Gold Member

What Is It?
"Intercept" is the co-op expansion for PS4 launch title Killzone: Shadow Fall. More details and info can be found on the official PlayStation Blog.
How much?
Free with the $19.99 season pass, $9.99 as DLC, or $19.99 as a standalone now. Additional map packs will be available for the expansion.
How does it work?
As you kill bad guys and hold key points on the map, you earn points. The more points you hold over time, collectively as a group, the more of a multiplier you get which increases the number of points you earn each tick.
To win, you need to hit X total points as a team.
Should a team member die, though, all points he or she was holding are lost. The only way to save them is to bank them at the central base. Banked points can then be used to buy bonuses and upgrades which help your team survive.
The trick here is that these points, this currency, is the same point balance that determines the win condition, and banking points reduces your team's point earning multiplier. Every bonus you buy directly affects your proximity to meeting the win condition, and as time goes on, the enemies get harder, faster, better, strong.
This creates a unique and compelling risk vs reward game, and the result is a mode that really requires all four people to coordinate what and when they're banking and buying. It's a bit hectic at first, but when it clicks, it's super satisfying.
Classes and Progression

Each of the classes has a number of gun unlocks which can be acquired by completing challenges and earning points across games.
How many players?
Four players online only, no split screen and no bots.
What's this about a standalone release?
The mode will be released as a standalone game, which does not require the original disc / download, in August 2014 for $19.99.
PSN IDs and Availability
- FrankCaron: 6-10 pm EST
- Murdy_Plops (don't judge)
- LastGamer84
- Das_Mookid
- hi-fi_famicom
- hat_00
The Good
So I just put in a few hours with the Killzone: Shadow Fall co-op expansion that dropped today. This was actually my main reason for picking the game and season pass up; I love horde modes, and it seemed like Guerilla was investing in a solid one.
Sure enough, Intercept has some really nifty mechanics that I think make it stand out amongst the likes of Gears' Horde mode and Zombies.
Mainly, the "win" condition and upgrade system make it compelling.
Admittedly the game's progression system hurts this mode a bit, as guns are unlocked by meta unlocks across games, which means noob players are pretty hampered. I almost wish they'd done what Treyarch did with Ghosts' "Extinction", limiting gun unlocks to the same game.
All told, though, this mode is awesome, and I think it'll do quite well as a standalone - especially if it's sub $15.
You didn't mean to actually play coop with a friend did you?Talk about frustrating, friend of mine and I kept trying last night but kept blue screening. Only thing that worked was one join and the other join off them. Using the option join never worked. We had like one or two good games then blue screened mid match and said fk it. I really liked what we could play though. The bosses coming in was unexpected.
This is an absolute blast.
The classes are all great fun to use, and the particular spread of powers and special items are so much better balanced in a co-op setup. The only thing I'd change is to make the medic's resupply crates last longer. There have been plenty of times where I've seen a medic place a supply crate just before we rush to retake a control point and by the time we come back from that skirmish its disappeared. Preferably they'd stay until their supply was used up rather than being on a timer.
Coop is great ! Have a blast to play it with friends. Love how the music kicks in when a special foe appears. Shit can get really intense. Sweating hands after 30min. is not unusual lol. And i think the Coop uses the SP rendering in full 1080p glory. Seems lesser blurry then the MP (and only 30FPS?). Good work so far Guerrilla. Kudos for that.
The Bad
Netcode was not good. Very laggy.
UI is horrendous for co-op. Readability is terrible and I can hardly see what is what onscreen.
I found the experience confusing and I wasn't sure what the actual objective was. Do I capture links? Do I just shoot the enemies? What is the end game?
The Ugly
Last I looked there was like...122 people playing.![]()
PlayStation Blog Release Post
E3 Trailer
What You Need To Know Trailer
Tutorial Video
- Re-rolled the thread into the unofficial OT (June 25)
- Updated the impressions and added more PSN ideas (June 26)
- Updated in lieu of the standalone release (August 6)