And onto page 2
(You poor 100ppp'ers, better get with the superior format
(You poor 100ppp'ers, better get with the superior format
And onto page 2
(You poor 100ppp'ers, better get with the superior format)
I bet you use the dark theme too
This might not be the right place to ask this, but does anyone know of an app, that I can track my game purchases on (consoles) and maybe what games I beat on a given date.
Cool. Do Dragon Quest IV, V and VI support controllers?
Dark Theme for life!
Pocket Mortys will be available as a free download for iOS and Android on January 14th:
It is seriously going to destroy your free time. I am the producer for Adult Swim on this title, and the developers (the HUGELY talented Big Pixel Studios) have knocked it out of the park. It is so good.
Is there a thread for this yet? GAF has a lot of Rick & Morty fansDark Theme for life!
Pocket Mortys will be available as a free download for iOS and Android on January 14th:
Is there a thread for this yet? GAF has a lot of Rick & Morty fans
For physical games I use Pocketpedia. Not sure what you can do for digital purchases.
VG Tracker
Works with physical and digital, retro and current platforms, has artwork, search that works, and a simple user interface.
Tracks progress ("not started", "started", "finished") but there's no date attached to that.
Developer seems responsive so they could be open to adding add that feature?
I have a few from way back in my app history:
Game Vault - I believe this uses the giant bomb database. Not as much detail as you want (only now playing and completed toggles) but it's free with no banners or IAP.
Video Games Database has a scanner but I never even made an account for this one.
Finally, this one isn't really intended for games, but it may give you all of the details you crave. I just found out about it today and I've actually been looking for something like an activity monitor for iOS similar to what's on Nintendo systems.
Anything worthwhile that came out today or coming tonight?
BattleHand sounded promising but apparently has really punishing timers.
And "Hell is a Mountain Flower" by DopplerInteract:
Any modern JRPGs for iPad? Something in the style of fantasy life or bravely default. Preferably without ant IAP.
Woah. This looks really cool. Thanks for the heads up!
Chaos Rings 3 is fantastic. It's $20, but no IAPs and a ton of content.
It also currently does not work on IOS 9. Pretty sure Square is working on a fix though.
We're bringing our Steven Universe RPG "Attack the Light" to Apple TV very very soon!
Will feature new controls for the remote, MFI controller support, a new hard mode ("Diamond Mode") and it's universal!
Hope some of our GAF friends will enjoy!
Woah, did expect to see Power Hover on the first page when I opened this thread, thanks @more_Badass!
We are busy working on the Android version and the first content update, which should be ready on February, atm. we are planning to release: 6 new levels and a new boss challenge level. oh and the story will continue.
I'll throw few promo codes here since these threads have been and continue be so awesome!
Quote the post for codes, post if you claim one
Damn, all already taken.
srsly, who is lurking iOS community and not posting cmon guys!
Anyone check out Hell Is A Mountain Flower? You got to love a name like that
They need to announce a release date for this already, I can't wait any longer.
I would love one too. The game looks so artistically awesome!Asa, can I get one too? :0
I agree with this. I love playing Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest on iPhone. Even paid full price for some of them even though they were expensive. Got The World Ends With You at full price too.The genre definitely is a good fit for mobile in most cases.
Is Shin Megami Tensei any good?
It may sound silly but while I still play a lot of console games, particularly FPS, racing and adventure type things like Rise of the Tomb Raider, I was going back to try a few older JRPGs again last night and found myself not enjoying myself.
I think I've come to the point where I prefer playing JRPGs -- ported or otherwise -- on mobile. Now if only some classics outside of the Final Fantasy games like the Suikoden series could come to mobile. I think going back to analog movement annoyed me, strangely enough.
I'm not a JRPG fanatic, but definately enjoy having a few in my rotation. The genre definitely is a good fit for mobile in most cases.
Dont usually play the genre, but I have to agree. Tight controls and good mission variety. And most sniper games seem to have stick figures or mediocre 3D visuals; the aesthetic here is way more stylish and appealing IMODon't have that yet, but need to put it on my list.
Wanted to recommend Lonewolf. It's probably the most fun I've had with a sniper game on mobile. May not have the fancy graphics, but it's better and more diverse than Hitman Sniper IMO.
$1.99 to change it completely from F2P to premium is a bargain.
Though I was disappointed to load up a few JRPG's and see a lot of button overlays. Like the Final Fantasy VII port. Out of all the genres, JRPG's are the best suited to touch screens; why is this so hard?
Dont usually play the genre, but I have to agree. Tight controls and good mission variety. And most sniper games seem to have stick figures or mediocre 3D visuals; the aesthetic here is way more stylish and appealing IMO