I disagree, what you've just described is an unplayable mess and unacceptable in 2014.
As if those are things that vanish as time progresses
I disagree, what you've just described is an unplayable mess and unacceptable in 2014.
I definitely understand how you feel, as a non-fan of musou games myself. For me HW is about managing expectations, really. I am a big enough Zelda fan (especially of the three games most prominently represented here) that I feel the fanservice alone will be satisfying. I know what I'm getting from the gameplay, and it's not necessarily my cup of tea, but playing as Zelda, Sheik, Ghirahim, Impa, etc. is a special treat that I'm probably not going to get anywhere else outside of Smash Bros., which is really its own thing. I think the stuff I like about the game will outweigh the stuff I don't.When you find these types of games as boring as I do, you'll take anything to make it fun and that's what co op does for me so I view it as a very essential feature. Granted, maybe I just shouldn't be buying the game in the first place. xD
The fan service looks amazing, and honestly, I have a feeling that'll be enough to push me into buying it. Maybe not right away, but definitely within the first month just so I can get that Gannondorf DLC.I definitely understand how you feel, as a non-fan of musou games myself. For me HW is about managing expectations, really. I am a big enough Zelda fan (especially of the three games most prominently represented here) that I feel the fanservice alone will be satisfying. I know what I'm getting from the gameplay, and it's not necessarily my cup of tea, but playing as Zelda, Sheik, Ghirahim, Impa, etc. is a special treat that I'm probably not going to get anywhere else outside of Smash Bros., which is really its own thing. I think the stuff I like about the game will outweigh the stuff I don't.
So NoE posted this on Twitter. I think it should be the OT header.
Any tips for finding the skulltulas?
Any tips for finding the skulltulas?
And can someone explain the candle business on the map? I don't feel the game explained it well >_>
I've got to say that I'm above and beyond surprised at how good this turned out, I was so sceptical when they first showed it off.
Any tips for finding the skulltulas?
You can save mid-fight? How?They appears at 1000 kills (which really seems to be 1024 in fact, weird); In story mode at least it's in some specific spots (rocks or walls to bomb, etc). If you bomb a rock and there is nothing under it, it may be because that's the skulltula spot.
Replay the level in easy and when nearing 1000 kills, go back near the spot you think the skulltula is. Or save at 900 kills and restart if you miss it.
You can save mid-fight? How?
You can save mid-fight? How?
Will have to remember that for boss fights. Thanks! And here I thought I had to do all the stage in one go.Main menu by pushing + I believe, and... save option
You can leave and power off the Wii U at this point (I think, never did it), or if you die, you will have the option to restart to the last manual save too.
Any tips for finding the skulltulas?
If you beat a level with a candle symbol you're awarded a candle card. You can then use this to burn down trees on the map screen (one candle = one tree). However, you should only use this on squares where there's a tree with a twinkling symbol on it to uncover something useful. Similarly you can earn all kinds of other cards that arch the dungeon treasures from the original Zelda - although I haven't got far enough for that yet, I've been mostly playing Legends mode.
I'm glad to hear that, I felt the same way. I bought One Piece Pirate Warriors to see how I'd feel about Hyrule Warriors and I'm really enjoying it.
I'm guessing I'll like Hyrule Warriors as well. Had no idea I could potentially like Dynasty Warrior games.
Kinda wish you just buy items in adventure mode. It's kind of a pain to keep redoing stages that give compasses so I know where to use an item.
you can also take a look at a map (for the original game) online, most secrets are in place.
i thought adventure mode was geared more towards the poeple that played the original game, so the location of the secrets and item use would be familiar to them.That's no fun. Looking stuff up online ruins the game imo. At the same time though, games that make your look stuff up online have flawed design.
Hmmm ganondorf isn't as fun to play as as I imagined. He's a beast for sure but not to fond of some of his slow attacks.
Loving the story of this game.
That's no fun. Looking stuff up online ruins the game imo. At the same time though, games that make your look stuff up online have flawed design.
Have you upgraded his skill tree?
It bugs me we couldn't use the Wii Pro Controller with the game and had to resort to waggle for 2p (still need to get a Wii U Pro Controller, so this is probably a sign haha). Aside from that, the gf and I have been having a blast with this game so far.
It sounds like a flaw in trying to replicate the original map for HW - the people who never played the original won't know where to look for the secrets.
In the original game you didn't have to look anything up, because discovery was the whole point, and the manual gave you directions on how to go about it. But if they didn't do that in HW... I could understand the frustration.
As someone who loves the original, I can't wait to play this game and dive into the Adventure mode!
i thought adventure mode was geared more towards the poeple that played the original game, so the location of the secrets and item use would be familiar to them.
That's no fun. Looking stuff up online ruins the game imo. At the same time though, games that make your look stuff up online have flawed design.
you can also take a look at a map (for the original game) online, most secrets are in place.
It bugs me we couldn't use the Wii Pro Controller with the game and had to resort to waggle for 2p (still need to get a Wii U Pro Controller, so this is probably a sign haha). Aside from that, the gf and I have been having a blast with this game so far.
Are the preorder skins (TP, OoT, SS) all going to available on the eShop? I don't want to preorder (so I can get it later in the year), but if they're only available via preorder I guess I'll have to quickly preorder today.
Do we know if the preorder costumes will be avalible on the eshop later?
Yes. Was confirmed forever ago.
Someone needs to put this in BIG font in the op as it's probably the most asked question.
If you get too many (more than 10 I think) the game will force you to sell some.What's there to do with weapons apart from fusing them? Can we sell them?
Also wanted to say thanks to those that replied to my question earlier. I was finally able to find one
I've said so in the OP. I'll make it bigger though. Gimme a sec.