People, I need your help. I don't know why or how I've encountered a nasty bug. I was replaying the game for the fourth time (I like a lot the campaign and I'm trying to get all the collectibles without using a guide) when in the part (Chapter 9, section 2) when you defend Echo while she is hacking a terminal, and you have to hack two doors to close them, in the second one, the two air drones that spawn are invincible

. I've checked several times, replaying the section in all difficulties, and always its the same. And I've never had this problem before. Anyone knows/has suffered this bug? Its very annoying because I'm also playing the multiplayer and I wanted to try to get the Platinum, but with this bug I can't complete that section and I have 2 deaths that I have to reduce to zero in order to get the no deaths trophy.