They gotta buff the Limpet Grenades >_>
Those things are useless
What do they do? They're description doesn't make sense to me.
They gotta buff the Limpet Grenades >_>
Those things are useless
What do they do? They're description doesn't make sense to me.
I wouldn't mind a blast radius nerf.
What do they do? They're description doesn't make sense to me.
I assume quick throw stickies?
From my observation, they seem to be more powerful than fraggers with a smaller blast radius. Much more accurate too.
Hey guys. Haven't been keeping up with this thread, but are there many Gaf games happening? Getting this with my PS4 when it's out here on Friday, in the UK. Seems like the kind of game that's improved vastly by playing as a team, so I'd love to get in on any group stuff going around.
You know the problem? Revive= automatic free grenade refill. Quite nonsense
Wow, I didn't know that. They definitely need to take that away if that's the case. In the meantime, I'm going to spam grenades when I revive.
Not only that, but it reloads your weapon as well...
Not only that, but it reloads your weapon as well...
Not at all. Feels very responsive.So is there a lot of input lag in the MP?
I made a request to implement proxy chat (being able to hear/chat with the enemy team based on AOE) like KZ2. Can you guys sign in with you're PSN accounts and lend three votes to the cause?
Looks like clan support, better hip fire, and Team VOIP will be a sure thing. All are the top suggestions ATM. Also believe fixing the scoreboard and better sized MP icons/text is already in the works.
You can also suggest your own things. You have 7 points total to spend.
So is there a lot of input lag in the MP?
Voted with 3 points, proximity chat rules.
Voted with 3 points, proximity chat rules.
Anyone suggest a wider FOV?
You have my sword.I made a request to implement proxy chat (being able to hear/chat with the enemy team based on AOE) like KZ2. Can you guys sign in with you're PSN accounts and lend three votes to the cause?
Looks like clan support, better hip fire, and Team VOIP will be a sure thing. All are the top suggestions ATM. Also believe fixing the scoreboard and better sized MP icons/text is already in the works.
You can also suggest your own things. You have 7 points total to spend.
Anyone suggest a wider FOV?
Just droppin by to say I hate you guys.(I'm so jealous!)
Is there a hardcore mode in MP?
Yea primarily TDM. Base super turrets won't attack until you're very close to the gates, so teams obviously take to setting up just out of range. It's very difficult for whoever happens to draw the short stick to gain any ground on some of the maps as a couple turrets and players behind shields can hold a base exit for large portions of a match. People do the same thing in objectives, but on a smaller scale and in spells. In regards to visual effects, I wasn't referring to the autonomous drone as much as some of the other abilities, but it does have a very small aggro range and seems to go down in 2 or 3 hits. That would seem to suggest it was intended for more mobile play styles, which is problematic as detailed. FWIW, I don't want a vanilla military shooter. I like the classes and abilities, they just need to be balanced. I don't think I'm the only person to call a lot of this stuff out.
I have. Made a lot of suggestions in a major GAF post and sent them to the devs. Both the official Twitter and the tech director thanked me and forwarded them.Anyone suggest a wider FOV?
Hey guys. Haven't been keeping up with this thread, but are there many Gaf games happening? Getting this with my PS4 when it's out here on Friday, in the UK. Seems like the kind of game that's improved vastly by playing as a team, so I'd love to get in on any group stuff going around.
I really wish I could see an in-game list of all players that shows kills, deaths, assists and their current class. The in-game and in-between game UI is kind of terrible.
Ilúvatar;91273936 said:I actually like how the UI is setup, I think they just made some very unorthodox design decisions. For example, the scoreboard is not at all ideal, and not even being able to see my Kills/Deaths is very strange.
I really wish I could see an in-game list of all players that shows kills, deaths, assists and their current class. The in-game and in-between game UI is kind of terrible.
Does it not show K/D in deathmatch? They don't show it in Warzone because they don't want ppl to be distracted by K/D ratio in an objective game. Though I think they should show it at the end of the game.
Aside from the obvious,
1) Hipfire buff (though I fear this would result in a need to rebalance it will need to be thoroughly tested. I like the gun balance currently, but hipfire is literally useless in any situation)
2) There should absolutely be a way to knock out enemies when they are downed, like in past Killzone games. It's way too silly that enemies can lie on the ground forever until they are respawned. Or, at the very least, grenade blasts, in addition to brutal melees and headshots should invalidate their opportunity to revive. This may not be an issue at all if you fix #3, which I find to be the culprit.
3) Revives should NOT resupply ANY ammo!! Especially grenades. It makes Supply boxes absolutely useless...
4) Supply boxes need to be visible on map. They need to be a much more viable support ability, but it will never be used with how contradictory the current health regeneration and "revive and resupply" is. On top of all this, actually bothering to go through the animation of getting ammo and health is much too inconvenient. In Killzone 2/3, resupply boxes were all around the map in fixed positions, allowing players to gear up before engaging. But by making it portable in Shadow Fall, people aren't going to bother in the thick of battle when they can just auto-regenerate health in seconds and have their ammo resupplied with revives.
-I assume players can drop supply boxes and then change their ability while having the supply boxes stay on the map (like spawn beacons, turrets, and other abilities). Not sure if this is how it works, but if not, players should be able to drop supply boxes and have them stay on the map for an extended period (maybe 2x longer than that of Spawn Beacons).
-This way, ammo boxes are encouraged and equally important as the other support abilities. As of now, they are rather useless and undermined by revives.
5) Assassination mode. I wont give up on this and am sad that more people aren't asking for it.
6) Party members should absolutely be colour-coded with individual colours on the minimap. Not just blue. Use as many colours as there are players in your party.
7) I wouldn't mind buffing the Spoor. Not in terms of damage, but Rate of Fire. Unlike Killzone 3, since snipers can't be invisible while firing guns, there shouldn't be an issue with buffing this gun to be a viable weapon.
8) PLEASE: HAVE AUTO-BALANCE AND MINIMUM PLAYER REQUIREMENT! Or at least don't punish me for quitting from lousy matchmaking.
Quitting games that throw us into lopsided matches (I'm talking about insane 7 vs. 2 matches) should NOT be punished with a loss.
Nor is it fair to throw us in games where you are playing 1v1 or with JUST YOURSELF. The online population is so shockingly low that I dare not bother loading up playlists that have like 20 players in them, because I'm too afraid of being thrown into a server with just myself. You guys need to tighten up the way you guys fill up servers here.
New rounds of matches should balance teams when starting a round where a group quits. For example, you may play game #1 where it's 7v7, then you stick around for the next map, only to have everyone else on your team quit... leaving you in a 7v1 situation.
Balance the teams, obviously without splitting members who are in a friend party. And if you can't do that, then don't make the match count as a ranked match, or reset the actual map when enough players join. Because it's nonsense trying to hold back a whole team, praying that enough players join your team, when by then, the enemy team has already gained like 2 points.
9) If you aren't going to make 12v12 warzone the default, at least increase 7v7 to 9v9. I feel like this may be a better balance for the size of the maps, which sometimes feel too big when you hold back on player limit. I assume you are holding back because 12v12 may be too overwhelming for new players/map size.
10) Please bring back Salamun Market![]()
Now when people have had the time to try the game out for some time I'd love to hear a verdict on the DS4 triggers. Are they good enough for competitive FPS multiplayer or are people going with the L1/R1 setup? Would love to hear from someone who played/plays FPS games with the 360/ONE controller.
PS4 controller > 360 controller for FPSes. And I've been using the 360 controller since late 2005 when it first came out. PS4 controller is the best controller I've ever used, even though the 360 controller is a close 2nd.
Cool! And you use the L2-aim and R2-fire as well?
I totally disagree with the idea that hipfire needs to be buffed. That is just crazy talk IMO.