I love how this game looks but i have no concepts of where i've been or where i'm going.
Im getting to random levels and unlocking the names after doing the various challenges. i'm trying to find all the eyes on the various levels. What's the other number that is always displayed under the amount of eyes you have found?
How many levels are there? How do i know when i'm done?
I love it but i wish the structure was a little more... structured.
When you unlock new screens it will open a portal back to that screen from the home area. If there is no snake circling the home portal then you should go back to that area.
On the pause screen the two numbers that pop up are how many eyes you have on that screen (e.g. 5/8) and how many total eyes you have in all levels (e.g. 52/146). There are 146 total eyes but you don't need them all to finish the game or for any trophies ().they just unlock a final, optional snake-guy
There are 16 friends to unlock, 15 others are required to get the credits.including the optional eye-guy
Very useful map made by another GAFer here, Doomburrito7. I believe it doesn't have the transitional screens between main screens but should help a lot (spoilers of course).
this is how I feel
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but I believe this works:
From the main popnut forest screen with the eye guy, go into the left of the three portals near the bottom. You should be able to get to the wedding screen from there, and then to the kite festival from there. If you have the wedding portal open in the main hub, you should be able to warp straight there and then into the kite screen. Let me know if this doesn't work.
I finished the game but still have no idea what this means. Any clues?including the optional eye-guy
I finished the game but still have no idea what this means. Any clues?
I had just found it. Thanks.Hint:Go to the main popnut forest area, where the three portals are. It's the main center portal from the black home screen. Look for a guy with paint... Let me know if you want more explicit clues.
Does anyone know if there is a way to zoom out?
I'd love a wider view occasionally
I had just found it. Thanks.
Now to finish in under an hour. Excellent game.
Good gosh thatI had no idea what the hell to do for almost an hour and a half and then I randomlypool party level.flew through the gap to the dead/alternate reality and was like WTF!!!!!!
I'm enjoying this game so much. The animations, graphics and music are incredible. And I love how it plays, the little abstract puzzles that tell such great little stories.. it's wonderful.
It looks great on PS4, but feels at home and looks something special on Vita's OLED.
It sucks I heard it being described as a screen-saver on some podcasts.. John and Garnett podcast! <shakes fist>
Amazing game. Glad the error has been fixed and I can finally play on PS4.
Just finished the game, but haven't collected all of the eyes. There's one level in particularthat I almost feel like I don't have a chance at finding them all.the lost woods?
Also, a weird thing happened when I was trying to get my last friend. In the levelI had not idea what was going on, and after a really long time, the music completely cut out. I tried going to another area, but the next area never loaded. It just stayed on a black screen for a few minutes until I quit out of the game completely. When I reloaded it, I was back in the same level, onlywhere the guy makes the pottery and you break it,. No idea what happened there, or why something didn't trigger.the guy had made a giant vase, and of course I found my friend after that.
Anybody know if there is anything to unlock or do on the Farm level? It's the one that is just vertical and you can pick up the fruit to change the season. I can't figure out if there's anything more to do.
Clue? I spent ages just going up and down collecting fruit and changing the colours...There is more to do.
Actually, what you did is probably what you're supposed to do. Much like in RPGs where you give someone an item, and they tell you to come back later to pick something up... only this game doesn't tell you to come back later.I had a similar experience with the.pottery level. After breaking the pots, i had no clue how to progress so i left the level. When i came back, the giant vase had appeared. So i'm not sure what sequence of events is needed to finish that scene. Maybe it has a bug.
I feel like I need a guide for this game. I have no clue what to do in half the levels.
Unfortunately, that section appears to have some RNG. Took me VERY long to get it this last run. I ended up 20 minutes over an hour, not just because of that section.
This appears to speed up the process.Try planting and harvesting some fruit using the wooden frames near the top and bottom.
This happened to me as well, except playing it on my ps3. Can't understand why, but I guess more trophies is always welcome, right...?So no-one else has two trophy lists for this? After playing on my Vita for a couple of days, I finally managed to boot up the PS4 version last night. I synced the save, continued and I got my fourth trophy. But it's listed in seperate list, on its own!
No matter: this is striking video game art and design, a game that builds on no particular tradition, instead forging its own path, borrowing style and ideas from a range of media. There's a bit of drug-tinged 1970s children's animation here, a little Katamari Damacy oddness there, a layer of 20th-century Disney invention everywhere else (the crows that flap like umbrellas opening and closing could have been lifted straight out of a Dumbo dream sequence).
The effect of the game's soundtrack shouldn't be underestimated, either. It swings from hyper-cool French electro to post-apocalyptic M82, altering the tone of a scene with unusual swiftness. One scene is a giant water park, filled with tiny people in rubber rings, splashing happily under the sun. Fly through a mountain pass and the scene switches to some unspecified future date, the park now derelict, the sun diminished, the music a sorrowful lament to a bygone time.
Did this transition screen remind anyone of Patapon?
Desert was super weird, it keeps on going forever if you go to the right and keeps on having NPCs. Reminded me of the library in Neverhood.
Is there any secret to the desert? I was sorta bummed that's all thewent tosecret portal
Is there any secret to the desert? I was sorta bummed that's all thewent tosecret portal
You only have to get one character to visit the ice cream vendor.There's a trophy for you if you get all the characters to visit the ice cream vendor.
There's a trophy for you if you get all the characters to visit the ice cream vendor.
It sure is!The level Constance with the monkeys and bullet hell boss battle was awesome:
This game charms the pants off me. Even more so than the recent Rayman games. Smiles all around.Not enough people are talking about this game. It constantly makes me smile.