0.2 Changelog
New Features
Added support for all of the previously unsupported civilian models
Added Steam achievements
Added SharedObject class
Added NetworkObject class
Added WorldNetworkObject class
Added basic UTF-8 support to Lua strings
Added SetUnicode(boolean) global function
Added storage to all entities, not just Players
Deprecated PlayerValueChange and PlayerNetworkValueChange events
Refactored Chat class functions to support multiple colours in a single message
Added Vehicle.GetClassByModelId
Added Vehicle:GetClass
Added VehicleClass enum
Improved Lua errors with event argument printout
Added delta argument to PreTick/PostTick and Render/PostRender
Added Angle.Delta
Added Vector2.Reflect and Vector3.Reflect
Added module metadata
Added Player

Added Vehicle:SetStreamPosition and Vehicle:SetStreamAngle
Added Vehicle:Get/SetSpawnPosition and Vehicle:Get/SetSpawnAngle
Can now disable collisions between two different types with Player/Server functions EnableCollision/DisableCollision
Added ClientModulesLoad event
Added Player:RequestGroupMembership(groupId, callback)
Added StreamableObject:GetStreamedPlayers
Added SLED debugger support
Added suppressible PlayerAchievementUnlock event
Added Server:GetFrameTime
Added SendAutorunWhenEmpty config variable, default as false, to control whether autorun scripts are sent for empty modules
Added netstat command
Added ClientActor class which provides a basic client-side NPC interface
Added GameRender event for depth-tested rendering in the game world
Main menu overhaul
Added support for streaming image resources with AssetLocation.Resource
Added support for Unicode characters in CharPress
Added LocalPlayer:SetLinearVelocity
Added Character class, common to Player and ClientActor
Added Character:Get/SetLeftArmState
Added Character:GetSeat
Added Vehicle:Set(Linear/Angular)Velocity
Added GetClimateZone method to streamed and client entities
Added ClimateZone enum
Added Player:GetAvatar
Added AvatarSize enum
Added Featured tab to the server browser
Added description field to the server browser
Server browser filters are now consistent between restarts
Added Camera functions SetFOV and GetFOV
Added LocalPlayerEjectVehicle event
Added 'entity' and 'impulse' arguments to VehicleCollide event
Added LocalPlayer functions SetOxygen and GetOxygen
Added LocalPlayer:IsFriend(steamid/player)
Added Client:GetFrameTime
Added Game:GetWeatherSeverity
Added ClientStreamableObject as a base class to Vehicle/Player
Added an optional boolean parameter to Physics:Raycast to disable the raycast filter
LocalPlayerBulletHit event now contains a bone argument
Added a setting to toggle vehicle camera snap and adjust timeout
Added a setting to toggle vehicle stunt camera
Removed apostrophe keybind opening console, added a setting to configure console keybind
Added support for correctly rendering the tab character in text
Added CursorType enum
Added Mouse:SetCursor
Added FontAwesome and League Gothic fonts to resources
Added ability to navigate through TextBox history using Up and Down arrow keys
Added Ctrl-Left/Ctrl-Right hotkeys to TextBox to facilitate moving the cursor word by word
Added Label:SetLineSpacing
Added TextBoxNumeric:Get/SetNegativeAllowed
Added gui_show_netstat console command
Added window position and size launch parameters
Bug Fixes
General sync improvement
Luabind now checks parent classes when looking up class members (class("MyDerived")(MyBase) in _init.lua works now)
Scripts are now loaded in alphabetical order on all platforms
Fixed script profiler not counting network events
The marshaller now accepts table keys of any type
Angles sent over the network no longer lose precision from compression
Vector2/Vector3/Color statics can no longer be edited
Comparing any API class with '==' should now work
Fixed random number generator not being seeded at startup
Improved Timer precision
Fixed issue with server memory not being freed on entity removal
Fixed issue with world iterators not working correctly
Fixed a bug where scripts would still be run even if the server failed to start
Fixed SteamId outputting the community id when printed on Windows
Fixed bones returning the wrong position for smaller models (Breaking change)
Fixed very long-standing issue with on-foot weapons often not firing for other clients
Vastly improved vehicle sync, also allows players to stand on vehicles as in singleplayer
Hopefully fixed archive bug that caused models/effects to fail to load
Fixed static objects not responding to the biome (snow / dust)
Fixed an extremely prevalent crash during entity collision listener removal
General renderer improvements
Refactored Mounted Gun sync, resulting in better aim accuracy
Reduced memory usage by preventing entire archives from being loaded at once
Fixed issue where requested models could sometimes be wiped out by the loading screen process
Fixed a bug where vehicle colors were darker than the requested colors
Fixed issue with vehicle colors not being applied to some turret parts
Fixed input sometimes going crazy when in a menu
Fixed settings window not preserving game resolution upon resize
Improved precision of Input:GetValue return value
Fixed being stuck in the air when EnterVehicle is called while grappling
Things drawn in 3D (and Render:WorldToScreen) no longer appear to be ahead by one frame
Fixed character model not changing if gui hidden or in a menu
Removed highlighted servers from the server browser
Character models are now reset on disconnect
Fixed PlayerEnterVehicle missing old_driver arg
Fixed issue with default player state being PlayerState.None instead of PlayerState.OnFoot
Some client entities now inherit from ClientStreamableObject to mirror the server classes
Added parameters argument to ClientSound.Create
ImagePanel:SetImage now takes an Image instead of a path
Fixed HSVColorPicker issues
Fixed SortedList header being offset when it has a scrollbar
Fixed crash with SortedList:Clear
Fixed issue with SortedList sizing