Escalation is fun to play around with.
10/17 - 10:15 AM
HEX Alpha Patch version 812
General stability and crash fixes.
Framerate is now locked to 60 FPS.
Players will now get a pop up on server connection loss.
Added version number to patcher screen.
Midnight Shepherd was causing stability issues so has been temporarily removed.
Players can now chat while waiting on matchmaking.
Chat defaults on when entering a match.
Chat will automatically appear on the game screen when receiving a message.
Players can now correctly scroll through chat.
Chat window is moveable. It can also be resized by pulling the bottom right corner.
/whisper, /w, and /t now works to send private messages to other players.
Chat should no longer appear multiple times when switching lobbies.
User Interface
The client now remembers the resolution and sound setting properly from session to session.
Alpha_Collection no longer appears in the deck list.
Champion selection screen is now scrollable.
Proving Grounds player list now scrolls properly.
Added a Remember Me checkbox on the login screen.
Players can now paste into the login and password fields.
New Known Issues
Users may have to log out and log back in again the first time connecting to the update.
If the patch downloads each time you start the client please click the Repair Install button after completing the patch.
Game Victory/Defeat screen has a big purple circle.
So has anyone posted some ... gameplay impressions? Nevermind bugs and such, does it feel like the game systems are on the right track?
Patch notes:
They're also working on as general patch. Maybe Wave 2 contingent on this stability patch?
At one point I had my deck at four cards - and they were all Eternal Youth:40k life!?
It's a blast! I love card games, and this is certainly no exception. Lots of fun to be had for sure. Is there anything in particular you would be interested in hearing about in more detail?So has anyone posted some ... gameplay impressions? Nevermind bugs and such, does it feel like the game systems are on the right track?
At one point I had my deck at four cards - and they were all Eternal Youth:
So while I kept him locked down turn after turn with the ridiculous control offered by White/Black I just kept drawing and playing Eternal Youth, which is automatically shuffled back into your deck...
It's a blast! I love card games, and this is certainly no exception. Lots of fun to be had for sure. Is there anything in particular you would be interested in hearing about in more detail?
I see alot of bitching about escalation; however from your description it seems that control is the issue and not so much the escalation itself.
I don't know if control is really too much of an issue. The issue is that dumb card that removes all resources from your deck, it leaves you with a really small hyper efficient deck. Add in that 2 cost artifact that allows you to reshuffle cards into your deck and you have some really strong top decks.
I think any good Ruby/X aggro deck should be able to handle it fairly well. Toss in some resource destruction and you've nailed it. Control decks don't have nearly as much power when you're not top decking something useful every single turn.
I'm still in my break all the cards mode (bug testing), I think I'll make some decks that are actually competitive this weekend and try them out.
I don't think it will be a huge issue when the format is complete, but regardless, Demented Demolisher is the problem here, not Escalation (or control). Without Demented Demolisher, making this deck work would be a lot more difficult, and it would effectively negate the ridiculous shit you can do with Escalation.
Hi HEXers. If you're following along on Twitter and on the Alpha forums, you know that we had a successful patch yesterday to resolve some problems. You can read our patch notes here.
Our engineers are gathering data and monitoring the servers, as well as working on the next patch.
Break Our Stuff
For you backers in the alpha, we're asking for your help to stress test our AI server today (Friday, 10/18) 5 PM to 5:30 PM Pacific. That's Los Angeles time for you international backers. Please, come in and Play AI games. If you want to break stuff and you're not yet in the alpha, we will have plenty of stress tests coming in the future.
When Do I Get In?
Currently, only Grand King through Producer are in the alpha. So far, things look good with the patch. Each day, we're closer to getting the second group of invites into the alpha server. The number one goal of our engineering team is to get the servers, client ready for the next batch of users. As soon as we can do so safely, we will. Clearly there are many questions still up in the air-- the stress test, for one-- to which we need answers before we can project a date.
We genuinely wish we could give you a date to expect invites. To be able to project that far in the future with reliability would be an incredible super power. The fact is, when we put out information like a date or time, people make decisions based on that information. Fans on Twitter have asked me when they should request time off of work in order to play HEX. It makes us happy that our fans continue to be so devoted to the project, and it inspires us to continue working as hard as we can. But, we can't lead fans astray by giving fuzzy dates and then have those fans make real-world decisions based on that information.
As we get the kinks out of the hardware and client, as there are fewer variables in our development, we'll be able to more reliably communicate timeframes and information to you. So, you'll see more information coming from us as we get through the project. This is just a time where many things are unknown and pieces are "connected on a string," so to speak, events in the future defining other events further in the future.
Now, A Note From Cory
Hi Everyone! So I wanted to jump in and let you know that we have some exciting news coming next week, and before the inevitable what it all means questions come up, let me say: Is important for Cryptozoic to know what you dont know.
I have seen to many projects fail because the group in charge thought they knew it all. Well, we dont know it all, and if we are going to set ourselves up for success we need to make sure we have every possible issue thought through with a solution in place. So stay tuned, and expect me to give you all the details after the announcement.
To be able to project that far in the future with reliability would be an incredible super power.
Yeah, if I get my King invite by the end of November, I'll be happy... I guess...
And ugh at the crazy people taking off work for an alpha invite.
Who cares about card balance?
Anyone trying to balance the card sets at this point will just end up looking dumb. Alpha is not for testing, nor balancing the cards. Let's forget that there are over 70 cards in the basic set that haven't even been implemented yet.
Stop giving the devs problems over the cards and let them focus on making the game. You don't think that the studio hasn't tested both Escalation and DD decks?
Last update from KS
we are actively trying to fix the things we have found that create show stopping events, we are working hard on it and we are getting close, as soon as we have this figured out we will bring in more people, it should be soon
I don't think any studio is anywhere near as exhaustive in finding exploits and flaws from card combos as the actual players, and I'd say this is true of any multiplayer game. That said, DD seems like a simple enough thing to test, being that it seems obvious one would use it to remove all resources so you can top deck escalation. So maybe that combo is not going to get nerfed, guess we'll see in due time.![]()
I agree. No Dev team is ever perfect in catching all of the broken cards or combos before release. Players always find something, so I don't consider it a flaw of CZE not to have found it in internal testing.
The real test is how they respond once something is determined to be utterly broken, or sitting on the threshold of being broken. Ban? Restrict? Change? Put out a direct counter in the next set? Do nothing? The response is way more telling than releasing it in the first place.
Its a very interesting situation. I'm actually not sure if I like the idea of changing things that are broken. Like, banning or restricting I get, but "patching" a card rubs me the wrong way...
Its a very interesting situation. I'm actually not sure if I like the idea of changing things that are broken. Like, banning or restricting I get, but "patching" a card rubs me the wrong way...
They've already said they'll ban, not nerf cards.
They'll patch a card if it's mechanics aren't working as they expected (a bug), but they won't change a card's stats/abilities after it has been released.
Cards are already changed, why they cannot change other cards during alpha?
I understand banning new cards when the game actually come out but now alpha is done for this thing too
They've already said they'll ban, not nerf cards.
They'll patch a card if it's mechanics aren't working as they expected (a bug), but they won't change a card's stats/abilities after it has been released.
Nerds who spend lots of money on cards are scary, and not a group of people you want to make angry.That is really their stance going forward? Weird, given how easy stuff is to modify in a digital game.
Nerds who spend lots of money on cards are scary, and not a group of people you want to make angry.
That is really their stance going forward? Weird, given how easy stuff is to modify in a digital game.
Tweaking cards after they're released (and people have paid money for them) puts people in a state of constant fear and destroys any ability you have to get people invested in their collections. Taking the stance of leaving cards locked after they're released is absolutely the right thing to do.
Tweaking cards after they're released (and people have paid money for them) puts people in a state of constant fear and destroys any ability you have to get people invested in their collections. Taking the stance of leaving cards locked after they're released is absolutely the right thing to do.
How is this better than banning cards? Tweaked, they're at least still playable and not completely worthless. Or am I missing something?
Bannable only in regular tournament. If you want to use it with friends you can
Why would you spend money on PvP cards and not want to play tournaments? And who cares if the cards are tweaked if you're only playing friends?
Trust me, don't bother questioning the logic - it won't get you anywhere. Long story short, collectors don't like having their stuff fucked with. They paid for what's on the face of the card, and changing that is what makes them angry. They might not be able to play it in competitive ranked formats, but that doesn't matter - it's about having the card.Why would you spend money on PvP cards and not want to play tournaments? And who cares if the cards are tweaked if you're only playing friends?
Yeah, it's definitely more in-depth. Hearthstone is a neat little game, very easy to pick up an play, and it can be a lot of fun - but there's not a whole lot to it. Hearthstone is to checkers as Hex and Magic are to chess.This seems so much more complicated than Hearthstone, not saying that in a bad way
This seems so much more complicated than Hearthstone, not saying that in a bad way
How is this better than banning cards? Tweaked, they're at least still playable and not completely worthless.