She is, it's just odd that her voice lines in battle consist entirely of grunts and growls. Just strikes me as unfinished.
I don't think anyone's checked if she has clash lines yet either.
She is, it's just odd that her voice lines in battle consist entirely of grunts and growls. Just strikes me as unfinished.
Beast Boy would be cool but that would be a nightmare to make for a fighting game, lol.
Xbox 360 version here. As a stick user, it doesn't matter to me about controls and I value Xbox Live a whole lot more than PSN.What version is everyone else going with?
I don't get it. What's the point of the stance change? I know MK had it too.
I don't get it. What's the point of the stance change? I know MK had it too.
Make him a Shang Tsung (button commands to transform into different animals) or make him like Double from Skullgirls where his moves just have him (or parts of his body) transform into different animals. Grow a tail for a sweep, etc.
What version is everyone else going with?
I don't get it. What's the point of the stance change? I know MK had it too.
I think they just probably made that trailer before they got done altering her voice.
Was I the only one who noticed Ollie using the voice from Arrow?
Its been known for a while.![]()
For those who have been following the game, is there a character that resembles to Jax from MK9 in terms of play style (in your face, close combat)? I just played the demo and liked it, but none of the 3 characters really aren't my thing.
For those who have been following the game, is there a character that resembles to Jax from MK9 in terms of play style (in your face, close combat)? I just played the demo and liked it, but none of the 3 characters really aren't my thing.
This battle is 5 fights long. Costs 1 Energy Credit per Match (ECPM) and pays out a total of 1600cr.
I don't get it. What's the point of the stance change? I know MK had it too.
Get 6 characters
Repeat 5 Battle until out of Energy Credits
Repeat Step 2
I hope they let you buy those costumes with MS/PSN points. @_@
If you are willing to purchase them via MS/PSN points and have an iDevice you might aswell just use the in app payment grab 100,000 points for £7 grab the rest of the points by playing the game and buy them like that.
How much does it cost for one costume unlock? If I end up liking the game I might do this for a few characters.
Right so this is for those having some issues getting the credits required to purchase Batman so they can in turn get the Batman Beyond skin.
First you want at least 6 characters cards already pre-leveled to around 10+ (The more cards you have the faster this is going to go, 6 is what id say is minimum but id recommend 9 or 12. Id recommend. Flash, Green Lantern, New 52 Green Lantern, Sinestro, Deathstroke and Joker (you should already have him for the Arkham Harley skin. If not use this method to get him first as he will prove very useful his lvl 1 special does 1000+ damage when maxed out) Those characters have the highest damage for the lowest cost. Don't worry about Health because if your 10+ it should be a cake walk
You want to play the last battle before the Green Lantern Boss Battle
This battle is 5 fights long. Costs 1 Energy Credit per Match (ECPM) and pays out a total of 1600cr.
Batman costs 128000cr, at 1600cr that means you need to replay this mission 80 times.
with 2 leveled teams you can complete it 4 times without having to wait for energy to recharge.
80 divided by 4 is 20. Which means that it will only take 20 separate runs.
Now if you have 12 leveled characters this will only take you 10 runs.
As far as i can tell a few things make this the quickest method.
Lowest ECPM for Highest Relative Payout
Simple fights (A level 15 Joker can kill the majority of characters in 1 heavy/swipe combo, A similar level Green Lantern can kill a character with a light combo + maxed turbine smash)
Get 6 characters
Repeat 5 Battle until out of Energy Credits
Repeat Step 2
Great. I bought the starter pack for the iOS game and didn't receive any of it. This is what I get for actually spending 5 bucks on
Debating what platform to get this one. How did the PS3 version of Mortal Kombat perform framerate wise? I'm not sure if non-Capcom fighting games have gotten shorted on the PS3 side.
Debating what platform to get this one on. How did the PS3 version of Mortal Kombat perform framerate wise? I'm not sure if non-Capcom fighting games have gotten shorted on the PS3 side.
Here is a video of the PDP Battle Stick, to no surprise- it looks like crap
Request a refund from apple. It happened to a lot of people.
Any reason you say that? Just curious, I already have two Fightsticks so I dont need another. Was still considering it though.
Nice, thanks. Sounds a lot better than the crapshoot of saving up for gold booster packs while progressing normally, I have gold Bane and Black Adam so I can curbstomp this shit quickly. Also using all of the refills I have will make this faster.
Batman is 182K though.
They look like Seimitsu KN buttons. I use opaque Seimitsu DKs, but I've never been a fan of the KNs. They have a really 'hard' feeling when you push them.From watching the video, the "clicks" from the buttons come off cheap to me. I've also never had any luck with anything by PDP, which I believe was Pelican before.
Do you get a guaranteed block string on a blocked jump in punch like in MK? I really wish the demo had the training mode lol.
Do you get a guaranteed block string on a blocked jump in punch like in MK? I really wish the demo had the training mode lol.
Sorry, this one takes the cake. Nothing else captures exactly how often childish the Batman/Superman fights are.