Subete no aware
Funny, I've spent so much money on slots, but I haven't married anyone because of how they priced it. If it was 500 yen, I probably would have bought a few rings.
If I follow level 99 ships will get ringed, almost all my subs will get one lol.
Come on Mutsuki class Kai Ni. At least give us this one...
I want to be surprised.
Surprise... it's bunch of nothing lol. Well, bar some nice CGs.
Ryuuhou and Taigei back in their swimsuits. <3
how dare you say combat ration upgradeable @ Akashi is nothing :v
Oh really? My screw count would be 0. Must hide the news from Akagi...
Well, it's nice to see swimsuit CGs coming back. Quite happy with this update
EDIT: This 6-3... Taiha galore at boss node. Getting A rank is hard.
Whew. Yeah I'll do this to gain 1 screw for daily improvement quest then. Didn't even use that onigiri during event. Not even the resupply drum. BTW, who the support ship for this? Tried vanilla Akashi, Akagi and Isokaze, no rice ball doesn't use screw. wasting screw for something that is consumable, even tanaka isn't as cruel as that lol. resource use is minimal as well, need another combat ration as sacrifice for upgrade tho, at least I can stop discarding it every now and then and just slowly upgrade 1 or 2
Haruna, Italia, Yamato, Mutsu, Fusou and Yamashiro got their swimsuit backGonna have to enjoy the patch once I get home from work. Still no Musashi swimsuit CG.![]()
It feels strange how they have to balance the game - it's like the AO oil drums, where they were required to clear events on hard until the last couple of events where they were just made irrelevant.Is there really even any point to the improved rations? I wonder if they'll be used for the summer event in some way.
It feels strange how they have to balance the game - it's like the AO oil drums, where they were required to clear events on hard until the last couple of events where they were just made irrelevant.
I guess with this being a long event, maybe we'll also have an 8+ node final map, at which point having FastSuck with drums and then your entire fleet with rations in the extra slot is required to kill the boss on last dance. lol
I've done the last two events on hard, but if I see this one is stupid, then I'm more than happy to just go medium or easy for the clear.That would make me cry, but knowing how cruel the devs can be at times, this wouldn't surprise me.
I hope Tanaka shows us mercy.
I've done the last two events on hard, but if I see this one is stupid, then I'm more than happy to just go medium or easy for the clear.
That said, I maxed out my ship slots again (340 ships wheee) so this game has me to some extent. lol
It's not too bad since I bought the majority of them when the Canadian dollar wasn't trash. Now it's like paying 10 bucks every event patch. lolIt has you by the wallet. So far, I'm at 240 slots.
Speaking of spending money on Kancolle, I'm still eagerly awaiting for the Lawson collab to begin.
It's not too bad since I bought the majority of them when the Canadian dollar wasn't trash. Now it's like paying 10 bucks every event patch. lol
lolBut the game is free!/s
I wonder if it's possible to do 100 ships at this point.
Fumizuki Kai Ni next Monday!
Should be the same as Satsuki since same fleet and all, so level 75 most probably.
She's not really leveled at all in my fleet. It's going to depend on what her gimmick(s) are/is.
Most probably a Daihatsu equipable. Instant Kai Ni for me as she's now level 76.
Need to find excuse to level up 4 more Kai Ni DDs tho. Hatsushimo(68), Hatsuharu(0), Murakumo(0) and Ushio(0). I'd probably able to Kai Ni Hatsushimo before next update/event. Other 3, still need to find reasons. All have so-so stats and can't equip Daihatsu. Might go with Ushio next because of her luck.
I really should start investing in 5-5 and 6-5 tho for more medals(and screws). Problem is the ships that I'd use in those maps are already level 95+ and I don't like sorties without gaining any experience once they hit 99. Same reason why I don't use Abukuma anywhere unless she really needed. Thanks for coming to the base, Yura KN.
Enterprise please~
I would be so happy if it's Enterprise.
Edit: Looks like we're getting an European theater operation for the summer event! HMS ARK ROYAL COMING! I wonder if there's special routing if you have Bismarck.
Archer incoming. Looks like she'll be equipped with longbow. My Bismark is ready. Should've also kai my Roma just in case.
Looks like there'll be some Japanese DD in the event and a new foreign submarine as well.
BTW, Fumizuki today
Fumizuki Kai Ni getto. Lucky I leveled her up a bit more to 77, which is instant Kai Ni upon login.
Both new quest done. Went with Yura KN, Satsuki KN, Fumizuki KN, Minazuki K, Nagatsuki K and Hatsushimo KN. 3-2 compass trolled me quite a few times before pointing the fleet to boss node. Still being trolled there with red tea, but wiped all of them in night battle. Special thanks to Yura for guiding these girls though the rough water. Her plane helped getting AS+, which is pointless anyway, but the opening torpedo did help a lot. Four Mutsuki class against enemy fleet consists of 2 BBs, surviving that node is awesome. I choose expansion reinforcement instead of Daihatsu since 8 normal Daihatsu is enough...
I got free furniture fairy upon login. Tempting to get both Ise and Hyuuga scrolls, but I only have 1 furniture fairy ;.;
How do you have so few furniture fairies?
I bought quite a lot of furniture. Can change the base looks, kinda refreshing![]()
Pola insisted to be the FS.
Hmmm...I can't imagine why.
Tons of news for the event and future plans for the game and event hints. Looks like they're preparing to move away from Flash.
Miserable state. Didn't even hit 100 units. Spikes usually caused by event(as they rewards with screws). The recent spike caused by recent update, where onigiri could be improved daily, thanks to Naganami. They'll be all used up after event, probably from improving new equips or Zuiun for the Zuiun skilled quest, my last improvement quest currently available.
I started collecting more buckets after Summer 16 event, continuing until after Autumn 16. Maxed right before Winter 16. Dropped during event and maxed during normal days. Monthlies didn't give a dent as it usually finished with ~50 buckets used, which could be regained in 2-3 days.
Same situation as Buckets. Fuel and ammo easily depleted during event. The last one was worse as I farmed both pasta BBs in Normal mode on the last EO map. Surprisingly Bauxite didn't took that much of hit. Steel barely took a hit, so that's why devs are adding quests that require a lot of steel now. Side note: I should probably do monthly 5-5 and 6-5 after this...