Same here. I always get zero for flexibility as well.Played it a bit this evening, and I really like it. I just finished April of 1989 and am moving into May. I like that it's pretty open in how I go about killing everyone. Sure the game says to be careful when using guns because they alert guards, but I said screw it in one level, and just went with my machine gun. Got a nice quintuple kill for my troubles.It's nice that the game encourages players to give some thought as to how they go about taking down enemies.
Anyone know how I score flexibility, and what it's for? I always get zero on that at the end of a level.
So what does everyone think about the fact that you can skip every level by loading the chapter and then quitting out? I don't know why, but this particular glitch really annoys me.
It's a glitch that will be fixed (if it hasn't already for the upcoming patch), it's not a major issue that destroys the game forever.
Have the devs stated somewhere that they are working on a fix for that? As far as I know, I'm the only person who ever mentioned it.
Have the devs stated somewhere that they are working on a fix for that? As far as I know, I'm the only person who ever mentioned it.
Hotline Miami ‏@HotlineMiami
@DagsJT Yes, thank you though! Working on it.
music is fantastic. definitely worth looking up those artists. apart from moon linked in the OP there's also
any others?
music is fantastic. definitely worth looking up those artists. apart from moon linked in the OP there's also
any others?
Soundtrack of the year.
Game of the year.
So visceral. Any reason no one ever mentioned in the previews that it's made by the serious sam people? Might get it more exposure idk
I think it's published by the Serious Sam dudes, not made by them.
Has the full soundtrack been released anywhere?
Yeah it was published by Devolver Digital, not developed.
That last tweet was brought to you by EA's amazing new Medal of Honor: Warfighter™ 10/10 #YOLO #teamfollowback #bonerz
I'm tempted to buy it. That soundtrack alone is worth 60$
Any info who did soundtrack ?
I'm tempted to buy it. That soundtrack alone is worth 60$
Any info who did soundtrack ?
The game itself is by Jonatan "cactus" Söderström and artist Dennis Wedin as Dennaton. Despite being around forever, it's actually cactus's first commercial game and I'd always assumed he was perfectly fine working on his experimental games, but he seems to be really proud of Hotline Miami.
I wonder if this will be a turning point for cactus and we'll start seeing more commercial work he's involved in. Probably depends on how successful Hotline Miami is.
Good to your ban was lifted quickly, by the way.
Didn't Cactus make something for Adult Swim?
Not exactly commercial but I assumed it was financed in some way.
The thing with this game is that it is so intense, all the time, that you might not be able to handle long playsessions. I found it really hard to play this game for longer than an hour, for example, because it just got too much for my nerves to handle.Just been twiddling my thumbs, waiting for the game to go live on Anyway, I'm pretty sure my night's going to involve a lot of drinking and a lot of this game.
The thing with this game is that it is so intense, all the time, that you might not be able to handle long playsessions. I found it really hard to play this game for longer than an hour, for example, because it just got too much for my nerves to handle.
Different strokes of course.
Honestly, that's probably my favorite thing about it. I played like an hour after some relentless drinking, and by the end of it, I was freaking the fuck out... In a good way.Yeah it gets too you after awhile. Might play some more tomorrow.
I think so. You should be able to know what level your on based on your scores I think. It should display your score for each level/chapter.Continuing a game is weird.
You can either start a new game entirely or go to level select. So, in level select you would think the level you are on is the most recently unlocked one. But, I finished chapter 3 (I think) and chapter 4 AND 5 are unlocked instead of just 4, so one would thing to start on 5 and would end up skipping an entire chapter. Very strange, a bug maybe?
I don't see how a controller can be sufficiently responsive for this game. For example, bursting into a room I had to swing my weapon three times in a split second to take out the enemies inside, with any delay or mistake resulting in death.
The travel time of a X360 controller button is significantly longer than that of a mouse click, so I don't see how it would be possible to hit grade A rankings beyond the initial few levels using a controller, or to survive using melee weapons.
I could be completely wrong, and am happy to admit as much if you can prove otherwise, but that's my initial reaction having owned a 360 and a Wired Windows X360 controller for some years.
how the eff do youbeat the guy in the bike helmet?, he just comes at me with a knife and fucks my shit upside down
Continuing a game is weird.
You can either start a new game entirely or go to level select. So, in level select you would think the level you are on is the most recently unlocked one. But, I finished chapter 3 (I think) and chapter 4 AND 5 are unlocked instead of just 4, so one would thing to start on 5 and would end up skipping an entire chapter. Very strange, a bug maybe?
You can only hurt him after he throws his blade and runs to pick it up. Do that 2/3 times and you're done. Just keep out of the way the rest of the time.