1. Grimrock 2 (easily my non-indy GOTY too. The puzzles are really, really good. For anyone that disliked Grimrock 1, this is LEAGUES better than G1 was. If the issue you had was slightly repetitive puzzles and same location, then G2 fixes all of this easily)
2. Shovel Knight - probably the game with the best platforming design in a long time. It's REALLY well done and will probably top a lot of lists about 2014.
2. Shadowrun: Dragonfall - superb game. I really dig how it feels like a proper Pen&Paper game to me.
2. Crypt of the Necrodancer - wonderful idea, and that music. The trailer alone was enough to convince me to get it, and it' well worth it already..
2. Transistor - what can I say? The world is really interesting (Sybil ;_
6. Shantae - just fun, despite designmeh in parts (clothes, hah)
6. Luftrausers - love how the weapons define the music, and the mechanics are really cool!
8. 1001 Spikes - very nice Indiana Jones action platformer with really well designed levels
9. Kingdom Rush - I am still sad Origins/Frontiers are mobile only
10. Divinity: Original Sin (that should DEFINITELY count)
11. Titan Souls (loved the idea)
11. Rymdkapsel (closest to dungeon keeper

Curse ya EA)
11. Joylancer (just a cool concept

11. Freedom planet (sonic without, well, Sonic's issues)
15. Momodora III (I like platforming. You can probably tell with the other entries on the list)
16. Styx: Master of Shadows - Nice little stealth game. Story was a bit meh, but gameplay was very solid.
17. Retro-Pixel Castles - hey, I like defensy stuff. I only didn't list banished as well because it was 2013, I believe.
17. Super Time Force. I really like the time mechanic, because it led to a lot of "puzzles" that I myself created by being bad, which I then had to fix. Superb.
17. Super Win the Game - I actually like Zelda 2, and the explory nature of this game really scratched a nicew itch.
20. Nekro - hey, I like being bad sometimes, and playing essentially Diablo as an evil Necro was fun :>
Honorable mentions:
Papers Please
Coldfire Keep
This War of Mine
Heroine's Quest