The little things I really appreciate about the game
- shows who paused
- frame data in pause menu
- being able to bookmark moves from the list so it'll stay on screen instead of always having to reference it manually
Add to this the neat coinflip picking for versus. Now, instead of people arguing over what stage to play when Player 1 has ultimate control, or even worse, when EVERYONE has control of the same cursor, you simply have two people pick whatever stages they want, and then it's 50/50. Nice!
I remember hearing that Max said the online wasn't the best. Are there any impressions from other people about the netcode?
How are yall expecting this game to perform? "Bomba" price after a few weeks or is it gonna do well enough and a price drop won't happen until a few months? I want this game but I'm not crazy about fighting games even though I play many of them I'm not very good or invested to become great.
Damn. You guys see that CPU Flash? He looks so fun.
My dick is hard right now.
Ima go in on injustice hard body.
The stream from Art was fine online
What? Even the guy playing it said it wasn't that good, too laggy to even do combo's. And he's on fiber.
What? Even the guy playing it said it wasn't that good, too laggy to even do combo's. And he's on fiber.
Grundy looks fucking absurbly good. Goddamn.
Considering that they are in a full king of the hill lobby, the netcode seems pretty good. At least by first glace.
And Grundy is the fucking man god damn.
gonna be so hype on stream
Really wish this game had dash cancels.Would make it so much better movement wise.
Loving the look of engine otherwise and characters though.
Art's hitting nice combos pretty consistently. If you can hit your combos online without worrying then that's good enough for me. Maybe those combos are really easy or something though.
Art's hitting nice combos pretty consistently. If you can hit your combos online without worrying then that's good enough for me. Maybe those combos are really easy or something though.
Like I said, it feels like current MK9. Still not the greatest but certainly not the worst. I think people are confusing their experience with the launch netplay for MK9 (understandable since I imagine a lot of people dropped the game's online soon after the dlc debacle), which was far worse.
Not I. MK9's netcode even after the netcode patch was still fucking terrible.
I'm guessing this will be on sale for $40 within a month.
Think so? MK9 sold a heck of a lot and they seem to be doing alright with the advertising on this game.
Think so? MK9 sold a heck of a lot and they seem to be doing alright with the advertising on this game.
What does Aquaman's trait do?
And no blind select for ranked :/
Grundy is fucking serious.
What does Aquaman's trait do?
Grundy reciting the rhyme is great.
When he activates it he becomes slippery and he can "slip" out of combos. Meaning he can block. So if you are doing a string and he is hit he can then block the following hits instead of them being a natural combo.
Grundy looks like a people-who-aren't-good-at-fighting-games killer.
MK9 was a $40 game to begin with, wasn't it?
It was a $10 downloadable game actually.
Wondering if stage interactions will be turned off for tournaments.
Also, what's Harley's trait?
Are overhead projectiles like a thing in MK?
Are overhead projectiles like a thing in MK?
Just a few, Noob Saibots normal shadow clone, and Kenshis spirit slash thing, if you want to call it a projectile.
Possibly Sheevas fireball, but it's been awhile.