Yet people keep posting they are unimpressed with the graphics... can't wait to get home from work and see for myself.
how can ppl not be impressed with the graphics. the IQ, 60 fps and all this crap exploding and particle effects. it looks amazing
The critics can go fuck their jaded, contrarian ass selves. This game is good. Damn good. Hell, even Knack is solid too.
What the hell is wrong with them?
Yet people keep posting they are unimpressed with the graphics... can't wait to get home from work and see for myself.
This game looks and sounds amazing. So good. Everything. Getting used to openness, but man I am having a blast. Just hope there's a big scale war moment.... though the leisure pace is a nice change from something like COD
Just shoot things.This is my launch game but I've never played a killzone game before. Am I gonna be lost?
I haven't been reading this thread - what's the consensus amongst people here who've actually put some time into the game? I really don't trust the gaming press where Shadow Fall is concerned, at all.
This is my launch game but I've never played a killzone game before. Am I gonna be lost?
You'll likely get plenty of responses here, but in the meantime I'd recommend Jim Sterling's review.
Doesn't work right now for me.Where are the screenshots?!
Press that goddamn Share button already.
Where are the screenshots?!
Press that goddamn Share button already.
Where are the screenshots?!
Press that goddamn Share button already.
You will die a lot at first,until you get use to the controls,the touchpad and the checkpoints and finding those alarm that you need to disable with the little flying thing...
Haha I meant lost story wise.Just shoot things.
No offense, but Jim Sterling is the last person whose opinion I would listen to.
No offense, but Jim Sterling is the last person whose opinion I would listen to.
Gotta be the PC crowd, mostly. I think people coming from 100% PS360 background are floored, PC folk not so much as they're pretty used to it already. I expect to be pretty floored myself being almost exclusively PS3 this gen.
Everyone's too busy playing.Lack of images/gifs is disappointing in this thread. Come on guys post some new images from play through (no spoilers of course)![]()
The plot of the game makes absolutely no sense. At the end of KZ3, Helghan is utterly decimated. So where is the leverage coming from that would make the Vektans just give up half of their country? On top of that, why would any truce allow Helghast to remain MILITARIZED? And why would any third-party enforced truce not ensure safe passage over the wall?
It's a game so I really don't give a shit but it makes NO SENSE
The plot of the game makes absolutely no sense. At the end of KZ3, Helghan is utterly decimated. So where is the leverage coming from that would make the Vektans just give up half of their country? On top of that, why would any truce allow Helghast to remain MILITARIZED? And why would any third-party enforced truce not ensure safe passage over the wall?
It's a game so I really don't give a shit but it makes NO SENSE
The plot of the game makes absolutely no sense. At the end of KZ3, Helghan is utterly decimated. So where is the leverage coming from that would make the Vektans just give up half of their country? On top of that, why would any truce allow Helghast to remain MILITARIZED? And why would any third-party enforced truce not ensure safe passage over the wall?
It's a game so I really don't give a shit but it makes NO SENSE
Lack of images/gifs is disappointing in this thread. Come on guys post some new images from play through (no spoilers of course)![]()
The plot of the game makes absolutely no sense. At the end of KZ3, Helghan is utterly decimated. So where is the leverage coming from that would make the Vektans just give up half of their country? On top of that, why would any truce allow Helghast to remain MILITARIZED? And why would any third-party enforced truce not ensure safe passage over the wall?
It's a game so I really don't give a shit but it makes NO SENSE
The plot of the game makes absolutely no sense. At the end of KZ3, Helghan is utterly decimated. So where is the leverage coming from that would make the Vektans just give up half of their country? On top of that, why would any truce allow Helghast to remain MILITARIZED? And why would any third-party enforced truce not ensure safe passage over the wall?
It's a game so I really don't give a shit but it makes NO SENSE
The plot of the game makes absolutely no sense. At the end of KZ3, Helghan is utterly decimated. So where is the leverage coming from that would make the Vektans just give up half of their country? On top of that, why would any truce allow Helghast to remain MILITARIZED? And why would any third-party enforced truce not ensure safe passage over the wall?
It's a game so I really don't give a shit but it makes NO SENSE
The critics can go fuck their jaded, contrarian ass selves. This game is good. Damn good. Hell, even Knack is solid too.
What the hell is wrong with them?
Some quick screens I just took:
Those do not look like PNGs to me.
It's still in and always available after melee kills.Quick question, in the first reveal there was this animation where the Shadow Marshal did a death from above on a guard then threw the knife on another one, kinda similar to Far Cry 3, Is that feature still in there ?!, is it as useable as in Far Cry 3 or is it very limited or something ?!