I can. Did you try it on a computer?can anyone watch battle replays here..?
I can´t seem to ge it to work..
I can. Did you try it on a computer?can anyone watch battle replays here..?
I can´t seem to ge it to work..
I can. Did you try it on a computer?
I've preordered a PS4 but I'm not 100% on this game.
I fear it'll be a yearly release, if you can prove me wrong I'll possibly end up buying it as it looks fantastic so far.
I've preordered a PS4 but I'm not 100% on this game.
I fear it'll be a yearly release, if you can prove me wrong I'll possibly end up buying it as it looks fantastic so far.
I need serious help with the first precision contract. I have no idea how to rescue all of the hostages. I know where the two near the start are in the section where you plant a bomb on the glass that has a bad guy behind it. I also know where another two are later on in the stage where you press buttons to open doors to free them. But I can't find a 5th and when I walk in to the room with people getting interrogated behind glass I automatically fail the mission. I've looked around to see if there's another way round to go to maybe rescue someone behind the glass before they're executed but I can't find anything.
So yeah, how do you get to rescue a 5th hostage in this stage? A sceenshot of where to go would be super helpful if possible.
this has nothing to do with a PS4 though?Killzone hasn't really established itself as a yearly iteration kind of game.
I'm hoping they patch it to get rid of all touch screen functions for the VitaTV.
sorry on my phone atm so can't do a screenshot but after you rappel turn left and go through the door and down the stairs. He's being interrogated in one of the rooms.
Oh f**k me I've clicked on a random thread that says "Killzone" and got it wrong haven't I?
That's my Neogaf début up to a great start huh?
Any tips for the Precision Contract in the first mission? I make it up to the part with the tank but I keep running out of time.
This is destiny telling you to get a Vita with this game!![]()
I'd say ghost through a section instead of fighting the enemies try and be stealthy. If you get the headshot 25 enemies switch weapons to one you're more familiar with. Also after you get the headshot on the tank gunner blow up the tank with a rocket launcher or skyfury. If none of the above work for you just do it on an easier difficulty I guess.
I would be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to the thought of owning a Vita. When I get my Ps4 I'll think about it some more, It's just with the release of a new console I find it hard to make excuses to get a second hand-held too.
So did anyone made a case for Boris being the best character in all the killzone universe?
Story spoilers:so sad to see him let go on the same mission he's introduced
So did anyone made a case for Boris being the best character in all the killzone universe?
Story spoilers:so sad to see him let go on the same mission he's introduced
Boris was awesome. Easily one of my favorite sections in the game.
multi kill?
I got a triple kill, that's not good enough?
I would totally buy a game about Boris, his big gun and lots of Helghast unworthy of their uniforms and yellow as piss Vektans to use for target practice.
You never see him die when he stays back to cover the elevator, yes?
In SP it does. In MP, no. Unless you have an enemy who's stupid enough to stand still for too long.Anyone here not using gyro?
Im not and im happy with the controls, does gyro give a significant advantage?
In SP it does. In MP, no. Unless you have an enemy who's stupid enough to stand still for too long.
Anyone here not using gyro?
Im not and im happy with the controls, does gyro give a significant advantage?
Anyone here not using gyro?
Im not and im happy with the controls, does gyro give a significant advantage?
No saving within levels is really killing this game for me.
Visit a weapon locker and it saves. Just be careful, sometimes it can screw up a whole mission if you do it under heavy fire.No saving within levels is really killing this game for me.
Visit a weapon locker and it saves. Just be careful, sometimes it can screw up a whole mission if you do it under heavy fire.
Are there any servers near Southeast Asia?
Visit a weapon locker and it checkpoints. Just be careful, sometimes it can screw up a whole mission if you do it under heavy fire.
Lol, didn't know this
Vita has sleep mode, missions have checkpoints if you die and aren't too long to begin with. It's fine really.
WTF is up with reviews saying that the game is "just another fps"? How many FPS games go the merc route, combining your resources from singleplayer & multiplayer to purchase weapons and upgrades? How many FPS have repeatable missions with different objectives? How many can you play at work? It's surprising how harsh some critics have been. I think the team did an awesome job and I wish them a ton of success!