While I wait for answers, some impressions:
I bought 9th Dawn 2 and played 2-3 hours now. I bought the first one when it released and played 30 mins then stopped no idea why it seemed fine. Thoughts-
--music is symphonic beauty I love everything I have heard.
--graphics are nice enough on my iPhone 6. Old school looking but I like them.I tried on iPad mini retina and it was blurry grainy ugly

--controls are just like the first and weird but I have adapted. you move with a left analog (fixed or floating) and the right analog aims and attacks with. weapons/magic. it can sometimes be difficult to hit enemies as they move around a lot but most of the time it works.
--leveling up is simple so far just choosing stat points. there is a skill system but I either have not gotten far enough to unlock them or I haven't figured it out yet lol.
--dungeons are long and meandering with similar graphics (so far). puzzles have consisted of flipping switches then figuring out what you just unlocked. they have added a jump button so there are gaps and moving platforms that have worked ok so far.
--story is generic and some text has seemed...stiff? amateur? not sure but it's alright sometimes and not later.
All in all I have enjoyed my time with it and will play more. the world is MASSIVE so I can see this being a very long game.
the end