Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Haha, I had trouble with Lana Stick 3 too. I like the Deku Leaf combo though; I should try for A again since it's been a while.
Are rupees used in significant amounts for anything but levels? Everything else you buy is pocket change in comparison so I don't mind spending on levels, but maybe I'm leaving myself unprepared for something else that opens up.
Oh god, I didn't think I would survive itBut I finally got it.
N-new costumes are in there somewhere? ...goodbye, life...
Alright, how do I get to master quest and do I have to finish the vanilla adventure mode to get there? These weapon unlocks are just annoying me now.
Except it's very easy to do. Leave each with a sliver of Health and kill both at the same time.
Is that Lana's costume? If so, try A ranking that level.
I actually did.
So far that's been the hardest level for me to A rank in the MQ map. I imagine I'll face some tougher ones soon though, since I've only got about a third of the map left.
I've found that Legends mode can be good for some of the captain drops but the gold and silver drops from the characters like midna and link are bet gotten from the quiz maps in adventure mode.
Depends which materials you need, I guess. The reward map for completing the first Skulltula picture gives gold materials for all the characters you defeat so it's great for getting Zelda's tiara, Midna's fused shadow or whatever else you might need of that variety :3
This has been my experience too, co-op is fun but when my partner takes too much damage (or stresses out because they took exactly one hit when several hits can be taken), it's time to do some maps solo.Been playing through Adventure in co-op. The cumulative KOs makes A-Rank in KOs and Clear Time a lot easier. But Damage Taken being cumulative can cause some animosity.
I'm at 32:31 and I only got it friday o_oSo I bought the WiiU the weekend before last and received HW 2 days later. Yeah...
FINALLY got the second gold Skulltula from Zant's level 3 weapon stage. The embarrassing part was that I got it to appear earlier, and ran around half the stage looking for it before I finally found it, at which point it promptly fled. It turned out it was right next to where I already was, but I didn't notice it. I felt like such a moron.
I'm at 32:31 and I only got it friday o_o
They said Link though...So uh, we did know Hyrule Warriors was getting amiibo support, right?
I thought I heard something about it. That's part of the reason I preordered a Zelda amiibo on my Amazon Prime trial.
So uh, we did know Hyrule Warriors was getting amiibo support, right?
I thought I heard something about it. That's part of the reason I preordered a Zelda amiibo on my Amazon Prime trial.
Got 3 levels left on original Adventure Map, and I have just one question.
How the hell do you get 1000 KOs in 10 minutes as Agitha?!?! It doesn't help that this is the only time they do one of these where the mooks aren't really crowded together.
Managed to get my highest magic mode kills yet.
Got 3 levels left on original Adventure Map, and I have just one question.
How the hell do you get 1000 KOs in 10 minutes as Agitha?!?! It doesn't help that this is the only time they do one of these where the mooks aren't really crowded together.
Shouldn't we be hearing news about the next DLC pack soon?
Not this month, no.
Quick question
With 8-bit weapons, when I've got them through Network Links or as a prize, they've never had any stars. Are they set like this, or am I just unlucky?
But the TP pack is out November in Japan...
Finally getting around to starting this, and I must say it's amazing so far... This is the first "warriors" type game I've played. I was always worried that it seems like it would be boring, but I like that they give you constant mission objectives and things to do that help give you some drive. Just finished the first two maps in Legends mode, but really loving it.
Quick question on the difficulty...Haven't had any problems so far on normal, but wondering if it'll get harder naturally or if I should pump it up to Hard?
But the TP pack is out November in Japan...
Finally getting around to starting this, and I must say it's amazing so far... This is the first "warriors" type game I've played. I was always worried that it seems like it would be boring, but I like that they give you constant mission objectives and things to do that help give you some drive. Just finished the first two maps in Legends mode, but really loving it.
Quick question on the difficulty...Haven't had any problems so far on normal, but wondering if it'll get harder naturally or if I should pump it up to Hard?
You're just unlucky. The first one you get doesn't have stars, like usual, but afterwards they can have stars like any random drop.