The linkers are the same, meaning they're just as easy to break. They aren't fast enough to make it difficult to determine if it's a light, medium or heavy. Outside of Sabrewulf's Ragged Edge linkers, I'd say they're close to being the easiest to break in the game.
Nice write-ups!
Regarding her easy to break linkers + Manual demand, Do you think this might be a conscious design choice with Maya? The Street Fighter/Capcom based work from IG might make them more apt to working on links and Frametrap situations then pure KI Linker/Autos-based gameplay. They won't be able to do this all season long, but for their first characters, it's a decent way to add somewhat new styles of play into the game.
....Or it could just be sloppy / changed programming. That Shadow Cancel window after her Shadow kicks opener is weird. As is being able to land Damage Ender after Instinct cancel. I kinda hope her daggers stay unbreakable at range, it's a slightly fair tradeoff for the fact she has to be so careful with them, and the relative ease of breaking her other options.. Her range game suffers far greater than Glacius' if she makes a mistake, and he has superior close-range and screen-controlling tools to boot.
And while manuals are easy after the daggers, you simply cannot use daggers as linkers unless you're fishing for counter breaker bait. You have more time to break dagger linkers than you do for heavy auto-doubles.
This does seem like it could limit their use at high level play. Do you think they should make new Linker-only versions of the dagger strikes, perhaps? Make Temperance only hit once, maybe?
Maya has tons of damage with minimal break opportunities, but I think all of this is going to get patched out. Those daggers are supposed to be breakable, I'm 99% sure of that.
Maya Ridiculousness:!204&v=3
Maya Riduculousness Part 2:
Going by their "always a 2 way interaction" ideals, they probably will be. Actually, can Jago's double Endo's be broken under manual timing? I think he can land 4+Shadow for 23% unbreakable. Personally, I LIKE
some guaranteed, unbreakable stuff in the game, as long as it's locked behind heavy meter / resource requirements, and requires some skill/planning.
No-one on the DH forums seems to care about the fact she CAN lose her daggers. They're all just concentrating on calling her an OP B*! Yay, fun times are here again!
Nice how they show respect to Terrence "PushaTee88". That's a sad situation to hear about

All those dreams and aspirations, put to a stop so suddenly. Really a serious shame. Prayers out to his friends and family.
The Custom Slots thing... Eeeugh. I don't like having less than before, but with the increase in character and accessory number, this might be required. Guess we'll see.
New ranks sound cool. Best 2 out of 3 should make for exciting matches.
Yeah, totally reminds me of the years where I collected comic book cards... The art quality looks pretty similar too! Same high-grade look Maya's art had to it, looking forward to seeing the rest. A Babylonian Sorcerer is a pretty unique point of inspiration.
I really like the streamlined unlocks. Just having EXP and per-character unlocks automatically added (and one list you can pull up to see what the next item per character is) has been way smoother for me. In a way, I'm almost glad I hadn't unlocked a whole lot in season one using the KP store.
I do like this element of it. I also like that art and soundtracks are unlocked with the rest of things. I'm guess I'm not as annoyed by the changes after my original S1 save was overwritten.
I REALLY wish they'd start tracking Player 2's profile / stats in 2 player local games, though. Either have it boost P1's profile additionally, or have P2 able to make their own unlocks. It's pretty goofy to have dependable local friends who main characters, who'll never get to have their custom items or colors set they way they want to, unless I play them religiously.
Local is the B&B of Fighting games, I hate how 2nd class it's become since online took over .... :-/
Was wonder about this as well. Couldn't you press a on a trial and be taken directly to an area to try it out? (eg. dogo trials took you to the dojo mission)
I don't think you could skip to it's place, but you could choose to pay KP to skip the trial itself. Taking trials off the main menu and hiding them in a corner is REALLY odd. There should be a trials ticker or something on the introductory menu screens / going by while waiting for online games...