Sounds catchy. Also, I need that character to really be called "Notamummy."
Gonna be loooong day of work tomorrow.Trailer tomorrow by 10:00am PST, hate to be right but yeah.
It's about how much money I've spent on a single game. When a retail/download game costs £40 with additional content that's how much I judge it by. Since I've spent £60 on Killer Instinct, I see it as £40 for a game plus £20 worth of DLC. So far, the content doesn't come close to £60s worth of content as compared to what other games offer. It's hard to justify the price when there are better examples out there. Tekken and Skullgirls are good examples of this regardless of how money was obtained or whether there are duplicates. It's how much you spend and what the content you get back . As I said, I've spent £60 on KI alone and it's not a price I can justify, but since I like the game I will get the next season. That being said I'll be pretty pissed if Season 3 comes out at another £30.These are both pretty poor comparisons. Sure Tekken gives you a load of characters... but many of them have only been altered slightly in increments for over a decade now, with Namco getting paid full price at each installment. Contrast this to Killer Instinct where each of the characters has had to be built from scratch pretty much, with a completely new system because the old ones were really not viable today. Then you have the fact that despite the large number, Tekken characters have huge amounts of overlap in regards to movelists and animations (Marshall-Forest-Lee, Kazuya-Heihachi- Anna-Nina, Jun-Asuka- Bruce-Bryan, Michelle-Juila, Orge-TrueOrge, King-ArmorKing etc). The Tekken character count is somewhat inflated if you consider how distinct the characters are, compared to KI2013 where so far no character overlaps with any other.
Skullgirls is a better comparison, but then for a comparable SKU you're looking at £16 versus £12. It's not like Skullgirls came with a Skullgirls Classic. They added other characters yes, but they had crowd-sourced funding to help with that, so even though you personally may not have paid for the additional characters, someone somewhere did, and they likely paid a decent amount more on average then a new KI character costs. Basically they bought your extra character for you.
Not sure what to make of it, but it's going to be awesome anyway. I would expect we get to see more of him in this new trailer.
Apaosa (Apa-urta) is a demon who brings drought and aridity. He rides on a black, bald horse. Eventually he was defeated by the god Tistrya. He is equal to the Indian evil spirit Vritra.
Didn't they say we'll hear TJ's theme during the trailer?
I aint scared of you muthafuckas
It's about how much money I've spent on a single game. When a retail/download game costs £40 with additional content that's how much I judge it by. Since I've spent £60 on Killer Instinct, I see it as £40 for a game plus £20 worth of DLC. So far, the content doesn't come close to £60s worth of content as compared to what other games offer. It's hard to justify the price when there are better examples out there. Tekken and Skullgirls are good examples of this regardless of how money was obtained or whether there are duplicates. It's how much you spend and what the content you get back . As I said, I've spent £60 on KI alone and it's not a price I can justify, but since I like the game I will get the next season. That being said I'll be pretty pissed if Season 3 comes out at another £30.
Keep in mind that assuming Season 3 is also 30, that means I would've spent $140 on KI.
Another way to look at it is to say you had to recommend it to a friend. "For £60 you get 16 characters and that's after a year". Eh....
Not sure what to make of it, but it's going to be awesome anyway. I would expect we get to see more of him in this new trailer.
Didn't they say we'll hear TJ's theme during the trailer?
are we to expect the 10% GPU increase which Adam mentioned by launch? I'm thinking resolution could be improved etc. Also stage ultras in there as well (At launch)? They've been very cryptic about whats in AT launch vs after. Only thing I know for sure is that we'll be getting that updated interface which makes the game look like a ps1 budget title but oh well.
EDIT - maybe the interface has been improved b/c this recent tweet is giving me hope. Looks like maya has daggers in her pose as well:
Thrillho is not pleased that trailer won't be out until tomorrow
Vine title
- Anyone who thinks $40 for KI1 and KI2 Classic and additional costume sets for 16 characters is overpriced is being ridiculous.
I think people are allowed to voice complaints about the pricing if they choose. They don't have to deal with it especially since if you want all the season 1 and 2 characters and content. It's still 80. I think season 1 should be cheaper for new players coming in.At this point if you aren't on board with the pricing and or the other pricing options then you never will be. So no need to complain, because all of us in here love the game, are fine with the pricing and that's that.
If you don't feel the same way, deal with it.
I'm in a weird spot with this new "season" since I bought an XBox One used back in June which had the "Combo Breaker" pack already installed on it. The previous owner's gamertag and all of that info is gone but the game is totally playable on all of my family's gamertags.
You think buying the Season 2 Combo Breaker pass is going to integrate with Season 1 despite it not being my account that bought Season 1?
I feel like I'm going to be that weird edge-case where it fucks up the DRM or something and there will be little recourse other than re-buying the first game. Which is ok, I'm just curious how it's going to play out.
I think people are allowed to voice complaints about the pricing if they choose. They don't have to deal with it especially since if you want all the season 1 and 2 characters and content. It's still 80. I think season 1 should be cheaper for new players coming in.
I bought season 2 ultra and have season 1 already but it doesn't mean I don't agree with him to a certain degree.
Interesting. I'm going to say that with the vibe of the music and the fact that he's apparently Notamummy, the character is Indian in origin.
Not seeing yet here. Blame Canada!
well KIC tweeted this link out?
I have Amazon credit...stupid iTunes![]()
Still not available
Thought iTunes was already up, lol. Thus the![]()
Ehhh... my problem is that there's no KI/KI2 for $20 option. I don't care about costumes, and $40 for those two games IS too much. I don't know what the rationale is for not providing a way to get KI or KI2 outside of the ultra bundles.
It's a bonus that comes only with the Xbox One game. Saying you want it separately is like saying you want Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China to be available without having to get Unity first.
Maybe one day they'll make KI1/2 separate, but at the moment it's only a bonus option for fans who own the Xbox One game. At the very least it's basically like buying the special edition version of KI Xbox One. It's bundled so that more people are encouraged to buy the Xbox One game.
I think the trailer was supposed to come out 10AM PST? So less than eight hours.
No, it's not "for £60 you get 16 characters". You get 16 characters for £32. You can count all the other stuff as DLC if you like (costumes + accessories, classic games), but the game itself is priced at £16 a season. What you're doing is the equivalent of buying a limited edition version of the game and then comparing that the base version of a different game. It's simply misleading. If you were to tell your friend that to play the current 16 characters in KI2013, he'd need to put down £60... then you're lying, because he doesn't need to.
I don't even know what the "after a year" part has to do with anything.. the alternative here could have been to release the game at £32 today with 16 characters, and not have had a game to play the last year. Or release next year with 24 characters for the standard price of a retail game, and not have anything to play for two years. I'm not seeing how the option to play it earlier by paying a part of the cost is a negative.
Maybe you shouldn't be buying the Ultra editions? And if you're buying them simply because you like the game and/or want to support the team, then you shouldn't be trying to portray it as an entry price, and claiming that you're not getting your money's worth.
EDIT: Ok, you wouldn't have gotten it today with 16 characters... but you get my point...
If you don't feel the same way, deal with it.
Soundtrack, so good.
Also that new tease is really neat, sounds egyptian to me.
So when will Season 2 unlock? After midnight? I am thinking about waking up few hours early tomorrow, in order to play some ranked games before going to the office.
But that's the thing, those Ultra editions are the base game. They come with everything has been a standard within fighting games since...well gaming even started. Stages, costumes, accessories and characters are all very much a part of the fighting game experience, therefore, It's perfectly valid to say that the Ultra edition is the base version. It comes with everything you expect when you buy a game new. In that case, Ultra edition isn't worth the money. You can't take away Ultra edition and Combo breaker edition as the "base game".
As I said earlier, the way I see it, I've spent £60 on a game and it's honestly hard to recommend that price to someone. This is just Season 2. Do I wanna spend £90 in total on KI for a game that (at the end of Season 3) will still be significantly lacking as opposed to other games? Would you spend $140 on KI?
Can you not buy S2 for 20$ anymore?
So was it confirmed that all of our KI points will be thrown out the window? I need to make sure before mindlessly spending it. Seems weird they wouldn't be converting it to whatever new currency they're using.
You will be able to when it comes out/starts tomorrow