Im getting it. Need a fix to Super Crate Box update absence...
Decided to bite as well.
Im getting it. Need a fix to Super Crate Box update absence...
You can use skill cards by the amount of stealth points you have and whether the stealth level of the card is equal to or greater than the target card's value. Example: you can't use a level two water arrow on a torch guard that's level 3.I don't know where else to ask, but I have a question about something I don't understand in Card Thief.
I just unlocked the daily missions and I have access to a bunch of skill cards during these that I've never used before. For some reason though, it seems to disable or enable use of these randomly. I don't understand why at times I can use a card, and other times I cannot. Can anyone help? Is it because I don't have enough stealth points, or I need to disable a light source, or an enemy is looking in my direction?
Other than that, I'm trying to find another addicting game with daily login objectives and events. I used to play Final Fantasy Brave Exvius but got frustrated by the RNG on pulls and didn't fancy spending a lot of money and possibly get nothing useful. Anyone know of a similar game with less reliance on RNG/spending money?
You can use skill cards by the amount of stealth points you have and whether the stealth level of the card is equal to or greater than the target card's value. Example: you can't use a level two water arrow on a torch guard that's level 3.
Based on the post above i downloaded Gumballs & Dungeons and WOW am I shocked. A free to play Dungelot-like game that is easily better than its inspiration, and free with no need at all to spend money (after playing 6 hours since yesterday). I highhhhly recommend this game if you liked Dungelot. It's that, with a ton of content with what seems like millions of things to do. It's cute and charming and fun and has that "just 1 more" hook ina major way. Thanks for bringing this game to my attention it's already my most played ios game in months!
So here's a question for you iOS gaming afficianados:
I'd like to get a really good VR headset "box" for my iPhone 7 Plus.
Something that is a little high-end or premium and widely accepted as "one of the best".
On that same note, recommend some good VR apps for iOS.
Preferably something with good lenses and 100 degree field of view? I dunno.
No problem! I also recommend its other inspiration, Rune Stone Keeper. I also find it better than Dungelot and it's very challenging. I can go 40-50 floors in endless mode pretty easily in Gumballs & Dungeons. If I get to floor 20 in Rune Stone Keeper I had a good run. Playing above Normal is truly difficult.
Whoa thanks - how have i not heard of this game?! Downloading now
Whoa thanks - how have i not heard of this game?! Downloading now
Everything after the first Robot Unicorn has just been a disappointment.
I tried Magic Duels again and 10 minutes of gameplay drained about 25-35% of my iPhone 6S+ battery. On the bright side, I could've fried an egg on the back of my phone. Back into the trash this game goes.
I downloaded it again now to take a screenshot of the battery usage but it's not listed under there for some reason. I played one tutorial (10-15 mins?) and lost 24% battery life.![]()
Prices are not visible yet but Coding Monkeys has a sale going on. Carcassonne for 4.99 and Lost Cities 1.99 instead of 9.99 respectively 3.99. I think that is the biggest sale Carcassonne has seen in some time, definitely will pick it up.
Death Road To Canada is so damn neat. Wow! Management + loot + zombie hordes + loads of action makes this game very enjoyable. And the roguelike part means it has a ton of logevity. Outstanding!
I thought Carcassonne was always $4.99? It is on Android.
I randomly found this platformer rpg called Goblin Sword that came out years ago, and holy crap does it look well done. Anyone here played it?
Golden standard of platformer on mobile done right, in my opinion.I randomly found this platformer rpg called Goblin Sword that came out years ago, and holy crap does it look well done. Anyone here played it?
Last call for May title
That's a 43% discount after just 5 weeks on the App Store. This trend is becoming too common, some games are going on sale within two weeks of release! This is a self-perpetuating cycle where people wait to buy a game knowing it will go on sale quickly and games go on sale quickly because nobody's buying them.
Ffs Apple raised prices in the app store over night in Germany. 2.29 instead 1.99 and 3.49 instead 2.99 and so on. That's quite a margin... Definitely turned off to buy a lot more now.
Apparently there not not only increased prices but also decreased ones because they introduced new price tires like 0.49 or 1.09 for example. However most 99 cents apps are 1.09 now.
Ffs Apple raised prices in the app store over night in Germany. 2.29 instead 1.99 and 3.49 instead 2.99 and so on. That's quite a margin... Definitely turned off to buy a lot more now.
Apparently there not not only increased prices but also decreased ones because they introduced new price tires like 0.49 or 1.09 for example. However most 99 cents apps are 1.09 now.
I was looking at the Spanish appstore prices too and wondering what happened. Prices now are 1.09, 2.29 and so on. Damn. Without any notice. Glad i bought DRtC and a couple of other before this.
I do:I'm not seeing any new tier for Europe:
I'd guess that the new prices are not yet applied to all apps thus there still are 99 cents apps. However that does not explain cheap 49 cent apps... Seem to be mostly older and really small games like Doodle jump.
Didn't read anything about it unfortunately though 😐It was mentioned last week and reported on. The press release mentioned that it would take full effect this week.
I do:
I'd guess that the new prices are not yet applied to all apps thus there still are 99 cents apps. However that does not explain cheap 49 cent apps... Seem to be mostly older and really small games like Doodle jump.
Didn't read anything about it unfortunately though ��
I do:
I'd guess that the new prices are not yet applied to all apps thus there still are 99 cents apps. However that does not explain cheap 49 cent apps... Seem to be mostly older and really small games like Doodle jump.
Only one I can think of is 1849I'm looking for a nice building sim, best would be a scifi one, which is not Pay2Win .. probably impossible .. Or smth like "The Guild 2" - also not P2W. Any suggestions?
Only one I can think of is 1849