oh yeah i forgot gaf has an ignore list
problem solved
Awesome idea. Pachimari, bye bye. I cant believe I am having a rough time because I said an opinion, my god...
oh yeah i forgot gaf has an ignore list
problem solved
But "marketing" and "studies" aren't the same thing?Probably, in your mind, it happened this way. I said that because there is a study that compared freemium to gambling, but you dont know anything about that, right?
Defend a washed down version of a real game to be even better to those that are real games
At no point did I imply that Pokémon Go was better than the console games?Same answer as above
Wait, so what was I supposed to fear? So you can't see that your aggressive way of addressing the votes was wrong?Again, a product of your preconceptions and fears
And now you know that word. It's something you do.I just did a sentiment call, as a gamer. You then mentioned me that word which I didnt know it existed...
Wait, what? I'm a liar now? Because I don't feel pissed?If you werent pissed off you would come back at me with that 'belittling' thing. You are just lying now
You missed the point again.Awesome idea. Pachimari, bye bye. I cant believe I am having a rough time because I said an opinion, my god...
Sound suggestion. I'll make use of that.oh yeah i forgot gaf has an ignore list
problem solved
Y'all we can't fight like this.
Not on Super Mario Run day.
What is going on in this thread?
People is just getting mad ahead the imminent launch of Super Mario Run :_)
Calm down, guys! There are copies enough for everyone!
I'm actually wondering if the servers will be down at launch. Depends on how much we have to ping the server to play the game!
I'm actually wondering if the servers will be down at launch. Depends on how much we have to ping the server to play the game!
I'm actually wondering if the servers will be down at launch. Depends on how much we have to ping the server to play the game!
There are more people downloading iOS updates right away than there are people that will download a game on the app store right away. It'll be fine, what you may encounter is the "game not up yet in my local store / refreshing doesn't help" latency.
Well guys, I am making an iOS INDIE Game of the Year later, where people can vote for indie games. I wont allow big corporations of big franchises, so that thread wont be populated with casuals who only played Pokemon GO (and add other 9 titles just to put it in). You arr welcome.
There are more people downloading iOS updates right away than there are people that will download a game on the app store right away. It'll be fine, what you may encounter is the "game not up yet in my local store / refreshing doesn't help" latency.
But those are Apple's servers, which are mostly fine. SMR's servers are the ones of DeNa/Nintendo. We don't know how it's gonna hold up, but one would assume they have prepared in advance.
I'm gonna to have an account on that miimoto thing to play this?
DeNa has experience with this kinda thing right? They've launched some pretty big games in the past. Not Mario big tho...
Yes. Create a Nintendo Account at the bottom.
Can someone give me a quick rundown on Bully? It's one of the few Rockstar games I never got to play, what makes it different/unique compared to the GTA games?
I'm guessing Mario will be 10 am or so, yes?
I'm guessing Mario will be 10 am or so, yes?
This thread has gone to shit. More_Badass is gonna be pissed when he comes back. Good luck to you guys, he warned you.....
Actually there has been an indie GOTY thread the last few years, but it's PC focused and designed as way highlight the year's best releases rather than finding a winner
1) Let's keep the discussion and atmosphere in here cordial.
2) You don't define what's a game or not. Capturing Pokemon out. ( REMAINDER OF QUOTE SNIPPED FOR THE SAKE OF BREVITY)
Yes. Create a Nintendo Account at the bottom.
Posted this when it releasedCan someone give me a quick rundown on Bully? It's one of the few Rockstar games I never got to play, what makes it different/unique compared to the GTA games?
Haven't played it on iOS yet, but it's my favorite Rockstar game from the PS2 era. Even better than San Andreas (and that was my first GTA game and left quite an impression).
The smaller scale of the world gives it a charming intimacy and liveliness that you can't get from the sprawling cityscapes. The days progress, the seasons change. The missions are surprisingly inventive and characters well-written. It just might be the most unique game Rockstar has made in the last decade, given its setting, characters, and overall tone.
Okay, Bully might have the best touch controls in a Rockstar game yet
What date does the store lock down again pre Xmas? My toucharcade wishlist still has so many games on it...
What date does the store lock down again pre Xmas? My toucharcade wishlist still has so many games on it...
New apps and app updates will not be accepted December 23 to 27 (Pacific Time)
Righto, so essentially next week for any other big releases? Fingers crossed then.
Righto, so essentially next week for any other big releases? Fingers crossed then.
Noodlecake is publishing a cool action-puzzler called Island Delta next weekRighto, so essentially next week for any other big releases? Fingers crossed then.
thanks, will probably pick it up then to see how it isPosted this when it released
killercow keeps tricking me on Twitter.
Can someone give me a quick rundown on Bully? It's one of the few Rockstar games I never got to play, what makes it different/unique compared to the GTA games?