is there a way to remap the lock-on button?
Win 8 problems? Please tell me more.I hope today's patch fixes Windows 8 problems.
Win 8 problems? Please tell me more.
is there a way to remap the lock-on button?
God I hope so. Middle mouse is the worst.
Game Update - November 5
The following updates have been made to the game. If you encounter any additional issues please email a description of the issue along with your system specs and OS to [email protected].
Gamepad support has been enabled. Make sure you have installed the newest drivers for your xbox controller before using this feature. You'll find them on Microsoft.com, just follow the link below
To disable the gamepad correctly (if you want to go back to mouse and keyboard) you might need to first switch the controller to OFF in the option menu AND restart your computer, otherwise the game might run with a small but constant slowdown until you do so.
Remapping the keys now works with arrowkeys as well.
Most reported bugs have been fixed. A slowdown problem and a bug with people getting stuck in stairs/elevators are still things we are looking into. If you encounter these, try running the game in 1280x768 which is the game's optimal resolution.
Note: We have noticed that that the bugs mentioned above have a tendency to accur when playing the game with windows running on a Mac and that should be taken care of with the Mac version of Hotline Miami that will be out soon.
A bonus stage Highballer has been added, which will be unlocked when you complete the mainstory.
Additional environmental graphics.
More gore with the Jones mask now has additional graphical effects.
Additional sound effects.
The pot of boiling water has been updated.
More randomly placed weapons.
First and second boss battles slightly modified.
Guys, what is the Rip and Steal mask meant to do?
Can someone check if the Win 8 issues are fixed, please?
New level is meh.
According to the HM Twitter account the map was made by http://fantasticfest.com/arcade, which may explain the lack of quality. Also confirms that there's "no story or scoring, it's just for murder!"
Have you guys noticed throwing boiling water on a dog turns it into a white suit guy? For some reason I think that's great.
Um, why is that great? It's clearly a glitch.
Because it feels like I'm tripping, maaaaan! You're asking that like I'm not aware of it being a glitch in the haystack of glitches.
Press A/D (or whatever you set as WASD) for left/right in that sub menu, not the arrow keys. It's a bit wonky like that in some other menus as well. Gamepad support works fine but the game's infinitely more playable with the mouse imo.Anyone able to get the gamepad support working? I go to the option but yes is not selectable in the menu and yes I have the latest drivers.
Press A/D (or whatever you set as WASD) for left/right in that sub menu, not the arrow keys. It's a bit wonky like that in some other menus as well. Gamepad support works fine but the game's infinitely more playable with the mouse imo.
What are the collectibles everyone is talking about? Are they pretty easy to find without a guide? If not, anyone have a good guide? I may play through it again to reveal more story stuff.
You'll have to use the owl mask to see the puzzle pieces.
Have you guys noticed throwing boiling water on a dog turns it into a white suit guy? For some reason I think that's great.
You could check.Can someone check if the Win 8 issues are fixed, please?
It's basically one big room with a couple of toilet stalls.New level is meh.
There are masks to collect (most awarded for highscore, some found in the levels themselves) and secret puzzle pieces to get an alternate ending, one hidden in each chapter. I think they're easy to find once you know what you're looking for and making a conscious effort of it. Wearing Rasmus also helps to make them stand out visually, at least a bit.What are the collectibles everyone is talking about? Are they pretty easy to find without a guide? If not, anyone have a good guide? I may play through it again to reveal more story stuff.
Just beaten this and I'm trying to find all the puzzle letters. The key-arranging seems to be bugged as all hell, they seem to set themselves randomly, even if I try them in every single spot...
Also,I really liked you could just kill mask guy, that was pretty crazy. The two guys at the end I presume are the two devs, right?
Ending related question:I finished the puzzle before I beat the game for the first time. Is there any way to get the normal ending after you finish the puzzle? I can't disassemble it.