to also punish you for in aggregate for bad deckbuilding.Hmm, I wouldn't mind seeing a single free mulligan worked in somewhere. It makes mulliganing less punishing, helps against mana issues and shuffling time isn't an issue.
I do hope they'll sell different board skins in the future. I don't like the default one. I would pay good money for a nicely textured desk lol.
Different board skins are already confirmed. It was a KS stretch goal. As far as CZE selling them, right now CZE has said that the only thing they'll sell is premium currency which is used for packs and tournament entry fees. That means that the board skins will likely be unlocked, rewards for accomplishing things, or even possibly loot drops.
VIP can be bought with platinum as well.They're selling VIP too though, right?
VIP can be bought with platinum as well.
Hey guys!, whats the best way to get a beta key for this. I really wanna play![]()
They're selling VIP too though, right?
From Twitter:
looks like alpha is Oct 8, beta before the end of the year. Game development is the hardest game of all. Sorry for the delay.
you'll receive your rewards at the beginning of open beta. you'll get your alpha invite via email used on KS or PayPal
you will get your alpha invite sometime this month, then rewards sometime during the beta. your paypal receipt is all you need
at this time. we are working on a timetable for Mac client and how quickly we can get that in parallel with Windows.
the emails are sent, so it depends on how long it takes to get there.
now that the CDN is upgraded, we're focusing on server load and stability. can't say anything for certain right now.
same URL. just on upgraded CDN so people aren't needing to "repair" the download. I was up and playing in less than 5 min today
From the Hex forum, Alpha Q&A
I'm really happy if we can get the beta before the end of this year
E: hope we get an update. Have heard anything in a few days...
This card seems broken for constructed:
Straight up REAL ULTIMATE POWER, there.
Don't get it, what is void supposed to do?
Removes all resources from your deck. Aka no more dead-draws late game.
On the downside, if there's land/resource destruction, you're fucked.
I get the impression there's not much in terms of land destruction / spell countering / milling from the thread about it on the hex forums, being that hex is still in its infancy.
You can seemingly make a very mana heavy deck with this card (like 50%+ resources) and then cast that guy, and get a slimmed down to a very precise deck, getting perfect draws nearly every time.
Yeah, not a ton of resource destruction exists.
He does seem really good, should be one of the more expensive rare cards going forward. His potential may not shine until next set. We shall see.
This card seems broken for constructed:
Straight up REAL ULTIMATE POWER, there.
This card seems broken for constructed:
Straight up REAL ULTIMATE POWER, there.
It is kind of cool in the sense that it's one of those things you could really only do in a digital space since you can't have people searching their deck for cards in real life.
What? Players do that all the time.
Oh really how does that work? Doesn't that give them knowledge of what is coming up?
They obviously have to re-shuffle their deck afterwards.
Oh really how does that work? Doesn't that give them knowledge of what is coming up? Is the deck considered the hand? I thought it was the stack you draw from.
I really do not want to complain about the balancing team, but this should not have survived the first indepth look at the abilities. I mean...someone brings the idea up, then it is dismissed. Unless there are downsides ( a card that throws all non-lands/non-mana cards from your deck until you find mana/land/whatever it is called?), this is just weird.
This (Mana Severance from MtG) seems even more OP to me, it only costs 2 mana, and lets you selectively remove any/all lands (so you could leave yourself with just one color, none, etc), so I guess this sort of this isn't as unheard of as I thought.
This (Mana Severance from MtG) seems even more OP to me, it only costs 2 mana, and lets you selectively remove any/all lands (so you could leave yourself with just one color, none, etc), so I guess this sort of this isn't as unheard of as I thought.
No update today thus far makes me sad.
Yeah I'll be very disappointed if we don't get anything today. Communication hasn't been stellar thus far, so I'm not holding my breath.
I don't know about that. Communication certainly hasn't been bad - they've managed to always have an update on Friday and, at least every day since alpha last week excluding Friday to possibly today, there has been an alpha specific update (and sometimes more than one per day).
As for the delays - those things happen in game development. I would rather they delay things than release a game in an unfinished state. They've also been very upfront in that regard too. I think they are learning to actually be less upfront when it comes to announcing their own personal deadlines until after they happen due to the delays that happen in game development - for instance, CZE said that they will most likely not announce when wave 2 will happen until after the invites have been sent in case delays do happen.
Compared to other Kickstarters communication has been stellar (and compared to game development in general it has been way above the bar for obvious reasons).
I think post-Alpha communication has been subpar. Just want a sense of what they're looking at and how they're feeling about stability, bugs, features, etc.
50$ tiers still not in?
Hopefully we'll get that this week - not necessarily promises like when the next waves or so will release (because we won't get that) but I agree that it would be nice for CZE to comment on that. With that said, the alpha just released this past Tuesday, so it's very possible that data is being collected and that data will be commented on this week.
Hopefully we'll get that this week - not necessarily promises like when the next waves or so will release (because we won't get that) but I agree that it would be nice for CZE to comment on that. With that said, the alpha just released this past Tuesday, so it's very possible that data is being collected and that data will be commented on this week.
Slacker backers or the actual $50 KS tier? In both cases, neither are in yet. According to the timeline CZE originally released, slacker-backers should be in in a few weeks (which means all tiers should be in within a few weeks) but things do change and the alpha as it is doesn't seem that stable at the moment. Granted, things have certainly gotten more stable over the few days though so it is improving.
True that. And I agree with the reluctance of giving out promises, I'd like them but I know they can't predict or keep them. All I want is like "hey we're working on this bug and stability is decent once the bug is fixed we'll evaluate waves" not just "I dunno".
Actual 50$ KS tier. Someone said that they had no real timeline and might add new tiers daily so I am just checking back. Thanks for the answer![]()
Yeah, I agree with that. I would really like to know where they feel they are at right now - whether or not the alpha followed their expectations in terms of stability, function, and whatnot or if it needs more work than originally thought. I will say that if we don't hear anything about that this week, then I will feel that the communication is lacking in that regard.
No problem! One thing to note is that the alpha is very much an alpha so you're not really playing the game so much as actually testing it. It is a very fun game and I think this game is going to be truly special with polish, but the alpha is definitely not stable enough to really enjoy it. When games do work, they are great though. The next wave, by the way, will be the $250 tiers, so based on that I think King tiers are next and they may even include one or two tiers below the King level so you may get in on the 4th or 5th wave.