This is what I hear in my head:
All is forgiven, then!The port was done by Mark Randel , co-founder of Terminal Reality, the game's original developer. The studio closed down in 2013, but Randel ported the game to mobile and released it this week without anyone picking it up until some folks connected to the game started sharing it on Thursday afternoon.
lookin fwd to some gaf impressions, may have to cop this later today
It's more about being stealthy and timing your shots so you can hide the bodies of guards and kill your targets undetectedWas really hoping it was more like Spy Party where you had to really analyze the Target to take them out. It's not. There's a big red icon over the head of your contract.
It's more about being stealthy and timing your shots so you can hide the bodies of guards and kill your targets undetected
Oh! I thought that the whole game was played at sniper range? You have to hide the bodies??
Just want to repost for a new page:
If you're a fan of Jetpack Joyride, you should really enjoy this!
Any feedback would be appreciated!
Genuinely shocked at how good You Must Build a Boat is. I loved 10000000, and expected this to be a rehash of the same game. Which it is, but there's so much more of everything, and it's so much better in every way.
This is a legit successor to Jetpack Joyride.
I haven't really enjoyed a runner as much as I have with JJ.
This seems to check all the elements that made JJ amazing, but at the same time it's different enough to not look like a clone.
I'm liking the vertical scrolling.
The gameplay is really tight, and I love all the (how do you call them?) tricks you can do while rappelling. It seems there must be quite a bit of fine tuning to make them all work so smoothly (ricochet specifically).
As for feedback:
I had troubles understanding the randomizer items. I thought I got 1 free roll per day, and that the items I got as a result would be active for 24h. Like, for free. Turns out they only last for 3 runs, and I was being charged 1250 without noticing it for "auto" rolls. So, I'd say the flow is not clear enough here.
About the mission to leave Rigid Peak in 15 seconds: is there a trick to do that, or I have to wait until I get a good combination of items and a rocket in the beginning of the game? It's the one mission that's been resisting me.
Also, not really a fan of how the art style looks in still images, but it looks great in-game. Can't really say why.
Finally, I'd rather have the daily stuff (rolls, stars...) reset at midnight, as opposed to every 24 hours.
This way I know I can always do them while commuting in the morning. Otherwise, sometimes I miss them.
All in all, I'm really looking forward to playing more of it. Looks really good so far.
The Sorcery games get more open and less linear with each game; Sorcery 3 is an open world. I'd recommend continuing the series. The choices you make, even seeming small ones, can have major effects and cause big deviations down the line
And don't worry about the post size. The more impressions, the better
Just want to chime in and say that Riff the Robot is A BLAST! Congrats MagicD! It's a really wonderful game. Excellent presentation, perfect controls, has that perfect "just one more" hook, and is different enough from its influences to really be it's own thing. It wears its influences on its sleeve proudly, but does not merely just copy them. While its annoying to have an energy system, the bonus reel at the end of each stage is more than generous with free energy. Been playing all morning and haven't gotten close to running out!
Li Kao's return to iOS weekly report #2 ( ^_^)
- I don't really like the size of this post. I want to make a feedback but not annoy the shit out of you :-/ -
Thanks so much! Man, I tell you that going indie is a huge rollercoaster of emotions every day, but reading things like that really help keep us going! We're actively watching how players respond to the energy, timers and ads, so your feedback is especially helpful on that front. Some of those things can be adjusted in realtime from the server so no need to push a new client.
IGN's June Free Game of the Month is the ad-free version of Trivia Crack, which normally sells for $2.99:
Also, it took a year, but the program is open in 13 new countries, including Brazil and Mexico, finally. Localized versions of the landing page:
Keep calm?!?! You m$ther F*%#ing a$$hole! LOL.
Seriously, pretty happy and calm here on GAF without having to deal with the crap on that other forum. Much friendlier here.
And only Android game I can't get enough lately is the Talos Principle.
Anyway, don't be a stranger. Drop in on these threads or you may miss something awesome!
I wish my friend, I wish.
Call me Jon Snow, I know nothing.
But Omega it's among my top (on paper) games of this summer....along with This War of mine and Deathwatch.
...Radical Rappelling...
Any news on when Warbits is coming out? It's been on my "iOS games to buy" list for what feels like forever.
Wait for your email receipt to come > Report a problem > Request refundHow do I ask for a refund? How willing is Apple to refund due to crashing?
Wait for your email receipt to come > Report a problem > Request refund
Crashing is a legit reason, so you should be good
New Hero Emblems update soon! new content!
Playing Space Marshalls are really enjoying it. Any other good tactical top down shooters on iOS?
Hey infiniteloop, you're in luck. Pixelbite announced their next game Xenowerk
Heh, was going to ask if you were interesting in beta testing it. Got invited to the beta todayJust to follow up on this. I'm beta testing another dual stick top down shooter that's mixed with a rogue-like called Leap of Fate. You're a sorcerer in modern day battling aliens/monsters and must progress through the entire game without dying to succeed (aka the rogue like elements). Lots of upgrades and unlockables.
I'm enjoying it so far. Does have some sizable IAPs so not sure if it will be F2P but a little hard to tell because rogue-likes in general are meant to be difficult,
One to keep and eye out for though.
Heh, was going to ask if you were interesting in beta testing it. Got invited to the beta today
Just to follow up on this. I'm beta testing another dual stick top down shooter that's mixed with a rogue-like called Leap of Fate. You're a sorcerer in modern day battling aliens/monsters and must progress through the entire game without dying to succeed (aka the rogue like elements). Lots of upgrades and unlockables.
I'm enjoying it so far. Does have some sizable IAPs so not sure if it will be F2P but a little hard to tell because rogue-likes in general are meant to be difficult,
One to keep and eye out for though.
Agreed on both counts. F2P is actually getting pretty good now (for the most part)!Just want to chime in and say that Riff the Robot is A BLAST! Congrats MagicD! It's a really wonderful game. Excellent presentation, perfect controls, has that perfect "just one more" hook, and is different enough from its influences to really be it's own thing. It wears its influences on its sleeve proudly, but does not merely just copy them. While its annoying to have an energy system, the bonus reel at the end of each stage is more than generous with free energy. Been playing all morning and haven't gotten close to running out!
Also, Radical Rappelling is great, too. Although, am I blind, or is there no way to upgrade stuff? Just cosmetic things to buy with coins? I'm only rank 3, so maybe it unlocks at a later level? im probably just blind.
Woo!Awesome news!!!
You're testing that? Lucky bastard!
I wanted to so badly but it's iPad only atm :-/
Card CrawlThere was a solitaire RPG released recently but I can't remember what it's called. Can someone help me out?
Card Crawl
So did Pita ever say what it was we should we be hyped for? Sometimes it's hard to keep up with his Glorious post history.
Awesome, thank you.
I've never played solitaire, is the game still fun as a RPG?Card Crawl is getting a big update next week too with some new modes. Temporarily had it off my device. Need to re-download it.
It'll be on sale starting the 11th for $. 99. Of course, if you want to support the devs, the current $2 price is more than worth it.
I've never played solitaire, is the game still fun as a RPG?
Card Crawl is getting a big update next week too with some new modes. Temporarily had it off my device. Need to re-download it.
It'll be on sale starting the 11th for $. 99. Of course, if you want to support the devs, the current $2 price is more than worth it.
Thanks so much! Man, I tell you that going indie is a huge rollercoaster of emotions every day, but reading things like that really help keep us going! We're actively watching how players respond to the energy, timers and ads, so your feedback is especially helpful on that front. Some of those things can be adjusted in realtime from the server so no need to push a new client.