Guys, I have a question.
I'm on the second chapter in Hyrule Field usingGanondorf and I have to beat Link and Zelda but I don't know what to do, both guys just keep reviving before I'm done with the other.
What am I supposed to do?
You have tobeat them both to a sliver of life left and then finish them off at the same time.
lol I feel so dumb, thanks a lot
Oh, btw is it better to level up characters using the Shop or do I have to grind with them because otherwise their stats would not be as good?
I just grind. Don't want to waste money on training.
There's some stages in master quest where you need to reveal the hidden enemies. Usually this is done with the harp yet I can't see the butterflies even though the compass is pointing there's something there and the harp won't react. What gives?
If I remember correctly,try with the flute. It's it one of the lake screens right?
No. In all those stages there are no. The compass just points at something invisible as if the butterflies were there but they can't be seen or interacted with.lakes
Now there was one instace like the one you described but it was in Adventure mode.
No. In all those stages there are no. The compass just points at something invisible as if the butterflies were there but they can't be seen or interacted with.lakes
Now there was one instace like the one you described but it was in Adventure mode.
lol I feel so dumb, thanks a lot
Oh, btw is it better to level up characters using the Shop or do I have to grind with them because otherwise their stats would not be as good?
I just grind. Don't want to waste money on training.
Is the 20$ dlc pack including every dlc for this game? I finished legend mde yesterday and I see myself playing more but I still need to try adventure and challange mode :S
Is the 20$ dlc pack including every dlc for this game? I finished legend mde yesterday and I see myself playing more but I still need to try adventure and challange mode :S
I think I still don't get the "Network Link has appeared", when a Link appears it generally rewards me with a weapon that I already have, it doesn't give me alot of rupies either, only material rewards seems to be worth the effort.
I'm finishing the Master Quest map (70% +/-), it wasn't so tought as I though, only the don't get hit missions and Zelda ones are really hard.
The Master Quest challenges weren't too bad. I agree that the "don't get hit levels" are the most difficult, but it helps that KO count doesn't matter in those levels, so you can ignore most enemies. Speed run is pointless since it is really rare that a level takes more than 12 minutes much less 15. No healing can be annoying on some levels, but if you are good enough to A rank most stages it shouldn't be a problem. I only find "No Items" to be annoying on the "All attacks are devastating: Beat the enemy captains" levels since I normally spam the bow or on any levels that have Deku Babas littering the map.
Trying the one with Volga, didn't know KO doesn't matter, realized it after getting B rank =(
Anyway, will try to level up Volga, one of the things I learnt with this game is that you can't just rush the missions, first thing first unlock Link special 25.000 KO skill, and then grinding to unlock it for Volga -____-
This has been my mindset also. I'm nearly done with opening up everything on MQ and now I'm just going back to the vanilla map and getting skulltulas and hearts on that also. It's the most time I've spent on a Warriors game I'd say, at least for a while anywayI keep telling myself I won't 100% this game, but I'm almost done getting all of the skulltulas and then I'll probably cave and get all of the Heart Containers. I'm sure after that I'll cave and get the last remaining A ranks. Oh and the Twilight Princess DLC comes out next week. Nevermind, I'm playing this game forever.
I keep telling myself I won't 100% this game, but I'm almost done getting all of the skulltulas and then I'll probably cave and get all of the Heart Containers. I'm sure after that I'll cave and get the last remaining A ranks.
-Every second square needs a compass to find out where the secret is, but these are few and far between, meaning you apparently have to grind for compasses.
You don't have to grind for compass items. Just get one and do this:
- Use it
- Rememer where the secret spot is
- Press the Home Button
- Close the software
- Return to the game
This way the game doesn't "save" and you still have your compass.
No worries, it caught me off-guard at first too but after thinking back to the fact only the harp and flute had ever revealed enemies, and that the harp always needed blue butterflies while the flute often got used on a square in a lake, the flute seemed like the next logical thing to try :3Btw, thanks llehuty, Geminosity, and Killrion. Used the flute and it worked. It was just was so confusing to me since i once never used the flute outside of lakes in Adventure Mode.
Beat the game, and really enjoyed it.
I've been replaying some campaign missions on hard (which seems easier than normal, now that I have better weapons and know what to do), but I'm also trying to get into adventure mode and struggling. It just seems really frustrating.
-Tons and tons of squares, probably too many
-Every second square needs a compass to find out where the secret is, but these are few and far between, meaning you apparently have to grind for compasses
-Every second square needs you to A-rank it to progress, but it never says how many enemies you need to kill, so this almost always requires two or three attempts as you try to balance kills with speed without knowing what you're aiming for in either
-It's unclear to me what the difficulty of any given square is, or whether or not I have to be a certain character to unlock gold skulltulas or heart containers
-Getting hearts and skulltulas brings the replaying quotient to a Diablo-esque level.
All of this means you end up having to replay the same squares again and again and again to make progress or get powerups. Is this really what this mode is about? Because if that's it then I think I'm out. It was well worth it for the campaign and fanservice, but something I'm very careful about is not 'playing a game until I hate it', which is what a lot of people (completionists!) do. I leave when I'm still on a high. And I have Bayo 2 waiting in the wings.
Does the DLC add any proper campaign missions? Are they on new maps? Because if so then I'd be more than happy to try those out. Also, how do you unlock challenge maps? There's only one and I beat it.
That's... pretty terrible. Is this what people do? I'd rather look it up on a wiki than do that, although that's just as bad, really.
No worries, it caught me off-guard at first too but after thinking back to the fact only the harp and flute had ever revealed enemies, and that the harp always needed blue butterflies while the flute often got used on a square in a lake, the flute seemed like the next logical thing to try :3
Hmmm... lots here to answer but i'll try to break it down...
* The secrets are actually based on the ones from the original first zelda game down to their actual location so a lot of people were using maps of the old game's secrets to find the sparklies on this one.
* You don't need to reveal the location of something with a compass to actually use stuff on it and in a number of cases the interactable location is in plain sight. Things like blue butterflies for the harp, a rock in the water for water bombs, fire circle for ice-arrow, hookshot target for the hookshot, etc. Admittedly if you haven't played the original zelda you might need some trial and error or looking up a wiki to see which object is used on what but it should be fairly easy to pick up :3
* outside of special cases an A-rank usually requires the quest to be done in under 15 minutes, with 1200 kills and minimal damage taken (some claim you've got a buffer of less than 10 hearts of damage but I don't remember the amount and just make a point of not getting hit)
* if a reward has a character's icon/face on it then you must be that character to unlock it. The only exception is costumes in masterquest, but those are locked to only let you play one character anyhoo :3
* Masterquest DLC adds 5 new villain quests to the main campaign, otherwise most of the content is likely to be more adventure maps
* reward maps squares are given for completing skultulla pictures
I really haven't found the game all that grindy but I admittedly had the advantage of knowing most of the above, so hopefully this info will help you as well![]()
That's... pretty terrible. Is this what people do? I'd rather look it up on a wiki than do that, although that's just as bad, really.
No worries and I agree that the game could explain itself better :3Thanks, that's very helpful. The game itself should have made all of this clearer.
TLoZ on NES was my first ever videogame, and I've beaten it multiple times, but I just don't 'trust' that the secrets here will be where they were in that game, as there are items and secrets here that weren't in the original. Sometimes it's obvious (one single pushable rock that was pushable in the original) but other times it's less so.
Still, all of that helps. I'm going to push on until I've unlocked all of the characters and weapons, anyway. Unlocking Ruto was really cool. She seems super weak though![]()
Also for A ranks it is always like this.
Time: < 15 minutes
KO Count: 1200
Damage: < 4000 or < 8000
Damage is the only one that varies. It is about 8 to 10 hearts. I don't think we have an exact amount.
Midna human form confirmed for the TP pack hitting on 11/27.
I had no idea. Any more info about the pack?
Someone posted this on the DLC thread in the main forum but the Facebook page for Zelda has been updated with more info:
~giant wolf picture~
The second DLC pack for Hyrule Warriors will be available on 11/27! In this pack, youll get Twili Midna as a playable character, a new weapon for Zelda, a Twilight Princess themed Adventure Mode map, and two additional costumes including the Postman costume for Link!
Midna human form confirmed for the TP pack hitting on 11/27.[IMG][/QUOTE]
Even older than the flowers in my window. Should probably thread-search before posting :)
[quote="Kyari, post: 139725616"]Someone posted this on the DLC thread in the main forum but the Facebook page for Zelda has been updated with more info:
The second DLC pack for Hyrule Warriors will be available on 11/27! In this pack, youll get Twili Midna as a playable character, a new weapon for Zelda, a Twilight Princess themed Adventure Mode map, and two additional costumes including the Postman costume for Link![/QUOTE]
Now this is new though.
I didn't even consider a postman costume. Definitely okay with that. Wonder what the new weapon for Zelda will be. And that image of Twili Midna makes me way more interested in the character too!
Updating OP with this.
Nice! I'm kinda curious what the new Zelda weapon could be... Sheik has the harp which would be the first weapon I'd think of so it can't be that. Maybe a dedicated bow weapon using light arrows? Only issue with that idea is that it's already present in some of the Rapier moves so probably not that either
Come to think on it, if they gave her the baton, maybe they'll keep the musical theme up and give her the Ocarina too?
Another possibility is that if Link already has the fire rod, maybe she'd end up with the ice rod? Someone mentioned that one of the zelda-only missions had a water element and she currently doesn't have a water weapon so it could make sense![]()
I completely forgot about that item XDSay it with me now...Dominion Rod.
Say it with me now...Dominion Rod.
Say it with me now...Dominion Rod.
Hmm, I hope true form Midna isn't just spam wolves again. I loved the wolf gimmick of imp Midna, but it would be boring to repeat the theme. It would be cooler if she summoned the Twili monsters.