Great thanks for that. What do you recommend first purchase should be then......also its sad to admit I've never played majora's mask.....dont come at me with torches and pitchforks gaf lol.
Depends on what you are looking for really.
For DS classics I'd certainly hunt down the following titles:
Zoo Keeper
Catch! Touch! Yoshi! / Yoshi Touch & Go!
Castlevania: Dawn Of Sorrow
Castlevania: Portrait Of Ruin
Advance Wars: Dual Strike
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! 1&2
Puyo Puyo 15th Anniversary
Picross DS
Megaman ZX
Luminous Arc
Geometry Wars Galaxies
Advance Wars: Dark Conlict
Bangai-O Spirits (this should be at the top of your list

Elite Beat Agents
The World Ends With You
Soul Bubbles
Ketsui Death Label
Illust Logic + Colorful Ilust (brilliant if you love Picross)
Dragon Quest 4,5,6 and 9
Final Fantasy Tactics A2
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure
Rhythm Tengoku
Picross 3D
Luminous Arc 1&2
Umihara Kawase Shun Second Edition: Kanzenban
Loopop Cube: Lup * Salad (brilliant underrated platform puzzle game)
Metal Slug 7
That's quite a list, so I'll keep it at that.
As for 3DS I would certainly pick up an New 3DS XL with Majora's Mask.
I've played every single Zelda game besides the Cdi ones, yes, even the Game & Watch.

And Majora's Mask is my favourite 3D outing just like ALTTP is my favourite 2D one with A Link Between Worlds a close second.
You'll certainly find plenty of 3DS recommendations, so I'll just name a couple of indie/DL games that you might want to check out.
Steamworld Dig
Cave Story
The Sega 3D Classics line
Attack of the Friday Monsters
ePicross series
Hydroventure Spin Cycle
Dillon's Rolling Western
Summer Carnival Recca 92
Pullblox and Fallblox
Paper Plane (DSi)
Bird & Bombs (DSi)
Crimson Shroud
Harmony Knight
3D Classics Xevious if you love the original
Shovel Knight
Sayonara Umiharakawase
Even though I already have a 3DS since launch, and an XL since that one came out, also have an ambassador n3DS and waiting for the release of the XL version as I want to make that one my main system.
I'm getting closer and closer to ordering a Japanese n3DS XL.
I thought there only would be a couple of games that would interest me for it, but I'm surprised when browsing online Japanese shops at how many exclusives never came out over here.
Only have Dragon Quest VII, Ex Troopers and Monster Hunter 4 right now as well as Sayonara Umihara Kawase which I bought before it looked like it was coming to the west.
And even though I know very few people might be interested in it, I just ordered Zoo Keeper 3D, which I didn't even know existed till about 30 minutes ago!

It was my first DS game when I picked up my Japanese launch model and still one of the games that I keep going back to year after year. So a 3DS version is an insta buy for me.