Really enjoying playing again with the new characters in the mix.
I also really hope they change the fight HUD and SUPREME and especially the rank up/down and texts.
They said they like them/are happy with it, so dont expect them to.
Really enjoying playing again with the new characters in the mix.
I also really hope they change the fight HUD and SUPREME and especially the rank up/down and texts.
They said they like them/are happy with it, so dont expect them to.
Hate the new layout, stuff is really hard to find.
How do I find stuff/accessories/colours I've yet to unlock?
There seem to be less fight titles to aim for (after being reset no less) and the overall asthetic is giving me a headache.
Good thing the characters are badass though.
Very true, we have known for weeks. Actually fans have assumed what we will get since last Fall with all the "there will be a Season 2" talk. I believe there is a poll that was taken before Season 1 even came out to show what fans have requested the most. And yes, we did get returning cast and stage finishers. Two returning cast members (so far) and 1 stage finisher (so far). I know that things will be updated, but considering talk about Season 2 has been going since 2013, the lack of progress wasn't the best way to present the new season.
EDIT: Ah, found it!
Exactly. Like I was saying, fans have asked for stage finishers since the beginning. This seems like a quick way to go about doing it. Don't get me wrong, I think it is pretty cool, but the old games never had a particular button combination to execute a stage finisher.
In the arcades, there was nothing cooler than doing a full out Ultra and the cherry on to would be to send somebody over the ledge. The animation is something else I agree with you on. It just doesn't feel like a whole lot of effort was put into something "cool" and rather made it something that was just "there". I dunno.
This... more along the lines of what people expected/wanted.
Same thing I'm afraid is going to happen to KI. I enjoy the game, don't get me wrong. Like I was saying though, I had the exact same experience playing it after I got Season 2 as I did before I got Season 2. I still stick with my main character, but everybody thought Season 2 was going to bring a ton of new things to the table. Again, stage finishers, possibly no mercys, and revamped old stages to have stage finishers on them that you'd kind of have to figure out how to trigger which would bring a new presentation of creativity to the game. I know, I know...the development cycle hit a snag. I'm not saying Iron Galaxy did a bad job or they can't do it right. I'm saying they should have taken their time and waited to release a fully realized presentation. It probably wasn't up to them, though. Silver lining here is that they show promise!
What I'm saying is, Tekken 7's location tests have never promised anything. It is nothing more than to give fans their first taste of the new Tekken while getting input to make a better final version for the arcade and home.
I think where KI sort of dropped the ball is that fans had all these expectations for Season 2. Sure, they are probably coming, but we won't see it to its completion until, what, April? All of this buildup was for something that should have been a lot more complete than what we got last night. It just didn't feel worth the wait, and maybe that's why I'm so hard on it.
However, I do understand and agree with a lot of what you said! I do have fun with the game. I never felt it was a bad game, honestly. I just think that if Iron Galaxy can implement in all of the features stylistically people expect out of the KI series' "charm", then the people who will buy the 2 seasons combines in the Spring will get a more "blown away" experience than those of us going through the piecemeal experience.
Combo has a divekick alt lmao
How has the improved image quality been?
Can anyone clear this up for me, I bought the KI Season 1 Ultra Combo Breaker or whatever it was pack for $40. Do I need to buy the Season 2 pack for $40 also for all the content?
So it's an $80 game essentially?
Can anyone clear this up for me, I bought the KI Season 1 Ultra Combo Breaker or whatever it was pack for $40. Do I need to buy the Season 2 pack for $40 also for all the content?
So it's an $80 game essentially?
The glacius stage, when doing an ultra combo, takes a massive performance hit. I hope that is fixed.
Can anyone clear this up for me, I bought the KI Season 1 Ultra Combo Breaker or whatever it was pack for $40. Do I need to buy the Season 2 pack for $40 also for all the content?
So it's an $80 game essentially?
It's exactly the same model as the first season. It's $80 if you want absolutely EVERYTHING (including two extra games).
Which characters were fighting, which one did the ultra, and where were you on the stage when you saw this performance dip? I just tested it out with jago and orchid on the left side of the stage and saw no performance issues.
Edit: I also just tested it out with glacius, thinking the particle effects for his shatter might cause the performance to dip more noticeably than other characters, and still saw nothing.
Awesome and the increase in res makes a big difference. Game is very pretty now.
It was sabre/glac with the latter's ice rain super (I don't know the name) or when the former would activate his instinct. Both during an ultra combo. I played a bit more and Orchid's instinct can hit the framerate, as well.
So how do I see if I'm ranking up or down in ranked matches?
Is the frame rate still good? anything sacrificed for the higher res, like particles and stuff?
I'm in the UK with the fastest consumer internet you can get -- KI S2 downloaded in a matter of minutes. However, after 2hrs of trying to get any ranked or exhibition matches, not a single match.
Fucking ridiculous. Anyone else outside US experiencing this? Anyone in UK not having issues?
I went back, checked, and I never saw any framerate drops when doing glacius's shadow hail, ultra, or instinct activation. Similarly, I saw no framerate drops with Sabrewulf during shadow moves or instinct activations. The only time I saw any framerate drop was not during Sabrewulf's ultra, but the sequence shown after where he claws at the ground and roars/howls. Also, the audio became unsynced at that point, so there is definitely some sort of problem. Seeing as that does not seem to be an especially intensive part, I am assuming it is a bug and it should be reported to Iron Galaxy.
I am in the UK (London), no problems so far with ranked matches. Had one laggy match though, I'm guessing the other player was quite far away or on 56K modem.
Game refuses to find ranked matches for me ugh
will try again later I guess!
What about Shadow Jago from S1? Wasn't that some sort of special pre-order bonus?
They should do all fighting games like this from this point onwards, so we don't have to keep buying a new game every other year. The "season" concept is just brilliant.
They should do all fighting games like this from this point onwards, so we don't have to keep buying a new game every other year. The "season" concept is just brilliant.
I hope that never happens. Every time we get something good, the gaming industry ruins. Even now. KI has gone from a game with a decent model to a game that's expensive to to play and has Microtransactions. Optional or not, they exploit the buying habits that people have. I just wanna pay £40 and be done with. Simple.
Or at least go back to way KI used to be.
I'm still hoping for KI2 costumes.=OI can't wait to see the classic outfits!I wonder when those will be shown? :0