YEAHYOUDID! And I saw that. Impressive. Knocked me off my perch, tooI was on fire last night. Good times.
I remember after a couple of successful rounds, I decided to cease my valiant spawn beacon efforts and turret it up a bit on the Station. Lo and behold, the start we had was noticeably underwhelming in comparison. I don't mind at all when players like you are more than pulling their weight with kills and getting amongst it, but it's annoying to see your team become so complacent and not give a shit that spawns aren't being thrown down.
Why do you think we were dominating, guys? Why?
Yeah we did terribly on the Station at the beginning. I do remember putting a spawn beacon at the beginning but I'm pretty sure no one used it. I sprinted all the way to their spawn at the beginning and then I had to run back to our spawn because that was where all the action was.
I was semi-AFK for the first few games and you were on top every time, lol.