21st century cowboy
Can anyone confirm if the pre order ISA light machine is available in the game or is an exclusive for pre orders?
I expected the disparity in reviews. Critics judging Vita games by console standards instead of handheld standards is nothing new. Critics also being harsh on Vita games just cause is nothing new.
Don't forget 'critics being inherently biased against Killzone'.
First day multiplayer is nice, so many noobs
Just got the 10 killstreak trophy, thought it would be near impossible.
I'm tempted to buy a vita for this but I would really like to know if there are any traces of input delay and how are the controls received? Are they responsive or more like kz3? Cause I hated that.
First day multiplayer is nice, so many noobs
Just got the 10 killstreak trophy, thought it would be near impossible.
You know, I'm not at all taken aback that reviewers are judging this as a full console experience, because, you know, that's what it was aiming for. The Metacritic score still indicates it's good if you're looking for a standard FPS that works on a handheld; I believe that makes the game a huge success at a developmental level.
Any disconnects ?
How are the counter-melees handled/balanced in MP, dudez?
Live: Guerrilla Games Cambridge team at the Killzone: Mercenary launch party! Out in Europe today and in the US on the 10th. Thanks for all the amazing support and hope you enjoy the game!
Memory Card!!With regard to the enormous stability patch, if you're playing the game on the cartridge where does the patch save to? The cartridge or the Vita memory card?
I don't know if that's true, and I'm pretty sure Shadow Fall isn't going to get anywhere near the same amount of criticism regardless of whether it does anything new for the genre or not.
It's a fairly small team. According to a Tweet from Guerrilla Games' official Twitter account, the company includes about 270 employees, including Cambridge. So when you consider the difference in team size, about 50 vs nearly 220, it becomes all the more impressive that Guerrilla Cambridge crafted something of this caliber with such a small staff.
Ryan Winslett said:I usually wouldn’t bother to comment on campaign length, but I know it’s a big sticking point for many FPS fans. According to the end-game clock, my run through Killzone: Mercenary took only 4.5 hours. I kept an eye on the clock, however, and can assure you that my actual playtime was somewhere between seven and eight hours. Everyone’s mileage will vary, obviously, but I found my trip through the campaign to neither run out of gas too quickly, nor overstay its welcome.
The consensus seems to be that the campaign takes up around 7 hours on normal, yeah.
The consensus seems to be that the campaign takes up around 7 hours on normal, yeah.
Maybe 7 hours if you find all the intel and stuff. My playtime says 3 hours after I finished the whole campaign.
This game is only second to Shinobido 2 for 'best ragdoll physics gone wrong' on Vita.
(Game's pretty great so far!)
Maybe 7 hours if you find all the intel and stuff. My playtime says 3 hours after I finished the whole campaign.
Don't think the playtime counts deaths though. One mission took me almost 45 mins to get through but it clocked it as one play through of 20 odd minutes.
I really dislike when games do that because it doesn't give you a real sense of how much you've played - just what your best time was.
My playtime overall on the ststas screen was 4 hrs something and I know for a fact that it took me over 7 hours to play the campaign.
P.S. My Vita said it's getting hot while playing this and shutting off mobile phone connection. First time to see that message.
They rush you in hard which is dissapointing. The AI does not match the console games.How is the AI, something like its big brothers?. Is different in hard?.
4.5 gigs with the patch.Whats the size of the game?
4.5 gigs with the patch.