
What is JC2 MP?
TLDR: Multiplayer Mod for Just Cause 2. Been around for a while through alpha/beta testing, but finally comes out today (16/12/2013)
Video Version:
Over two years ago we set out to turn Just Cause 2 into a multiplayer game. During the course of the two months we spent working on JC2-MP, we were met with many obstacles - which at the time felt impossible to conquer. For the last month we've been working in secret to achieve those goals, with great success. Over the coming months, our aim is to polish the current build to a state that can be released to the public. Contrary to popular conspiracies, we were not shut down by Avalanche Studios. Nor did we intentionally delete our source code to inhibit further growth. The source at the time was extremely unstable and volatile. However this time around, we have squashed all obstacles encountered thus far.
Download it through Steam as free add-on DLC by clicking below

What are the objectives?
There are none. Collectively admire Panau, fuck shit up or anything else you can come up with.
Where is the cheapest place to buy Just Cause 2?
Its been on sale dozens of times for as cheap as £2.50/$2.50 but right now it's the Steam promo (80% off until 19/12/2013)
Other places to purchase a steam key from are listed here
old thread