I went and read the review, and if that was her first big review then she has a good reviewing future ahead of her. I thought it was fairly well-written, and explained exactly why she thought it fell short. It does contain some light story spoilers though.
Her general complaints seem to fall into four categories:
- The main missions are full of claustrophobic corridors and repetitive arena battles, which negates the positives of free traversal in the world.
- The side content is full of generic RPG missions like fetch quests and "kill x creatures" that are uninteresting and repetitive.
- She feels Aloy's character never really develops, and constantly falls back to a generic "sarcastic hero".
- She says the narrative's momentum fizzles out about halfway through, leaving you to push on for several hours more, a la Wind Waker, until you finally reach the end.
I don't know, I have some issues with the review itself. A review of a review if you will.
The person did not like the game, holding that opinion should be uncontroversial. Everyone is entitled to feel a certain way. However, in the case of a professional review that goes up on teh metacritic, I think there is merit in discussing whether a particular review was 'fair or unfair' to a particular game. It's a controversial thing to declare someone's opinion 'unfair' but I think reading the review this is my conclusion.
The main takeaway I had from the criticisms are that 1. the reviewer didn't like Aloy and the story and 2. it's an open world game with open world game conventions
1. is difficult to really take issue with. Stories are very subjective. The reviewer called it c-tier sci fi, I guess I'll just have to see when I play the game myself. One criticism I thought was unfair was regarding the character of Aloy helping out others. The reviewer did not think it made sense for her to help out others given her outcast status. Uh, why is this an issue at all let alone a big issue? If you're an outcast I would imagine a longing to rejoin society. Helping people out seems like a fair method to accomplish this. This just comes off as contrived criticism.
Regarding 2. I It was claimed that the game is a boring grind because it has hunt and fetch quests. I mean come on, really? Two examples for bad side quests are given, one where you find a special weapon and another about finding someone's missing daughter and saving her from a robot alligator. Seems to be a typical set of quests that can serve to flush out the world. I'm left uncertain of what a 'good' side quest would entail and how Horizon could have meet those expectations.
As for the other criticism, that the main game is a linear arena fest, I watched many hours of streams on this game and know quite a bit. Never witnessed anything close to this. Trying to understand this criticism, my guess is that certain main quest areas are designed with a certain progression in mind like the caldrons. I don't know, taking issue with this doesn't make sense. In open world games there's always going to be handcrafted sections for points of interest. Why is this bad? You can take buzzwords and spin something any way you want. 'pointless' 'eye-rolling' 'cookie cutter' 'bland', these were some of the labels present in seemingly every other sentence.
One thing that stuck out for me is that little effort was made to present positives for the game. The game is an action rpg with an emphasis on action and nothing was spoken about regarding the action. The gameplay mechanics, the robot designs, enemy variety and encounter design, hell even the graphics which are an amazing achievement only got a single statement. How could you take the biggest part of this game and not speak to it at all in favor on shitting on standard open world side quest design? This to me is an indicator of an unfair appraisal.
As for anything else, there's really not alot to the review. It's short and says how the reviewer felt but little in the way of a justification for these feelings. The content of the review focused mainly on giving an impression on story elements from Aloy to side quests barely anything on gameplay. Unfortunately, I was left wondering if this was an attempt to garner exposure from 'my first big review' than a fair judgement of Horizon. I give the review 2.5 out of 5