Blue beetle is in this?
not yet. Perhaps as dlc.
Blue beetle is in this?
Batman is just as good as he was in the demo.
Superman is shockingly not as easy to use as I thought he would be.
Green Lantern hits hard, but for some reason can't fly/airdash.
More to come the more I play, news at 11.
Batman is just as good as he was in the demo.
Superman is shockingly not as easy to use as I thought he would be.
Green Lantern hits hard, but for some reason can't fly/airdash.
More to come the more I play, news at 11.
Batman is just as good as he was in the demo.
Superman is shockingly not as easy to use as I thought he would be.
Green Lantern hits hard, but for some reason can't fly/airdash.
More to come the more I play, news at 11.
Batman is just as good as he was in the demo.
Superman is shockingly not as easy to use as I thought he would be.
Green Lantern hits hard, but for some reason can't fly/airdash.
More to come the more I play, news at 11.
Harley has an Arkham costume that can be unlocked through the mobile version of the game. I should probably specify the mobile unlocks in the first post.How come Bane, Harley and Nightwing don't get Arkham City costumes?
Harley has an Arkham costume that can be unlocked through the mobile version of the game. I should probably specify the mobile unlocks in the first post.
I haven't competed in a fighting game for a LONG time now. I'm coming back with this one. <3
You'll need to make a WBID account (which can be done through the app) in order to transfer unlocks between platforms. You get the Harley costume by acquiring a Joker character card, which costs 48,000 points -- it's quite a bit of grinding.How exactly does this work? I downloaded the game on my iPhone 4 (which is not officially supported but still works). How do I unlock Harley's costume the fastest way possible?
You'll need to make a WBID account (which can be done through the app) in order to transfer unlocks between platforms. You get the Harley costume by acquiring a Joker character card, which costs 48,000 points -- it's quite a bit of grinding.
No Supergirl? No Powergirl? WTF is this shit?
Looking forward to it! And I do agree, DC has so many characters that would be amazing to be able to play. Booster Gold. Dr. Fate. Etc.
Regarding DLC, I'm positive two of the four will be Martian Manhunter and Lobo.
For the sake of balancing the roster out, the remaining two might be a Gadget hero and a Gadget villain, and I'm sure one of the them will be female. I'm going to go with Poison Ivy; NRS has included as much of her as possible without actually making her playable (a stage interaction/cell in the Arkham stage, one of Harley's tricks, and an iOS card). As for a Gadget hero, I'm not seeing a ton of plausible options -- there's Blue Beetle, Constantine, Zatanna, and guest characters like Rorschach.
I mean I asked for the Aquaman army but not THIS many Aquamen o_o
There can only be one official Gaf Aquaman
The rest are just soldiers of Atlantis
I mean I asked for the Aquaman army but not THIS many Aquamen o_o
There can only be one official Gaf Aquaman
The rest are just soldiers of Atlantis
Personally, I find all the Aqualove incredibly rousing.
I'm not seeing a ton of plausible options -- there's Blue Beetle, Constantine, Zatanna, and guest characters like Rorschach.
I played MK9 to death. Great gameplay. I hope that with some of the success Nether Realm Studios is seeing that they will be able to hire better character modelers and animators. Character models and animation are the shitiest things about MK9 and Injustice.
Cyborg, Harley Quinn, and Joker. Also the fact that you can switch the inputs from MK style to SF style just made this a day one for me. I have nothing against MK but, I'm used to play SF so it makes this much easier to play for me.
Do you know exactly how this works?
I hate her new costume so much.Pfft, if we're asking for "clone characters". Power Girl is the way to go.
The only unfortunate thing is we know how she'll look in the Injustice universe due to the iOS game.
Nice. Looking forward to that trade.She's back in the old one.
She's back in the old one.
Any word of there being an online replay saving /sharing functionality?
Yes, shut up and take my money NRS!Personally, I'm hoping for either Red Hood or Static Shock for DLC, or a Roy Harper costume/voice change for Green Arrow.