If they do a Reverse Flash skin hopefully it's the classic yellow and red and not the abomination that is the New 52 Reverse Flash:
I am sure it will be. It is more iconic. Plus that flash point animated movie would make it even more so.
If they do a Reverse Flash skin hopefully it's the classic yellow and red and not the abomination that is the New 52 Reverse Flash:
Man I got to drop Green Arrow. I end up more frustrated than anything with him. Aquabro is cool, as is Green Lantern. Think I want to pick up Harley and Flash too.
Dirty Diana still my #1. <3
Man I got to drop Green Arrow. I end up more frustrated than anything with him. Aquabro is cool, as is Green Lantern. Think I want to pick up Harley and Flash too.
Dirty Diana still my #1. <3
He does not.Green arrow needs faster arrow load time.
He does not.
Green Arrow's problem is that even though he has a high reset factor and a decent potential to open you up with pressure he is really low reward on his damage. If it takes resets to crack 33% its not exactly a rewarding experience. I played him and I loved his speed and options, but I swear as cool as I felt I'd look at the dudes health and realize I'd done all that moving around and reading him for what a ton of other folks could blast out in several hits playing braindead.
I wish he did more damage. Best I could do with him is go full meter whore and try to work in MB Sky Alert and MB Dead on in combos. I see him as the Chun Li of this game...fun combos, fast, good pressure, can get combos, isn't able to impress regardless.
This is my green arrow. It's decent but no where near high level.
Skip to 7:30 where I do a 80% off a super reset followed by a f2,d1,d3 reset.
I still can't believe people will not tech roll. Even in tournies you just don't see people tech. Granted that guy was just super bad since he could have clashed that. Always better to go for b3/f3's after super. Though if they aren't going to clash going nuts is always an option too.
This is my green arrow. It's decent but no where near high level.
Skip to 7:30 where I do a 80% off a super reset followed by a f2,d1,d3 reset.
Are these two Green Lantern animated movies any good?
Ya I usually b3, b3 after the super but like you said, he was a bad player so I felt it was worth the risk to style lol.
I usually only do that combo on players who have already clashed.
Figured I would try and offer some tips since I got some sleep and rewatched.
I'd say you play him way too reserved, he has great mixups. Way too much d1 arrow, try using b2 into down arrow. B2 is a great overhead that people really don't use enough.
If you want to use a better reset just use his 111 chain, either on hit or block will work. Technically it's possible to get out of either, but it's difficult. On hit it's even more difficult to get out of. 33 can work but only on block so if they get hit they'll just be out of range.
Learn them corner combo's, that's where he gets his damage. 40%+ meterless.
Can do 111 or 33 whenever you're able to attack, they cause stagger on block and are mid. First 1 in the string is a high though but it's pretty quick so I doubt you'd get hit out of it often, at least I never did when I was playing him. As a note try not to do this when they are in the corner, some stages the super won't hit.
Doing d1 arrow a lot isn't always bad, just certain characters can blow it up. I play against GA's a lot, and as Zod I can interrupt him between the 1 and arrow if I was blocking.
No new character teases lately?
Lol ya I noticed Zods ability to blow it up. I think black Adam too.
I need major tips of zoning characters like deathstroke, sinestro and raven.
There's this guy I keep running into on psn that always chooses sinestro and chooses ferris aircraft. ULTIMATE ZONING.
Not gonna lie. Sometimes when I run into a high level deathstroke I just put my stick down.
so with Zod getting a costume, when are the rest of the DLC characters going to get one
so with Zod getting a costume, when are the rest of the DLC characters going to get one
Jesus christ that's awful..
Lobo should remain being a parody of 90s badassery...
That redesign is just awful.
If anybody's interested in Bane, got a short starter video up for him http://youtu.be/NDVzk5QJU54
LOL. Don't worry, I'm not "that kind" of player. I rush in the moment I get a knockdown. And I say this as a player who is actually very good at turtling.
Surprised there's no Zod costume dlc news since that leak a while back....
some of the damage models are really brutal. The kind of stuff you probably shouldn't be able to walk around with.
Some people seem to think its going to come with that Superman movie, similar to how Classic Jade came with the MK movie.
Man of Steel? I hope not, doesn't it come out in November? Unless it's some animated thing I don't know about. I want it now damn it.
So is that it then for characters? MMH was clearly the most wanted and Zee won the poll.