looks nice! nice sound effects, the environment art of the first area is really killer.
when are you going to show combat?
Thank you. I wanted to show some combat gameplay too, but It doesn't feel polished yet. Hibari needs a couple more transition animations, and I have yet to set how the enemies will react to your hits.
I want it to be "spectacular" so it will take some time. That's whay I'll probably save that for a future trailer. I'd say January if everything goes ok (it won't).
I'm with Jobbs on this. Gimme some of that sweet sweet combat!

read my reply to Jobbs
Awesome looking! We knew the animations and environments (especially the urban one, wow) were already good looking, but those sound effects are on point as well. Did you make them yourself? If not, found them someplace accessible? (not that I'd look at the same place, I'm just asking because, umm...)
As a side note, I'm a bit less of a fan of the third environment, because of the very saturated pink background and the heavy sounds when landing on apparently cloudy platforms, but I'm not sure if it's a placeholder environment, or a dreamy/cloudy landscape that would make more sense in context?
And I'll add my voice to the pile: we want to see combat now :-D
Thank you

The sound effects, some I recorded myself, most of them I grabbed from freesounds.org (it has a huge database). All of them were edited and mixed with my own sound effects so I'd say they feel pretty "unique" and different from the source.
Hibari's voice was recorded by her voice actress (@sydsnap on twitter).
About he last section of the video: in my game, some of the hidden optional power-ups will require you to complete this kind of short platforming challenge. I think it makes it more rewarding. The level shown in the video is the first and easiest challenge (it makes use only of the most basic game mechanics).
Both art and sound in the footage were placeholders. These challenges take place in the spirit world, an important place you'll have to visit a couple of times in the game and that doesn't have propper artwork yet.
All I know is it will look otherwordly, colorful, and heavenly. Thats why I used pink and clouds as placeholder elements.
Apart from the footsteps sound everything looks great.
And yay! More spanish dev's in the neogaf indie thread!

I messed up with the footsteps samples volume. Also, some of them (cloud section) were placeholders. It's my first time dealing with 3D sound so I have to work on that.
Where are you from exactly?
Looks pretty great.
Is the blur from the game? It really seems it's from the video having been rendered without disabling interpolation.
Thank you too! The blur was caused by the recording or the compression. The game looks sharp and doesn't have motion blur.
Can't say much about the recording settings since I didn't record it myself.
First of all, congrats for the successfull KS! I'm glad that KS corpse it's still warm and that good projects like yours or Crossing Souls could reach their funding goals!
Second, I effing love lava levels. But dam the spooky faces in the background