I am currently writing my iOS/Android (although subsequently will release on Mac and Windows) game purely in Cocos2d, and am finding it meets all my needs. Extremely flexible, yet covers a lot of the basics. It is purely a framework though, no nice GUI ala Unity development tools.
Anyway, my game is entitled: "Ultra Super Firework Planets: In Space!" and should be out in a few weeks. Imagine Geometry Wars, Mario Galaxy and Missile Command had intimate relations (yes all 3 of them) and somehow gave birth to a hideous freak: that is my game.
Will post some screenshots/videos soon.
As promised, click thumbs for full size versions.
All heavily work in progress, everything subject to change, should have some videos soon! Feel free to ask any questions. This will be my first publicly released game, everything developed by just me in my small study at home when not at the day job. Also feel free to support me and buy a copy when it releases in a few weeks =0)
Cheers fellow GAF devs!
EDIT - added sneak peak video below