First some new environment work from this evening. I know the art style is visually *very* simple, but since the whole point of the game is not being able to tell the difference between open surfaces and walls without changing perspective or bumping up against them this is the look the game needs...
That said, something about the glowing colours in the blackness is something I couldn't be happier with. It reminds me of old school vector monitors mainly, and a touch of Tron, although not so much Tron as I'm avoiding grids. The rapid prototyping this style allows for (combined with UE4's amazing ability to instantly put me in the game world to check perspectives etc) is making this whole thing go very smoothly.

By way of explanation about the game... here is a puzzle I made the other week.
On entering this room, it looks like so:
When the player walks forwards, they will fall down below what initially appeared to be the floor. The underside of the path suspended over the gap is coloured with a blue glowing material. The player can use the glowing lines on the walls and the coloured underside of the path to work out where they need to go.
On turning around to find their way back up, a set of stairs that aren't initially visible on entering the room can be easily seen.
This is the view when the player looks back the way they came, edges of the path not visible from the entrance make the path the player has taken obvious on reflection.
The player can choose to jump forwards, landing between the glowing lines. A specific line of dialogue will play if the player does this on completing the puzzle (not yet implemented).
Anyone interested to see more of the puzzles can check out the current build reflecting about three and a half levels. Dialogue has only been rigged on the first level (and its all place holder voicework) as a proof of concept / character. Everything else is just puzzles. Currently checkpoints aren't working properly (though it will save what level you are on) and it doesn't remember if you toggle on invert aim (since Unreal Engine updated to 4.6 I've had this glitch).
Download for Win 64 from Mega
Oh, also, this works with the Oculus Rift, which is a recommended way to play it. Y resets the camera position.
The map naming convention is simple if you want to load any particular map. 1-1, 2-1, 3-1, 4-1. Just use 'open levelname' in the console. If you do check it out I'd love to know what you think of the idea.
Again, I plan on releasing this for free as its a pet project and I don't know how interested other people will be in the concept, or what people will think of a game that is sort of like making an entire game out of finding push blocks in Wolfenstein 3D.