I got 1 rupee from 3 out of 5 amiibos yesterday. I was not thrilled.
I got 50k rupees today but the only weapons I've gotten are the 8-bit swords for Link. Granted they were ridiculously strong but they look so dumb!
I got 1 rupee from 3 out of 5 amiibos yesterday. I was not thrilled.
I got 1 rupee from 3 out of 5 amiibos yesterday. I was not thrilled.
People are talking about level 150 and I've yet to see 40. I can't fathom how anyone could manage to get to 150 in a lifetime.
So I've never played a DW game, but I'm a MASSIVE Zelda fan and this looks awesome. I only haven't picked it up yet because it looks like there's so much content and I wanted to get it after the glut of fall releases. But will it be hard for me to learn the Dynasty Warriors gameplay? Are they difficult games? It looks like a ton of fun, I just don't want to get it and then be fuck awful at it.
People are talking about level 150 and I've yet to see 40. I can't fathom how anyone could manage to get to 150 in a lifetime.
Nice! Can't wait pick it up!The gameplay is very easy to learn. And on normal difficulty the story-line is pretty much impossible to lose even once; you'll have no issues.
Do you guys think the gamepad is a good controller for this, or should I get a pro controller?
And anyone in here have the season pass? Worth it so far?
Nice! Can't wait pick it up!
So, is Epona's carrot gauge pretty much useless?
I'm probably not using it right.
You lose a carrot everytime you use the strong attack
the strong attack by itself has a lot of strength, the follow up slashes don't though. So you just use it over and over again against bosses (or at least that's what I do to great effect)
Do you guys think the gamepad is a good controller for this, or should I get a pro controller?
And anyone in here have the season pass? Worth it so far?
I see, thanks. So it's an attack with low range but high power. I thought it was meant to give you a run/gallop boost or something.
Welp, looks like I'll have to join the ranks then.And everyone in here has the season pass. Literally everyone.
Hard is manageable, but it might turn out to be more of a slog since enemies tend to have a tad too many health points if you only have starter weapons and low levels. I'd say start Legend Mode on normal and see how it goes, if you want more of a challenge pump it up to hard.
I found hard the perfect amount of challenge in Legend Mode. Started on Hard and then tried Normal and Easy and found both comparatively boring.
Am I supposed to be spending rupees to level up characters in the dojo? Or do you not have to do that?
Just got to the fourth battle and I think I have to drop down to normal difficulty, I keep getting my ass handed to me. I go to get the two keeps, Volga stats fighting Impa so I go to deal with him, and if he doesn't kill me then my base gets destroyed when Mandala shows up.
I feel like I may be missing something though. I'm tying to just play through the story like I would any normal game, but do I have to play other modes to level up for the harder story missions or something?
Yeah, I think I probably just don't have a feel for the combat. I haven't been spriting either, didn't know you could force it by holding B. That and I think I've been proritizing my teammates too much over the objective. I'll try some of your suggestions, thanks!I've not touched any other modes other than the story mode so far (almost done with it) and the game is really, really easy even on hard for me. Not sure what to suggest. Always be aware of your allies' health bars (found on the Gamepad), make a beeline for them if they get low. Keep your objective in mind. Always be running (use the dodge (B) to transition straight into run mode). In combat, make heavy use of dodging. There's no necessity to guard, though, I haven't been using it, at all. Break pots for magic and special juice, don't be conservative with those. Lock-on to stronger enemies.
Hm, that's about it. Either you haven't gotten a feel for the combat, yet, or you get lost easily, that'd be my guess. What do you think?
Just got to the fourth battle and I think I have to drop down to normal difficulty, I keep getting my ass handed to me. I go to get the two keeps, Volga stats fighting Impa so I go to deal with him, and if he doesn't kill me then my base gets destroyed when Mandala shows up.
I feel like I may be missing something though. I'm tying to just play through the story like I would any normal game, but do I have to play other modes to level up for the harder story missions or something?
so, anyone love going out of their way to beat up Cuccos just for the hell of it? lol
There's no demo for this, is there? I've never played a DW game, but this game has me intrigued...
I just realized that I haven't actually utilized the Apothecary at all since I've been playing. Any tips on making good weapons?
Yeah, that's what I meant.![]()
Is this true? Every single drop? If so, excellent time saver since I wouldn't go out of my way to pick up drops.As long as you complete a mission, you do not need to manually pick up Material or Weapon drops. Everything is automatically collected for you at the end of the mission.
Is this true? Every single drop? If so, excellent time saver since I wouldn't go out of my way to pick up drops.
Is this true? Every single drop? If so, excellent time saver since I wouldn't go out of my way to pick up drops.
I... didn't know this.
This changes everything
As for Majora's Mask pack, I'm hoping for Fierce Deity costume for Link <3
Sadly, the MM pack lacks costumes. He could still be a separate character, but that'd leave us with a disappointing overall representation of MM, especially if he was paired with Tingle.
wait, so how do elemental weaknesses and resistances work in this game?
That's a rather complex thing in this game and not fully tested or understood yet. Most enemies are weak to one element (I'm unsure of big monsters though) and some are resistent to another. Darunia for example is weak to water and resists fire, so using a water weapon does ~30% more damage while fire weapons deal ~20% less damage. The problem is, that not all elemental affinities are intuitive.
The element+ skills only affect the additional effects of elements. Prolonging the water bubbles or extending the effects of dark/light crosses, so they aren't that useful as they seem at first.
Additionally there are characters like Sheik that seemingly use multi-elemental attacks, but all her harp moves really deal lightning damage, only the additional effects of an element are applied to her fire/water/dark/light-attacks.
Most of that information is taken from my own experience and the research some guys did on gamefaqs.