I really love those friend network Link!
Awe, always found the attack skills to be the most useless of the skills. But nice damage!
I really love those friend network Link!
Awe, always found the attack skills to be the most useless of the skills. But nice damage!
I'm definitely gonna play this when I get a Wii U, but can someone explain to me why the previews I've seen of Ganondorf's gameplay show him fighting Bulblins? I would hope that as Ganondorf you actually get to fight the heroes rather than simply fighting the same enemies you do as Link or Sheik or whoever, just as Ganondorf.
Yeah, it will be enough for a little while.
Trying to get other characters level 3 weapons for now, and I'm far from done :lol
I think I should be at 35/40 hours of playtime.
EDIT : just checked, I'm at 41 hours and 35 mins.
How do you get higher level weapons anyway? I have characters of lv60+ and they all still have lv1 - lv2 max weapons. :< What's the best way of farming lv3?
I really love those friend network Link!
I really love those friend network Link!
Don't worry about that. Ganondorf does get to fight against Link, Zelda and Impa.
My, a french neighbor. I can send you my Wii U ID if you want to spawn more Links (well, this offer is also an interested one, since I can get your network Link too this way).
Can you play as him fighting Link, Zelda and Impa though?
May I add you? I need some friends that play this game so I can get helping Links.
My name is SPRidley.
My, a french neighbor. I can send you my Wii U ID if you want to spawn more Links (well, this offer is also an interested one, since I can get your network Link too this way).
No problem, my NNID is Kouriozan as well
EDIT : added you Ridley, not too sure about Nohar's NNID.
No problem, my NNID is Kouriozan as well
EDIT : added you Ridley, not too sure about Nohar's NNID.
Do you mind if I can add you too?
Just recently got a wii u and need some friends.
My Nnid is: NZerker12
How does Weapon Fusion work? Is it like Warriors Orochi?
I just want this game, I can't make it til friday...
By the time NA gets it, all of EU will have it beat and 100% complete. Ugh.
I don't know, I'm still missing tons of weapons and already at 41 hours x)By the time NA gets it, all of EU will have it beat and 100% complete. Ugh.
Not really. You can't add empty slots to an existing weapon, or replacing a skill by a different one, nor can you upgrade existing skills on a weapon. You can only add a single skill from a weapon to an empty slot on another weapon, and the weapon from which you transfered the skill will be sacrified in the operation.
Daaaaaaammmmmnnnnn Ganondorf is a tank. He just plows through enemies like it's nothing.
Love it
Not really. You can't add empty slots to an existing weapon, or replacing a skill by a different one, nor can you upgrade existing skills on a weapon. You can only add a single skill from a weapon to an empty slot on another weapon, and the weapon from which you transfered the skill will be sacrified in the operation.
Does the game still have ultimate weapon challenges? 5-star weapons to unlock and such?
Awe, always found the attack skills to be the most useless of the skills. But nice damage!
I accepted your friend requests
By the way, just how does one make Network Links appear actually? I activate the network, but none seems to appear. Is it a 24h delay thing?
I think ive discovered something.
The wars 1vs1 armies levels in adventure mode always have 2 parameters to for A rank.
Less than 15 minutes for A rank in time.
More than 1200 ko for A rank in KOs.
I accepted your friend requests
By the way, just how does one make Network Links appear actually? I activate the network, but none seems to appear. Is it a 24h delay thing?
You are correct. Also, you can't take more than 4000 damage, otherwise you will be awarded with a B medal.
Assuming 100 damage = 1/4 heart, it means you can't take more than 10 hearts worth of damage.
You are correct. Also, you can't take more than 4000 damage, otherwise you will be awarded with a B medal.
Assuming 100 damage = 1/4 heart, it means you can't take more than 10 hearts worth of damage.
I think it's 1k = 1 heart (250 per 1/4).
What I'm curious about is if the damages is pre- or post-defense, so upgrading your armor helps you getting A towards damage.
Entirely dependent on the whirlpool aura around you.
Is there a max on the amount of ingredients you can hold?
Feel free to add me, as well.
NNID: windjamming
If you guys would like to add me, just let me know so I can add you back!
I don't have the game yet but it should be here any day now, also I don't know what network Link's are but all I know is that all of ya'all should add the grand master OP and very famous LonelyGreyWolf to your list (same username on Wii U as on GAF).
I strangely have had no Network Links. Is it a feature you have to turn on?
Edit: Never mind, it was turned off for some reason.