Rolling Girl
Why doesn't this version of the game come with voices? Ugh.
MangaGamer is not exactly rich and they didn't pay Alchemist for their sprites either so that's mostly the reason.
Why doesn't this version of the game come with voices? Ugh.
MangaGamer will make fat bank off Higurashi on Steam and they can use Alchemist's PS3 sprites and voice acting for an Umineko Steam release.
Cannot say it in red...
I'd like to get voice acting, but I guess having several well-known VAs in it means licencing rights wouldn't be cheap at all. We've got a while to go before Higurashi's done, though, so at least that'll probably give them some prep time to arrange things for Umineko if they end up releasing it.
It's probably super expensive. Voice acting studios often demand 100s of thousands of dollars for the rights. It's easier to MangaGamer to make a mod friendly game and let fans patch it for them.
Alright, I just finished the game. Whew, that was quite a ride, although the anime does prepare you for it.
The most interesting bits that I got from the visual novel were:
- The conflict within Keiichi, the part that wants to believe his friends and the cynic side that trusts no one;
- Also, another conflict within him, the part that is still sane and wants to come up with a logical explanation, while there is the other side where nothing makes sense and everyone is a danger to him;
- Why no cleaver? Axes are ordinary, does that mean there will be no cleavers in MangaGamer's release?
I can't wait for chapter 2. Also, 10.7 hours of playtime, I guess I took my sweet time with it, even though I read all TIPS andthe after-party.
That avatar isn't Rika well not fully anyways.
I didn't realise you hadn't read the VN yet, your Rika avatar threw me off - the ride continues to get better and better! The tips give you such a lot of backstory that you simply don't see in the anime, especially in the later episodes. Having only played the first five episodes (because I've given up hope of the remaining three ever getting released on the app store in english,) episodes 1-3 are my favourites because of how thick the atmosphere and mystery surrounding everything is. Chances are I'll probably pick Kai up at some point to complete the story and get some closure
And no, as far as I'm aware there are noin the Mangagamer translation.cleavers
I just finished this last night. I had to take a break whenshowed up for the first time. Even though I always felt this unsettling undertone throughout the whole thing, I guess I wasn't prepared for it. Anyways, overall I enjoyed it; Very suspenseful, though it takes forever to build up.yandere eyes
Also,it feels like every little thing said is foreshadowing, which explains why I thought the whole thing was unsettling.
It would've been terrifying with detailed CG and voice acting. Can't wait for the second chapter.
MangaGamer is not exactly rich and they didn't pay Alchemist for their sprites either so that's mostly the reason.
So I guess odds of Ryukishi letting us release our fan translation of Ougon Musou on steam are bad, heh.
Oh good. I had these on my iPad but then they stopped making them.
I don't think it's up to him more than it's up to Alchemist.
So I guess odds of Ryukishi letting us release our fan translation of Ougon Musou on steam are bad, heh.
I don't think it's up to him more than it's up to Alchemist
It still warms my heart how excited he was to see it in English. I think Alchemist might be a little less happy about us hacking their game, though.
Maybe you can start a publisher and use the english localization you worked with.Hire me as your PR.
The only lawyer-friendly way would be asking Ryukishi or whoever for the rights to use the character names and their designs, and making your own take on the game, or maybe work on your own fangame and ask Ryukishi for approval once the development's farther ahead. It's a gamble that relies solely on getting the IP holder's favor, though.
I kinda want to watch the anime, but I feel like it'll spoil the experience of reading the VN.
Waiting for new chapters is going to be brutal..
I have one beef with the game: the localization is not very polished for such a small visual novel. There are more than a few typos, not to mention when signs skip or the sprites aren't aligned (this doesn't happen that often, though).
I feel like Q/A didn't make a good job.
These problems also seemed to get worse the further I got when I played them on my phone. Later episodes have whole pages of text that aren't translated, for example, and I think the scenario skip option in (I think) episode 3 isn't translated either. The translation is on the whole pretty awful. It feels like a machine translation at times.
Oh, the phone version is a mess. This one is better, but it's still not quite there where I feel this series deserve.
Ran into some instance of text censorship towards the end
kill, killed, die and whatever this word is
bug? intentional?
I've asked MG but they haven't responded yet
Ran into some instance of text censorship towards the end
kill, killed, die and whatever this word is
bug? intentional?
I've asked MG but they haven't responded yet
Ran into some instance of text censorship towards the end
kill, killed, die and whatever this word is
bug? intentional?
I've asked MG but they haven't responded yet
Someone went through japanese script and found outI've found a glaring account of text censorship.
Rika does not say "Nii-pah~☆" once.
Higurashi (Retranslation) TL: Watanagashi at 20.1%
We need this. It could be the fuel to get Umineko an official release.
Glad to hear it's doing well for them. I hope we can get a date for Chapter 2 soon.
I wonder when they started Watanagashi, but if they're just at 20% then it means we'll have to wait two months at the very least, I believe (for TL, TLC, editing and finally QA, and that's before even submitting it to Steam).
I wonder when they started Watanagashi, but if they're just at 20% then it means we'll have to wait two months at the very least, I believe (for TL, TLC, editing and finally QA, and that's before even submitting it to Steam).
Watanagashi has been under translation since like mid 2014. Or at least it's been on MangaGamer's project status page since then. And that hasn't been updated since the beginning of the month. The editing and technical work for Onikakushi took forever. These chapters are too long for a company like MangaGamer to release quickly. I'd be surprised if we got more than 2 or 3 chapters the rest of the year.
I'd be surprised if we got more than 2 or 3 chapters the rest of the year.
Well I could be wrong, but I don't really see any reason to expect the translation and editing to drastically change its pace. At least the engine work is done.Shame. That pretty much probably means I'll never end up checking out the series, after all.