Wow, congrats on winning the 3DS! What a nice prize

I'm not really familiar with the Japanese indie scene, so unfortunately I can't really help you with that. Maybe someone else can jump in and help here. Also I can't remember there being any special promotions going on right now but the last time I visited the eShop has been some time ago so could be wrong! I know there was something about registering both Smash and Pokémon but I forgot D:
Sorry, not really helpful at all XD I just wanted to congratulate you on your 3DS! Hope you stick around in the thread, some new faces are always welcome

As for what full game to get: I guess it largely depends on your level of Japanese. I can read quite a lot kanji but I never could get into my imported copy of Monster Hunter 3G. Material and equipment names are almost all in kanji that I couldn't read yet which made it too hard for me to get into the game (I don't have the patience to look at FAQs all the time). Pokémon is very doable for me because of the basic Japanese, and Smash doesn't really need any knowledge of the language at all. All three of them are great, so you can't really go wrong with any of those three quality wise

. The Shinuchi version of Youkai Watch 2 is also coming out this Friday, if you're looking to get something new-ish. Haven't played the original versions of YW2 yet but based on my experience with the first game (almost finished it) and impressions of YW2 from fellow Gaffers, it's going to be a really great game packed with tons of content.
Speaking of which...
Just preordered my copy
