It was canned sometime in 2013. I dont have an exact date yet and can only speculate based on the video that I have, but the XBO version was well underway at that point.
Makes sense, thanks for this man! Very cool stuff.
It was canned sometime in 2013. I dont have an exact date yet and can only speculate based on the video that I have, but the XBO version was well underway at that point.
It was canned sometime in 2013. I dont have an exact date yet and can only speculate based on the video that I have, but the XBO version was well underway at that point.
How fast did accessories and colors unlock in S1, because man, it's a grind. I hate having to grind to unlock stuff in fighters. I hope they didn't make it longer in an an effort to sell gold. The base F2P model was fine, but this part makes me nervous. That and what is that Booster stuff suspected to be?
Also, based on some earlier posts it sounds like they were going to make other characters play able in Dojo mode. Is this true?
I promised good stuff, so I hope this delivers for you. Killer Instinct, on the Xbox 360.
Is your XBO set as your home Xbox? Somewhere in the settings you can designate your XBO as the home unit. Doing this generally allows you to play games offline, but it's not set that way by default. That may help... not sure.
I promised good stuff, so I hope this delivers for you. Killer Instinct, on the Xbox 360.
I'm terrible about promising to scrimmage online and getting busy with other stuff, but I just got it, and am pretty bad/spazzy, so pm if you want.
Just bought an XBO last night and downloaded KI. For the season packs, can you unlock all the costumes included the $40 pack with the $20 pack? Or are the bonus items exclusive to the $40 pack with no other way to unlock them?
Money can unlock them but it cost more to buy them separately than to buy the 40 dollar pack.
But you can't unlock those costumes and cosmetics through gameplay leveling, right?
No you can't unlock the 4th accessory, retro costume and retro costume accessories through gameplay.
Does the same go for the season 1 ultra edition? It has unique items that can't be unlocked through gameplay?
I like the idea of the unlocks and leveling, but if buy the Ultra Edition opens everything up, thats kind of a bummer.
No you have to unlock 4 colors and 2 accessories for each character through gameplay. Ultra edition won't unlock those
Killer Instinct is one of the games I was so stoked for when they announced the Xbox One. I wound up going with the PS4 at launch and picked up a SO Bundle Xbox One two weeks ago. I play KI when I get the itch, but man do I get wrecked online. So far I only have Shadow Jago and whatever character is unlocked at the time. I consider myself good at fighting games, but KI's mechanics I am still trying to come to grips with. And, of course, not having an arcade stick is chafing me.
Any good pointers for a newbie KI player? I'm trying to get the feel of the combo system, but I think it takes a lot of practice. Maybe I should spend more time in Dojo, even though I've completed most of it...
Yeah, I beat him for the first time a few weeks ago. The way I did it was by using Jago (my main) and using double roundhouse followed by a tiger fury.Speaking of the AI reading inputs, has anyone managed to beat Shadow Jago with the Season 2 gameplay changes? Since he can now break combo enders and do air breakers, I just can't see how I'm supposed to be able to beat him.
At one point I was able to get him into a bit of an AI loop where he kept throwing fireballs, which I'd then punish with Orchid's Blockade Runner and wore him down that way, getting him all the way down to a sliver of health. Then he killed me after somehow breaking what would have been my ultra. I swear I only did the opener and the ultra input, and the cheating bastard somehow broke that.
I never tried to fight him in S1 because I thought I wouldn't be able to handle him. Welp.
Wow, congrats. (not sarcasm, I'm genuinely impressed) I guess I just suck then.
Maybe I'll get back to it at some point and try different characters. Orchid's my main and I figured I'd have the best chance with her, but eh.
159 tries
175th try
They really need to just offer a microtransaction to buy his stage. I do not have the patience for that shit. lol.160 attempts sounds about right, the last time I fought Shadow Jago I ragequit when my 175th try was going to shit. I think I got him down to danger on my 30th attempt or so, then spent the next while beating my head against a brick wall and never getting anywhere near winning.
I think the most annoying part about Shadow Jago is actually getting to him in the first place. I can generally beat the medium AI opponents without too much trouble (the occasional meltdown against Glacius or Spinal notwithstanding), but fighting your rival on hard and getting an ultra on them can be a pain. I kinda wish you could shortcut to the Shadow Jago fight from the menu after you've reached him once, just to make it that little bit less frustrating.
Wow, congrats. (not sarcasm, I'm genuinely impressed) I guess I just suck then.
Maybe I'll get back to it at some point and try different characters. Orchid's my main and I figured I'd have the best chance with her, but eh.
That doesn't seem to be the case here. I was discussing it with someone else affected over in another thread earlier. The physical disc for KI actually does seem to only provide you with the F2P version, and you go online to unlock the rest of the characters (8mb per character apparently). If it was simply a "home console" issue, it wouldn't make sense for it to apply to a physical copy anyway really. The game shouldn't be tied to either the console or account if you require a disc to play it.
Does the ultimate edition ever go on sale for non xbox live users? 40 bucks for season 1 is kind of pricey if you want all the stuff.
The issue he was having was that he couldn't access anything other than the free character and TJ Combo after putting the disc into an offline Xbox. While you'd have to connect it to the internet at least one time, setting it to be the home Xbox *should* allow him to keep every character available after going offline.
$40 is pricey for all 8 season one characters, KI1 arcade, retro costumes and the extra accessories? Not exactly sure what you were expecting it to cost. They can't just give this thing away for free... oh wait, you have that option too.![]()
I take it you haven't purchased the mortal kombat extra edition. It started at 60 and a year later it's like 20... Maybe even cheaper somewhere.
The issue he was having was that he couldn't access anything other than the free character and TJ Combo after putting the disc into an offline Xbox. While you'd have to connect it to the internet at least one time, setting it to be the home Xbox *should* allow him to keep every character available after going offline.
$40 is pricey for all 8 season one characters, KI1 arcade, retro costumes and the extra accessories? Not exactly sure what you were expecting it to cost. They can't just give this thing away for free... oh wait, you have that option too.![]()
Does the ultimate edition ever go on sale for non xbox live users? 40 bucks for season 1 is kind of pricey if you want all the stuff.
17 days until #itsagoddamnmummy 's trailer is out
just you know assuming the worst and all
They've sounded pretty adamant about not repeating the mistakes of season 1, but with how tough MS seems to make things, it can't be an easy wrong to right.I'd hope he would be out for Ultra pack owners next week or what's the point of early access? Really hope we aren't going to get screwed on that one like Season 1.
No stream yesterday or textual stream?
No stream yesterday or textual stream?
textual stream today. jebailey said it's a big one
Trailer Next Week