32Gb not enough. Need 64GB. lol
Genuine 'fix this shit, GG' qualm (albeit small):
Make the swipe direction for the melee counter random, just like it is for the player initiating the attack. If I'm smart enough to get the drop on someone or realize that I can "cheese" the encounter by pressing triangle first, rather than shooting - exploiting design is a skill, after all - how is it fair that I'm the one who has to go through the mental and finger gymnastics when all they have to do is swipe up like a madman? Is there some balance they've implemented here that I'm just not observing?
Agree - although I've found swiping right to left like a madman as soon as I've grabbed them after the initial swipe (i.e. to initiate the killing stab) works well - have not been countered since I started doing it.
Haha. That is cheese upon cheese. Awesome. I'll have to give that a go.
OK GAF, I caved and bought a Vita with this. The GoldenEye comparisons sent me over the edge. Realistically how big a memory card should I buy for the Vita? Not necessarily this game specifically, but in general?
16 GB is sufficient, 32 GB is ideal. if you can afford it
Also get PS Plus if you don't have it already.
This 10k kill trophy tho....
I've played the game for about 30 hours and have just about 6k kills. Just need that trophy and the 100 multiplayer games one. Good lord.
Yep, the 10k kills is a grind - I've got 1300 to go
How're you doing it?
Just downloaded the digital art book. Very cool, make you appreciate the game even more.
Just downloaded the digital art book. Very cool, make you appreciate the game even more.
I've been getting disconnects today and yesterday. Haven't had any problems since launch but since yesterday I rarely can stay connected over the course of a whole multiplayer match....
I hate the shitty arms dealer loadout stuff. I have s o much stuff unlocked from SP, but the premtch time is over before i cn equip it in all my slots. All my hate for you, Blackjack.
You can access the arms dealer from the main multiplayer menu, before you join a game.
Yeah, I found that out once I left MP, I imediateky geared up. Still can't kill for tge life of me without my St-52, though.
I'm stuck on the Justice For All Demo contract, third ammo crate. I was in the room with the intel about Bennoit, now the AI guy wants me to go to save Grey, but I have to get the last crate first. There's nowhere left to be searched IMO, I freed tge hostages, everything. Opposite the room where Grey is held there's another room connected to the room with the ontel terminal, the door has a red light bulb and blood splatters on it...but it doesn't open. I can't drop down into it from the level above with the MGs, I can't access it from the intel room...halp.
And yes, I was looking under tge stairs pn the far side of the building, nada.
Google/IGN says that the crate would appear once I enter another room, but nothing so far.
So what's the consensus on what difficulty to play it on?
In the room with the second crate there is a door off to the left under the seats, right by where you go down off of the steps at the start. Go in it and there is a sub-level with the crate in it.
I now have only the Spangled and Blood Bank trophies left. Looking at my current kills and the likelihood of anybody using the tranquilizer without me getting killed/being saved, I think I'll be satisfied with 97% completion.
I've had that happen to me more than once quite easily, just make sure you're playing Warzone and eventually someone will hit you with a tranq dart and get killed by a teammate before they can interrogate you.
I'm also in Japan and have played today.Have the servers been down for anyone else?
I'm playing in JP and haven't been able to connect starting yesterday.
I've had that happen to me more than once quite easily, just make sure you're playing Warzone and eventually someone will hit you with a tranq dart and get killed by a teammate before they can interrogate you.
Yup, just got mine
I'm also in Japan and have played today.